
Passengers Sue Jet Blue Over Data Release

A group of passengers has sued Jet Blue Airways in court in Utah for disclosing passenger data.

The suit, filed Monday, follows JetBlue's acknowledgment last week that, in violation of its own privacy policy, it had given information from about 5 million passenger records to Torch Concepts of Huntsville, Ala. Torch produced a study, "Homeland Security: Airline Passenger Risk Assessment," that was purported to help the government improve military base security. The class-action lawsuit, filed in Utah's 3rd District Court, alleges fraudulent misrepresentation, breach of contract and invasion of privacy.

Meanwhile, EPIC has filed a complaint against the company alleging deceptive trade practices with the FTC.

We've never flown Jet Blue but everyone we know who has says it's the best of the low cost airlines. The company has apologized for the data release, and stated that it provided "name, address and phone number, along with flight information, but absolutely no payment or credit card information."

The lawyer for the plaintiffs in the Utah suit has said,

"We got the sense that Mr. Neeleman wanted to make this right, so we commented in our lawsuit that we wanted to pursue the matter, but not in a way that would damage the financial viability of the company. It's a good company," McConkie said.

Then why seek compensatory damages? Why not seek a permanent injunction preventing them from doing it again? Between compensatory damages and legal fees to defend the lawsuits, Jet Blue will suffer.....which usually means airfares will rise, and that hurts the consumer. Bad move.

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