
Report: Air Force Leadership Blasted Over Sexual Assaults

More bad news for the leadership of the Air Force: a new report says they knew of the sexual assault problems at the Academy and failed to respond:

An investigative panel's report, released this afternoon, says that Air Force leaders at the Pentagon and the Air Force Academy knew about sexual assault problems at the school for years, but failed to respond. The independent commission, led by former U.S. Rep. Tillie Fowler, documented numerous failures by senior Air Force leaders. “The failure of the academy and Air Force Headquarters to respond aggressively and in a timely and committed way to eliminate causes of serious problems was a failure of leadership,’’ the commission’s report said. “Those responsible should be held accountable.’’

The full report is available here. Journalist Dave Cullen at Conclusive Evidence has been on this story since the beginning. Head over and see what he has to say about the new report.

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