
Scott Peterson to Stand Trial

The four week long preliminary hearing of Scott Peterson ended today with a Judge ruling Peterson must stand trial for the murder of his wife Laci and the couple's unborn child.

We're not impressed with the State's case. The forensic evidence consists of a single hair of Laci's found in a pair of pliers on Scott's boat. There's no evidence as to when or how the hair got there or as to whether Laci was ever in the boat.

The police failed to follow up on leads of people sighting Laci after the time police say she disappeared. There's been no evidence that anything untoward happened in the home, as the prosecution contends.

We see a cheating husband whom police immediately tagged as a suspect and then followed and focused on relentlessly, until he became so uncomfortable with the scrutiny he moved back to his parents home in San Diego and changed his appearance to stop being recognized by the public.

We find no evidentiary value in his telling Amber Frey he was unmarried and a widower. There's no evidence to suggest he would intentionally harm his wife or unborn child.

It's not surprising the case was bound over for trial. Most cases are because the burden of proof is so low and the rules of evidence are so relaxed that untested hearsay is routinely admitted and considered by the Court.

We're scheduled to debate the evidence with former OJ cop Mark Fuhrman and Westchester DA Jeannine Pirro tonight on Hannity and Colmes.

< Source: War on Terror Ends with Capture of Major Suspect | Search Warrant Executed at Michael Jackson's Ranch >
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