
Juvenile Immigrant Freed After 3 Years

A mentally retarded teenager from Guinea has been freed after 3 years in detention.

Mr. Jarno, described by his lawyers as mentally retarded, had been held in an adult correctional facility in York, Pa., that also houses other illegal immigrants. He and his case became a symbol for the thousands of child immigrants who arrive alone in the United States and are then detained by immigration services.

Asa Hutchinson, under secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, signed the order--after pressure from Congress:

In a letter to Mr. Hutchinson in August, members of Congress contended that Mr. Jarno was a victim of "reprehensible mistreatment" by federal immigration officials.

Susan Benesch, a spokeswoman for Amnesty International U.S.A. in Washington, said: "We are delighted that Malik is finally out of detention, but of course remain concerned about any juveniles who are needlessly spending months and even years in detention. I hope that people will remember that while his case is especially heart-rending, there are so many others."

There are 500 detained immigrant children in the U.S. They are treated as detainees first, and children second. Among those who weren't so lucky: a 13 year old from Ghana, also detained three years, who lost his bid to stay in the U.S. this month and will be deported:

A boy from Ghana who was detained by the government for three years after he arrived alone and almost penniless in the United States has lost his battle to stay here. A federal appeals court refused earlier this month to reconsider a ruling that clears the way for Julian Yeboah, now age 13, to be deported at any time.

Julian was 10 and had only $1.25 in his pockets when he arrived, unescorted at a New York airport in March 2000. He has since spent his time in juvenile detention centers and secure halfway houses while his petition to remain in the country worked its way through the courts.

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