
Arnold and 'U.S. English'

Jeanne D'Arc of Body and Soul , "dissenting slightly" with Kevin Drum at Calpundit, explains why Arnold Schwarzenegger's support of the group U.S. English is a problem.

Put aside, for a moment, the fact that "English only" laws -- the focus of the group's work -- don't serve to encourage immigrants to learn English (ESL classes in most places are packed full), but rather to restrict the government's ability to communicate with and provide services to non-English-speaking residents. Beyond that, U.S. English is hardly a benign organization. Its co-founder, John Tanton, founded or helped fund at least 13 anti-immigration groups, three of which the Southern Poverty Law Center lists as "hate groups," including this charming collection of vigilantes. Tanton's no longer associated with U.S. English, but one of their current spokesmen is James Lubinskas, a contributing editor to the neo-Confederate American Renaissance magazine.

Jeanne has lots more.... We agree with her. Arnold should disassociate himself from the group. We're also troubled by Arnold's support for Proposition 187, the 1994 California referendum that resulted in illegal immigrants being denied government benefits.

Right now polls show Arnold and Bustamente are running neck and neck. We agree with Kevin that this issue alone will not cause Arnold to lose since he only needs a small percentage of voters to win. But as a symbolic gesture, his withdrawal from the board of U.S. English would be most welcome.

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