
New Anti-Drug Ads to Use Sarcasm

These ought to do the trick. The new anti-marijuana ads produced by the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy and the Partnership for a Drug- Free America, will utilize sarcasm.

The effort launches with a pair of 30-second spots. In "Pool," a toddler carries an inflatable raft to a swimming pool and places it in the water. As she teeters on the edge, a voiceover says: "Just tell her parents you weren't watching her because you were getting stoned. They'll understand."

The other ad, "Pick Up," shows a group of young boys leaving a baseball field. One sits on the curb, waiting to be picked up, as day turns to dusk. The voiceover says, "Just tell your little brother that you forgot to pick him up because you were getting stoned. He'll understand."

You will not only be subjected to the "Pool" ad on tv, but at the movies, around Thanksgiving time.

Executive creative director Mark Monteiro said DDB chose to use the notion of disappointing friends and family as "the motivating consequence" of smoking marijuana. "It comes up in research over and over again as being incredibly important to [teens]," said Shaw, adding that they are particularly concerned about being role models to younger siblings.

How much are we paying for this nonsense?

The House of Representatives is proposing $150 million, the Senate $100 million. The House is expected to set a date for a conference hearing on the issue by the end of this week, said an appropriations committee staffer.

Legislators have been critical of the campaign's effectiveness. "ONDCP needs to produce evidence that there is a decrease in drug use specifically because of the campaign itself," said the staffer, adding that an ongoing study funded by the House has shown "no direct causational link."

Source: Ad Week (subscription)
Author: Rebecca Flass
Published: October 27, 2003
Copyright: 2003 VNU eMedia
Contact: info@adweek.com

Surely this money could be better utilized elsewhere. Let your elected officials know how you feel about spending large funds for reefer madness campaigns. Call the toll-free congressional switchboard at 1-800-839-5276. Find your elected officials here.

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