
Cancer Changes Republican's Views on Medical Pot

It's always different when it happens to you. After a bout with prostate cancer, Wisconsisn Republican state Representative Gregg Underheim has decided to buck the party leadership and introduce a bill to allow doctors to prescribe medical marijuana.

The decision represents a major shift in philosophy for a legislator who was quoted in High Times magazine in the late 1990s opposing the legalization of marijuana. "Certainly, having gone through what I went through makes you think about things differently. That affected my decision on this," Underheim said. Underheim, chairman of the Assembly's Health Committee, plans a public hearing on his bill this year.

[thanks to TChris who's back from vacation for sending this in. We're hoping TChris will decide to blog some more for TalkLeft when he has time. Our wrist still needs the reprieve.]

Update: Another conservative with personal experience: Richard Brookhiser, senior Editor of the National Review who testified at the same congressional hearing on marijuana that we did in 1996. You can read his testimony here (pdf).

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