
Debate: Who Won?

Ok, who won.

I think Bush sounded like a child and Kerry seemed most presidential. But the questions were so weak. It was not a good debate.

Update: On line polls:

Fox: Bush (34%) 31,614
Kerry (66%) 61,194

MSNBC: Bush 24%
Kerry: 76%

Taegan Goddard, Poltical Wire:

President Bush was, again, on the defensive from the outset. He spent so much time portraying Kerry as a "Massachusetts liberal" or taking cheap shots, he rarely answered a question directly. When stuck, Bush resorted to sweeping ideological generalizations, in effect saying freedom and tax cuts would solve all of America's problems. When really stuck, he resorted to bad jokes.

By contrast, Kerry was in command of nearly every subject. He was especially strong on the expired assault weapons ban, the minimum wage and homeland security. My only significant criticism is that Kerry rarely explained the details of "my plan," but that's somewhat understandable given the limited time format.

The bottom line is that Kerry not only sounded more presidential, but looked presidential. By this measure, he was the clear winner.

More On line Polls: (Via Political Wire)

A CNN/Gallup instant poll finds Kerry the clear winner, 52% to 39%.

A CBS News poll of uncommitted voters who watched the debate found Kerry won, 39% to 25%, with 36% calling it a tie.

An ABC News Instant Poll of voters who watched the debate also found Kerry the winner, 42% to 41%. (Note: The survey group was 38% Republican, 30% Democrat.)

Here are some initial reviews:

Carlos Watson: “As we went along, as we talked about social security, as we talked about immigration, as we talked even about the Supreme Court, I thought John Kerry ultimately found his voice. And when all is said and done I think Kerry will be proclaimed the winner, which I think will be significant because I think he will be viewed as having won all three debates.” [CNN, 10/13/04, 10:34 PM]

John Roberts: I would probably have to give it to John Kerry. He seemed a little bit more poised, don't forget he's got a lot more experience in this type of podium type of debate. But the two of them, as Jim said, were very conversive of the issues. I think what you saw up there tonight really was two people who could be presidents, there were two presidents up on the stage. [CBS, John Roberts, 10:35 PM, verified verbatim]

George Stephanopoulos: “I thought Senator Kerry was most effective on talking about jobs, minimum wage, healthcare and social security” (10.34)

Pat Buchanan: Kerry was, I thought, very much at the top of his game and I thought toward the end, when you saw Kerry, you saw more of the humanity of the man in some of those questions, which was very helpful to them; talking about the daughters and things. I thought he had some excellent moments. [MSNBC 10:33pm]

MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell: “I think Kerry cleared up any confusion that might have existed about how he as a Catholic was dealing with this very complex issue.” [MSNBC 10:31pm]

MSNBC’s Ron Reagan: “John Kerry may win the day after. George Bush made a mistake. Kerry quoted him accurately as it turns out in saying he’s not really worried about Osama bin Laden and Bush came back and said, well I don’t recall ever saying anything like that, we’ll you’ll see the clip of him saying exactly that tomorrow.” [MSNBC 10:32 pm]

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