
Expose of Republican Pork-Barreling

Last month we wrote about Rep. David Obey (D-WI), the top-ranking Democrat on the Appropriations Committee, and his call for Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz to resign.

Via Tom Paine.com, Rep. Obey makes news again today with a letter to the Chairman of the Subcommittee on Labor-Health and Human Services-Education, outlining how the Republicans are using the old pork barrel technique to stymie the legislative proposals of Democrats who don't vote their way. Obey charges the Republicans are creating

....a slush fund to intimidate members into voting against adequate funds for programs that they believe are important for the American people. The clear message is that if you support the Republican cuts in education, health research and assistance to seniors, you will get projects to help with your reelection. If you vote your conscience and support more funding for education and health you will get stiffed. This is nothing more than systematic bribery with public funds to enforce the "Robin Hood in reverse" policies of your party.

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