
Sniper Suspect Sues to Delay Police Chief's Book

Lawyers for the accused sniper suspect John Muhammad have sued in federal court to postpone publication of a former police chief's book about the case:

In a request filed in federal court, attorney Thomas Mann said Montgomery County Police Chief Charles Moose has ''strategically planned the launch of his book just prior to Muhammad's trial in an attempt to obtain as much money as possible from the results of his official investigation.''

''Muhammad will suffer irreparable harm in the nature of ... a feeding frenzy conjured by Moose through press tours, television interviews and other publicity-oriented endeavors,'' the attorney said.

The book is scheduled to be released September 15, and Muhammad's trial begins in October. Controversy has dogged this book since the beginning. It is unfathomable to us that a law enforcement officer would try to profit off an accused before trial. We will not mention the title of the book in protest. We refuse to even inadvertantly cause anyone to buy it.

Moose signed a book deal in January with publisher E.P. Dutton for a reported $170,000 advance. The county ethics commission later forbade him to write the book, saying that he would be misusing his office for profit and that he might be tempted to disclose confidential information. Moose resigned on June 28, saying he was forced to choose between his job and the book.

Good riddance.

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