
Seizure of Elian Gonzalez Leads to Civil Trial

by TChris

When INS agents broke into a Miami home in 2000 to seize Elian Gonzalez, their unnecessarily aggressive tactics were widely criticized. Now neighbors and bystanders who were traumatized by the agents' actions are in court, asking a judge for damages.

In a civil trial that began Monday in federal court here, 13 plaintiffs are seeking up to $250,000 each in damages, charging that agents from the Immigration and Naturalization Service unnecessarily sprayed them with tear gas at close range, shoved, cursed and traumatized them in their zeal to remove Elián without a struggle.

Some plaintiffs testified that agents went onto their property to spray tear gas, while others said they were sprayed in the face while standing behind the barricades. Several said they initially thought Mr. Castro had sent the black-suited, helmeted agents to wreak havoc on their neighborhood.

The government claims that the agents used only "appropriate and necessary force." The trial is expected to end today.

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    Re: Seizure of Elian Gonzalez Leads to Civil Trial (none / 0) (#1)
    by Andreas on Fri Jan 28, 2005 at 08:56:23 AM EST
    Talkleft wrote: "their unnecessarily aggressive tactics were widely criticized". That is true for right-wing media. The WSWS had a somewhat diffe