
Sunday Reading

TBogg takes on Powerline's pictures comparing Kerry to Bush with ones that cast the two in a far truer light.

Dave Johnson at Seeing the Forest says in the strongest possible terms that those under 30 should be worried enough to vote because they are going to be drafted. Go copy his post and email it to someone you care about who's in the target age group. They need to know how crucial it is that they vote in this election.

Democracy Now has a transcript of BBC investigative reporter Greag Palast's interview with Bill Burkett about Bush's National Guard service from his new documentary, "Bush Family Fortunes: The Best Democracy Money Can Buy" by Greg Palast. [link via Buzzflash.]

Mary Jacoby of Salon interviews Seymour Hersh who provides an "alternative history of Bush's war."

The crack investigative reporter tells Salon about a disastrous battle the U.S. brass hushed up, the frightening True Believers in the White House, and how Iran, not Israel, may have manipulated us into war.

Ben Wasserstein, writing in the LA Times, on why the conservative bloggers should get a pat on the back but not a standing ovation for their role in Rathergate.

Veteran political reporter Martin Nolan in the San Francisco Chronicle explains why Bush may lose the election, despite current opinion polls. Four reasons:

(1) A self-described "war president" needs to be winning the war at re- election time. U.S. troops are bogged down in Iraq, and the death toll is growing. (2) Bush and his party represent a declining demographic. The Republican Party is a white, male, Anglo-Saxon Protestant party, as photos from its convention show. (3) Re-election is not the presidential norm. Only 11 presidents have served eight consecutive years. President Reagan was the last Republican president to be re-elected. (4) Al Gore won the popular vote in 2000. The three presidents who failed the first time around to win the popular vote did not return to the White House

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