
Blogger Meet

No, not an organized one. I'm on my way to meet Calpundit and his mother, who are in Denver doing geneological research. We've never met, so this will be fun. More later.

Update: Kevin Drum, aka Calpundit, is personable, handsome and very smart. He looks exactly like his picture on his blog, only happier. Since we read his blog every day, we've seen that picture about 300 times, so seeing him in person for the first time is like seeing an old friend. His mother is delightful as well. We chatted for a little over an hour--about blogs, individual bloggers (anyone's ears burning yet?), politics, our real lives and more. We think he's a little more liberal than his blog makes him out to be--by design. If you aren't already a steady reader of Calpundit, you should be.

After leaving Kevin and his mom, we had the opportunity to meet Colorado's Governor Bill Owens for the first time. He was doing the Fox segment after our's. Owens is a staunch Republican, and very tough on crime. He has a well-known, purposeful habit of appointing ex-prosecutors to the bench. Apparently, he doesn't trust us defense attorneys. Still, it was fun to meet him and he couldn't have been nicer (although we were on good behavior as well.) He told us he saw our tv segment and that we did a good job, especially when we mentioned that a gag order in the Peterson case would be beneficial in stemming police leaks. (Owens knows all about police leaks from the JonBenet Ramsey investigation.) We told him he was doing a good job as governor but we'd like to see him move a little to the left on crime issues.

Gov. Owens looked very healthy and happy too--maybe its the moon or something in the Colorado air, but all the men we've seen today, from our client at court this morning to Calpundit and the Governor all seemed to radiate good health and good feelings.

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