
Atrios Thanks His Lawyer

Atrios thanks his lawyer who helped him with the Donald Luskin threat to expose his identity and sue him. It is none other than Alabama lawyer Sam Heldman, who writes the blog Ignatz, currently on hiatus. Great job, Sam.

Atrios will be donating his paypal donations for six weeks to a very worthy organization--the Equal Justice Initiative of Alabama, which provides quality legal representation to those on death row and those without funds to retain counsel. Alabama is a nasty Southern state when it comes to the rights of the accused. Give all you can. You can give directly to EJI by mailing a check to them (let Atrios know because he's keeping a tally):

Equal Justice Initiative of Alabama
122 Commerce Street
Montgomery, AL 36104

Atrios, you're a mensch. And, of course, so is Sam.

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