
Candidate Roll Call

Daily Kos' Cattle Call is up. Interesting to see we agree on the candidates moving up: Dean, Kerry, Edwards and even Kucinich--as well as those going south. We also agree with his views on Wesley Clark. As to Joe Biden, we say, forget about it. Al Sharpton would beat him. We're not forgetting or forgiving the (formerly named) Rave Act tacked on at the last minute to the Amber Alert bill --and that's for starters. Not to mention that he's also part of the "old boy" network, like Lieberman and Gephardt. We don't want him as a VP either.

We want someone with refreshing, new ideas and a passion for civil rights and individual liberties -- and for ending miscarriages of justice. We're not quite sure who that is yet--it appears to be an evolving process. Particularly since our ideals have to be blended into the bottom line, best summed up as "You can't always get what you want" (Rolling Stones) and "Anyone But Bush in 2004.

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