
Is the Air Force Rape Court-Martial Just a Show Trial?

Colorado journalist and blogger Dave Cullen, writing for Slate, says that the Air Force Academy's sexual assault court martial proceeding against cadet Douglas Meester may just be a show trial.

Meester appears increasingly like a convenient scapegoat. After Meester's Article 32 hearing in May—the military analogue of a grand jury—the presiding investigating officer found the charges so flimsy that he recommended the court-martial be scuttled. And Weida's own legal adviser, Staff Judge Advocate Col. James Moody, advised the commandant of the court-martial's futility in a June memo: "To be frank, the rape and forcible sodomy charges are unlikely to result in findings of guilty."

Since the article went up on the web, Dave has received a torrent of hate mail.

But the pleasant military responses were not half as surprising as the level of venom coming from a lot of young men and women. Many staunchly believe that if you have sex with a drunk woman you're automatically a rapist. I find that perplexing. Then with all the people hooking up at singles bars, getting drunk and going home together, all the men are rapists? And what are the women?

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