
Wesley Clark's Campaign Manager Quits

Update: Former Clinton advisor Eli Segel has been named Clark's new campaign manager.

Donnnie Fowler, manager of Wesley Clark's presidential campaign, quit today, reportedly over differences in the direction the campaign should take.

Donnie Fowler told associates he was leaving over widespread concerns that supporters who used the Internet to draft Clark into the race are not being taken seriously by top campaign advisers. Fowler also complained that the campaign's message and methods are focused too much on Washington, not key states, said two associates who spoke on condition of anonymity.

Fowler has been at odds with communications adviser Mark Fabiani of California and policy adviser Ron Klain of Washington. All three are veterans of Al Gore's 2000 presidential campaign, part of a large group of Clinton-Gore activists hired by Clark as he entered the race Sept. 17.

From the start, there has been tension between the campaign's political professionals and the draft-Clark supporters, many of whom consider computer-savvy Fowler their ally.

To get look at the internet supporters, visit ClarkSphere and DraftClark.com and the WesleyClark Weblog. To see the direction the Washington campaign staff has moved, check out the official Wesley Clark weblog which launched this week.

Here's Daily Kos on the Fowler resignation:

Clark is a potentially exciting candidate, with the ability to grow our base and neutralize GOP advantages on military and national security issues. But he aligned himself with the wrong crowd. Period.

As a former member of the draft movement, I have many friends within the movement who were tossed aside by the Fabiani team like rag dolls.

And more importantly, I believe strongly in the concept of netroots participatory democracy. Dean is Exhibit A of how technology can be used to let people take control of the political process. The Draft Movement was Exhibit B. Was.

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