
Search Warrant Executed at Michael Jackson's Ranch

This comes as a surprise....police executed a search warrant today at Michael Jackson's Neverland Ranch in California.

Police won't disclose the reasons for the search or what they are searching for, but there is speculation it could be connected to the investigation into the alleged illegal wiretapping activities of private investigator Anthony Pellicano. Pellicano worked for Jackson during Jackson's past abuse investigation. He began serving a jail sentence on unrelated charges yesterday.

Update: Court TV now reports that the search is related to a new sexual abuse investigation recently lodged by a 13 year old boy. Fox says the boy is 12 and there is an ambulance at the scene.

Update: Court TV's Diane Dimond is reporting on the scene. The ranch isn't in midtown Manhattan--or downtown LA. It's outside Santa Barbara. How did she get there so fast? She must have known the raid was going to happen. Court TV is billing her reports as "exlcusive." Here's another connection: Diane disclosed last week that she had told federal investigators about Pellicano's illegal taping of her calls when she was covering the 1993 Michael Jackson sex abuse investigation for Hard Copy.

Update: This article says that Jackson and his kids have been in Las Vegas for the past three weeks.

Update: Jackson's attorney Brian Oxman confirms the search involves molestation accusations by a 12 year old boy and that the investigation has been ongoing for months:

"The investigation is about a 12-year-old boy. This involves a molestation allegation," Oxman said in a statement. "Sheriff's deputies have been investigating this case for months. There's been an ambulance that has already come and gone. And there is a forensics van, on the scene. Here we go again. This is insane."

For our latest update on Pellicano, go here.

Update: We'll be discussing the Michael Jackson search on Hannity and Colmes tonight, following the discussion on the Scott Peterson case.

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