
Sunday Blogging

Lots of bloggers are back at their keyboards. A few, like Avedon Carol at Sideshow, never left. In addition to her own insights on a wide variety of topics (today she rails against those who said we would make the women of Afganistan Iraq more free when in many ways the opposite has occurred), she is an excellent chronicler of what others are writing about.

Jerome at MyDD writes about the upcoming Iraqi elections. So does Steve Gilliard, who also covers Fallujans trying to return home.

Patridiot Watch writes about U.S. troops killed in Afghanistan.

Matt Yglesias names some underappreciated blogs on national security and foreign policy.

TBogg has another installment of America's Worst Mother.

Markos of Daily Kos hits the Republicans trying to ease ethical guidelines. Digby writes of his fear of tidal waves, which leads to....

For more of what the blogosphere is writing about today, check out the Daou Report and Memeorandum.

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  • Re: Sunday Blogging (none / 0) (#1)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sun Jan 02, 2005 at 10:44:40 AM EST
    today she rails against those who said we would make the women of Afganistan more free when in many ways the opposite has occurred
    Bwahahaha, please stop, it hurts to laugh so hard. It's sorta like complaining that the criminal justice system under Saddam was more predictable. Or that the prior administrations in South Africa had a more progressive tax policy in the black townships. -C

    Re: Sunday Blogging (none / 0) (#2)
    by Avedon on Sun Jan 02, 2005 at 04:24:37 PM EST
    Argh, Jeralyn, fix that! For a minute you acutally had me wondering, "F**k, did I really write 'Afghanistan'"? I realize these days it's hard to tell Afghanistan and Iraq apart, but I was actually talking about Iraq, which used to be unlike Afghanistan. [Many apologies, I corrected it.]

    Re: Sunday Blogging (none / 0) (#3)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Mon Jan 03, 2005 at 04:54:55 AM EST
    “Real news,” said Richard Reeves “is the news you and I need to keep our freedoms.” I am reminded of that line from the news photographer in Tom Stoppard’s play Night and Day : “People do terrible things to each other, but its worse in places where everybody is kept in the dark.”