
Canada to Sell Pot to Medically Ill

Canada will become the first country in the world to sell pot to the medically ill.

Ottawa announced in July 2001 that some patients would be able to use marijuana provided by the government. But plans to grow official pot hit a series of snags, prompting a court in Ontario to give Ottawa until July 10 to come up with a solution.

The 582 sufferers granted dispensation from criminal laws to use the drug will be able to buy dried marijuana for C$5 ($3.70) a gram (0.04 oz) -- about half the current black market rate -- or a pack of 30 seeds for $20 so they can grow their own plants.

"Although this interim policy can be amended or suspended at any time, it is anticipated that it will remain in effect until ... (Ottawa's) roles and responsibilities with respect to a supply of marijuana for medical purposes have been clarified by the courts," the health ministry said in a statement.

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