
Enron: Lea Fastow May Take Deal

Lea Fastow, indicted wife of Enron's former financial chief Andrew Fastow, may be seeking a plea deal. Speculation has it she would agree to serve five months, so she could be out and home with the kids by the time her husband's trial begins.

There was a hearing today in the case on Mrs. Fastow's motion to change venue outside of Houston. Mrs. Fastow is represented by one of the country's finest defense lawyers, Mike DeGeurin of Houston.

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Across town today, Mike's brother, Dick DeGuerin, another of this country's stellar criminal defense lawyers, is waiting out a verdict in the murder trial of NY real estate heir Robert Durtz.

No, we didn't spell their names wrong. They spell their last names differently. Both used to practice with the late, legendary Texas lawyer, Percy Foreman. They are two of our all-time defense heros.

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