
Winners of Best 2003 Colorado Blog Awards

Rocky Mountain News columnist Dave Koppel (also the research director for the Independence Institute and a National Review columnist) announces the winners of the best Colorado weblogs in 2003. Our hearty congratulations to Walter in Denver, who is number one.

Here in Colorado, Web logs haven't reshaped the media landscape - yet. Even so, Colorado's best Web logs provide a very useful supplement to your media diet, providing you with news you may never find in the Denver dailies. So it's time to announce the winners of Colorado Best Web Logs, 2003.

At the top of the heap is Walter in Denver .

We're proud to be the runner-up:

Runner-up for best Colorado blog is the aptly named TalkLeft.com, run by criminal defense lawyer Jeralyn Merritt. TalkLeft provides excellent summaries and links to national news stories about the criminal justice system - from the perspective of people who believe that we need more civil liberties and fewer people in prison.

The site provides a consistent critique of the War on Terror, particularly the civil liberties infringements such as the Patriot Act.

The award is particularly meaningful to us since Mr. Koppel is a devout Libertarian, whose political views sometimes, but certainly not always, match our more liberal ones.

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