
Donald Beardslee Execution: Warden Calls It 'A Shame'

Donald Beardslee was executed in California last night, following Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger's denial of clemency.

In the nearly quarter-century that he waited in San Mateo County Jail and on San Quentin's death row, Beardslee is reported to have become a model prisoner. According to testimony read at Friday's clemency hearing, he even assisted corrections officials on prison security.

Former San Quentin Warden Daniel Vasquez described Beardslee as a rare inmate with no discipline record. "Killing him would be a shame," Vasquez said.

But Schwarzenegger was not swayed by the good behavior argument. "I expect no less," he said.

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    Re: Donald Beardslee Execution: Warden Calls It 'A (none / 0) (#1)
    by Che's Lounge on Wed Jan 19, 2005 at 10:41:36 AM EST
    I guess killing people for real is just as easy as doing it in a movie. More's the pity. Moderate? In a pig's eye, maybe.