
Denver Rejects Smoking Ban

Kudos to Denver officials for rejecting a proposed restaurant smoking ban. Colorado has the lowest obesity rate in the country. It is filled with "physically fit, health-conscious hikers and bikers."

So why the objection to smoking which is definitely an unhealthy habit?

''Western individualism is often a strength in this region,'' said Daniel Kemmis, director of the Center for the Rocky Mountain West at the University of Montana and a former Missoula, Mont., mayor. ''I'd be surprised if any interior Western state would pass a statewide smoking ban.''

Enough already with governmental regulation of our bodies. And with feel-good plans that will further hurt the economy by driving people out of major cities forcing bars and restaurants to lay people off or close.

Opponents of a ban say the measure would have sent smokers to the suburbs and is the last thing Denver's struggling economy needs. The city is facing a $50 million budget deficit and expects to lay off scores of workers.

''There's a lot of people who are on the edge and we don't want to push these people over the edge and out of business,'' said Cindy Weindling of the Colorado Restaurant Association.

June's unemployment rate was the highest in nine years--6.4%. Unemployment rose by 913,000 in the past three months alone. The private sector, which includes bars and restaurants, has been especially hard hit. Smoking bans just add to the problem.

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