
Around the Bloggerhood

Markos of Daily Kos racks up the well-deserved compliments:

Christopher Lydon Interviews Markos Moulitsas Zuniga aka Daily Kos. [via Lisa English of Ruminate This]

Daily Kos also gets a great compliment from journalist and Salon and New York Observer columnist, Joe Conason, who also is the author of the hot new liberal book, Big Lies.

We had dinner with Kos and his very pregnant and beautiful wife Elisa (and New Yorker writer and CNN legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin) last week at a vegetarian restaurant in the Mission District of San Francisco. We won't be surprised if Toobin decides to write about Kos too. For newer TalkLeft readers, Kos spent untold hours designing this site and we are forever indebted to him.

Eric Alterman's new Nation column Patriotic Gore invites the British media, particularly the Guardian which is exploring a stateside version of the paper, to "come over and deliver to our media the kick in the arse they have worked so hard to deserve."

Skippy is keeping track of our dying soldiers in Iraq, with words not numbers. He's also changed his endorsement for California Governor.

Pacific Views tells us the Bush Campaign is reaching out to Bloggers. "The site will feature canned e-mail."

Denver journalist Dave Cullen, author of Conclusive Evidence has become the blog of record on gay marriage.

Jeanne at Body and Soul has all the important links to the investigation into the Reuters cameraman's killing by U.S. troops in Iraq.

Politics in the Zeros tells us about the Petition to stop John Ashcroft--on Howard Dean's blog.

Today, John Ashcroft begins a national tour promoting an extension of the USA Patriot Act. Sign the petition to stop Ashcroft's erosion of our civil rights. Add your name to the Stop Ashcroft petition, and pass it on to your friends, family, and co-workers. We will deliver your names and your comments to the Attorney General.

Now that's a good sign. Go read and add your e-signature.

< Jamaica Wants to Bring Back Hangings | Ashcroft Speaks in DC Today >
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