
Freedom Ride Underway

900 immigrants are boarding buses for a national Freedom Ride to raise the country's awareness on problems facing immigrants in the U.S.

Taking a page from the civil rights movement of the 1960s, the Immigrant Workers Freedom Ride kicked off Saturday in 10 cities throughout the country, with 18 buses making planned stops in more than 100 communities.

Participants plan to hold rallies calling for improved workplace protections and recognition of immigrants' civil rights, regardless of their legal status. Buses are leaving from Seattle; Portland, Ore.; San Francisco; Los Angeles; Las Vegas; Houston; Minneapolis; Chicago; Miami; and Boston.

Destinations include Washington, D.C., for meetings with members of Congress on Oct. 1, and New York, where organizers hope to draw 100,000 supporters to an Oct. 4 rally.

The idea for the symbolic ride was developed in July 2001 by leaders of the Hotel Employees and Restaurant Employees International Union. After decades of considering new arrivals as adversaries, many unions now seek to organize even illegal immigrants, whose lower pay and lack of worker protections threaten to reduce standards across the board.

If they are coming to your city, go out and cheer them--and listen to what they have to say. From the Freedom Ride website:

Just as the Freedom Rides of the early 1960’s exposed the brutality of legal segregation in the South, the Immigrant Workers Freedom Ride will expose the injustice of current policies toward immigrants.

Immigrant workers work hard, pay taxes, and sacrifice for their families. They work as construction workers, doctors, nurses, janitors, meat packers, chefs, busboys, engineers, farm workers, and soldiers. They care for our children, tend to our elderly, pick and serve our food, build and clean our houses, and want what we all want: a fair shot at the American Dream.

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