
Say Hello

Say hello to new blog Public Defender Dude, which as the title implies, is written by a public defender. It's very good. We like that PDdude includes both his thoughts on being a public defender and on the criminal justice system, as well as some details of his cases and workdays.

The rantings of a Public Defender constantly fighting against society's pervasive Police Industrial Complex. Enjoy the unique perspective of one who's life's work is to fight the system through the system....

This blog is not only about the criminal justice system. Us Public Defenders tend to be anti-establishment and have strong views on a variety of subjects, most of these views would be at odds with much of the rest of society, but they would tend to be very logical and well thought out views.

New to us, but not blogtopia (yes, Skippy coined that word,) is Chief Wiggles, who writes from Iraq. The Chief is in the Army National Guard, currently stationed in Iraq. Scott Evensoen, the blog's administrator says,

When the war began, the Chief would send his journal entries to family and friends via email. This got to be quite cumbersome, so while he was back here on hardship leave over his mother’s death, I talked to him about setting up a blog. He agreed if I would administer it for him and thus, Chief Wiggles—Straight from Iraq began.

We especially like the pictures from Iraq. Here's a news article about the blog.

Our blog move to a new hosting company is complete. Some comments from yesterday may not appear as they are still on the old server. Also, from time to time the old version shows up instead of the new because the files are currently on both servers. Once we make sure nothing is missing, we will have the files removed from the first server.

A note about comments: Sometimes they take a long time to post to the servers and we're not sure why. We'll try to figure it out. Also, if you put a url in your comment, you have to use the html code as set out in the comment box. Otherwise it skews the site and we will delete it. Your comment remains, just not the url.

Thanks for your patience.

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