
Zarqawi Lieutenants Arrested

by TChris

Iraqi authorities announced today that they "arrested two close associates of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, including the chief of the terror mastermind's Baghdad operation."

Qassim Dawoud, a top security adviser, told reporters that the arrests of the al-Zarqawi lieutenants occurred in mid-January but gave few details.

The arrests did not curb the violence in Iraq.

On Thursday, [al-Zarqawi's] group posted a video on the Internet showing the murder of a candidate from Prime Minister Ayad Allawi's party. The tape included a warning to Allawi personally: "You traitor, wait for the angel of death."

In light of the ongoing bloodshed, the announcement of the arrests seems unlikely to achieve its apparent goal: "bolstering public confidence in security forces in advance of Sunday's election."

Update: The bloodshed includes another downed helicopter, two days after a helicopter crash killed 31 U.S. troops. The fate of the crew in today's crash is unknown, but five U.S. troops were killed today in unrelated combat.

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  • Re: Zarqawi Lieutenants Arrested (none / 0) (#1)
    by Che's Lounge on Fri Jan 28, 2005 at 08:12:56 AM EST
    "Mr. President, You are under arrest." Insert Miranda here...

    Re: Zarqawi Lieutenants Arrested (none / 0) (#2)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Fri Jan 28, 2005 at 09:00:42 AM EST
    Yeah, Lets root for the America's enemies. Anything to make Bush look bad. As a Liberal I can call it dissent and claim Jefferson said dissent is Patriotic. It is amazing how you liberals can twist things and fool yourselves into thinking you are supporting the troops and being patriotic. With Americans like you liberals, America doesn't need enemies. America is being destroyed from within. BTW I have looked for that Jefferson quote you libs are always refering to. The only place it exists is in your minds. Here is a library of Jefferson quotes. You will be amazed at how often he mentions GOD and how little he mentions DISSENT. He never said the DISSENT quote you libs keep refering to.

    Re: Zarqawi Lieutenants Arrested (none / 0) (#3)
    by Patrick on Fri Jan 28, 2005 at 09:01:31 AM EST
    Keep up the good work.

    Re: Zarqawi Lieutenants Arrested (none / 0) (#4)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Fri Jan 28, 2005 at 09:06:44 AM EST
    I shudder to think how TalkLeft would have reacted to the the initial success of "The Battle of the Bulge" in 1944, or the enormous losses at Okinawa in early 1945. An enemy's ability to inflict damage does not imply that they are winning. No matter how much TalkLeft seems to think so.

    Re: Zarqawi Lieutenants Arrested (none / 0) (#5)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Fri Jan 28, 2005 at 09:20:54 AM EST
    Everything you say is wrong and I've explained before in irrefutable, incontrovertible and mathematically elegant detail but you don't listen and thus it is pointless to refute your wrongful and primitive contentions so go back and hide under your rocks or post your garbage at some rightwing hate site such as LGF or Free Republic; we don't need you here.

    Re: Zarqawi Lieutenants Arrested (none / 0) (#6)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Fri Jan 28, 2005 at 09:34:13 AM EST
    Rent The Battle of Algiers and maybe a visual explanation will get this point through.

    Re: Zarqawi Lieutenants Arrested (none / 0) (#7)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Fri Jan 28, 2005 at 09:39:11 AM EST
    Steve Everyday, Try clicking here. I think you will find the quote you are looking for.

    Re: Zarqawi Lieutenants Arrested (none / 0) (#8)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Fri Jan 28, 2005 at 09:40:10 AM EST
    Above was by me.

    Re: Zarqawi Lieutenants Arrested (none / 0) (#9)
    by soccerdad on Fri Jan 28, 2005 at 10:01:27 AM EST
    Scooerdad (aka B.B.?) Imitation is the highest form of flaterty. An enemy's ability to inflict damage does not imply that they are winning. No matter how much TalkLeft seems to think so. Certainly a true statement, but misses an important point. There are few safe areas in Iraq. Mosul which up until a couple of months ago was the model for Iraq is now a unsafe mess. Baghdad is not safe and the green zone gets mortered on a regular basis. You cant drive the 3-5 miles to the airport. Supply lines have been under attack so that material has to be shipped by air. Whether we are losing is a semantic battle at this point. But has become abundantely clear is that its getting worse not better there. The election is just one more "key event" that will not make much of an immediate difference, just like arresting Saddam, just like the handover, etc etc. So you can close your eyes, put your fingers in your ears and sing loudly so no info gets into your head thats your choice. The US has tried to intimidate the Iraqi's by brutallity, but that does not work when fighting people in their own country. If this fails it will be because of two major reasons 1. not enough troops to secure the peace and 2. absolutely no effort to win the "hearts and minds" of the Iraqi people. In fact most of their actions have purposely been opposite to that goal. You reap what you sow. The right and the neocons started this diaster, executed it horrifically and should shoulder the blame if it goes in the toilet. Now everyone will say I am wishing ill on the troops. Thats not true. I look at the polices and tactics they are using and agree with many experts that they have done a poor job planning and executing this war. If they want to shut up the opposition I would suggest they do something to improve their approach. Note there were military planners from the war colleges who said before this started what was need to execute the war. They were ignored. And now we will hear "Why don't the Dems, or Libs, of Left, or...." make good suggestions. Well you f**ked it up, you are in power, its your pile of crap. Good luck.

    Re: Zarqawi Lieutenants Arrested (none / 0) (#10)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Fri Jan 28, 2005 at 10:51:20 AM EST
    I don't think anybody's going to care if they torture these idiots for a few days.

    Re: Zarqawi Lieutenants Arrested (none / 0) (#11)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Fri Jan 28, 2005 at 11:10:51 AM EST
    It is hard to take any comfort in saying "I told you so" when the issue becomes one of war and the dying of our soldiers. You do not need to be a liberal lefty to abhor how the war effort has been going in Iraq. You do not have to take a grim satisfaction in watching as the insurgents score against American troops. I have spent the majority of my life in the military or working with the military and defense industry. I have studied war on the tactical and strategic level both as a member of the military and as a hobby. It takes little to see that this war was ill timed and fought incompetently. This is not to attack our country or to undermine our effort. The politicians who decided to utilize their expertise over that of many military leaders and to view the situation with ideological "rose colored glasses" are the ones truly responsible for undemining the interests of the United States. The Iraq adventure never had to cost the lives or treasure thus far expended. I have no quibble with taking down a dictator. I have no problem with spreading democracy. I do have a problem with a political leadership that fails to understand how to conduct a military campaign. Afghanistan should have been cleaned up first. Iraq could have been dealt with after Al Queda was substantially dismantled. The psychological impact upon other mid-east countries of watching Bin Laden taken down and a quick and successful operation in Iraq would have accomplished far more of our middle eastern objectives. The political leadership needs to be held accountable.

    Re: Zarqawi Lieutenants Arrested (none / 0) (#12)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Fri Jan 28, 2005 at 11:39:37 AM EST
    "It is amazing how you liberals can twist things and fool yourselves into thinking you are supporting the troops and being patriotic. With Americans like you liberals, America doesn't need enemies. America is being destroyed from within." Lordy, I do wish when people start spouting off about... er, what was your point? The First Amendment is BadBadBad? (Why do you hate the people who established our Constitution?) Anyway, I do wish you'd save some of your outrage for issues like this: Nickel-and-diming the troops "America was far more generous to its soldiers during World War II, when combat pay on the battlefields of Europe and Asia was 30 cents a day, or about $10 a month. Taking the rate of inflation into account, our draftee Army that whacked the Japanese and Germans received three times the hazardous-duty pay we're currently paying our professional Army." Or this story from a couple weeks ago: Army Reserves Under Stress" "A startling characterization of the deteriorating situation has come from a three-star commander in a memo up the chain of command that warns of pressures are so significant that the Army Reserve 'is rapidly degenerating into a "broken" force.'... In a memo dated Dec. 20, Lt. Gen. James R. 'Ron' Helmly wrote to Army chief of staff Peter J. Schoomaker: 'The purpose of this memorandum is to inform you of the Army Reserve's inability ... to meet mission requirements" associated with Iraq and Afghanistan under current personnel rules.'" I also don't understand why it doesn't bother you that the war was planned and fought for an ever-shifting set of reasons, with no planning for the post-combat phase. "If this sounds like an exaggeration, consider the extraordinary words in the 'after-action report' of the most important division of the American Army in Iraq, the Third Infantry Division, quoted in a recent essay by Michael O’Hanlon. It reads: “'Higher headquarters did not provide the Third Infantry Division (Mechanized) with a plan for Phase IV [the postwar phase]. As a result, Third Infantry Division transitioned into Phase IV in the absence of guidance.'” So, if you really love your country and the soldiers, stop with the garbage already, deprogram thyself, and go visit this site for a list of ways to help the troops. (For the more reality-based among us, that site is a useful resource too!)

    Re: Zarqawi Lieutenants Arrested (none / 0) (#13)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Fri Jan 28, 2005 at 01:05:59 PM EST
    What I can't uderstand is that the Bush Administration had a good model for success with what it employed in Afghanistan. Instead of being the Liberators then Occupiers, why didn't they do what they did in Afghanistan. What I mean by this is, why didn't they support an Iragi organization/force that opposed Saddaam, providing weapons and assistance and allow the Iraqi people to liberate themselves. There were many inside Iraq that would/could have done this, the IRC, the Shiites, the Kurds, the Shiites & the Kurds together or any other group of Iraqi nationals. This would have followed the model of supporting the Northern Alliance in Afghanistan. Bush could still have taken credit for the removal of Saddaam, but avoided the label of crusader. The violence of the insurgency could not be sold as an anti-american response and the world at large could have been persuaded much easier to support Iraq rather then having to eat crow and line up behind the President (Do it my way or the highway Bush). The military force and might the US used in Iraq could still have been used to bring a quick removal of Saddaam, but the Iraqis would have been seen as the initiators of the need for his removal. The US being the purse strings could still have exerted sufficient pressure to have some things their way and manage some development of the government to be put in place. The key reason this has gone so badly is the hubris of the neocons and the President that thought only they were competent enough to run the show. The jokes on them now, but it's no joke for our soldiers or the Iraqi people. This president talks a good game of supporting our troops, but the lack of sufficient armor is an isssue still today after an election campaign where the President belittled his opponent for not voting for the 87 billion to fund the supplies to the troops, and after his Secretary of Defense was embarrassed by the question of hillbilly armor setup by the press.

    Re: Zarqawi Lieutenants Arrested (none / 0) (#15)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Fri Jan 28, 2005 at 01:37:28 PM EST
    Looks like somebody needs a reading list! Start here Some of the administration's allies in the war against terrorism -- including Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and Uzbekistan -- are ranked by the State Department as among the worst human rights abusers. The president has proudly proclaimed his friendship with Russian President Vladimir Putin while remaining largely silent about Putin's dismantling of democratic institutions in the past four years. The administration, eager to enlist China as an ally in the effort to restrain North Korea's nuclear ambitions, has played down human rights concerns there, as well. And here Take Uzbekistan, one of the most repressive regimes in central Asia. In April 2002, a special UN rapporteur concluded that torture in the country was "systematic" and "pervasive and persistent... throughout the investigation process". In the same year, Muzafar Avazov, an opposition leader, was boiled alive for refusing to abandon his religious convictions and attempting to practise religious rites in prison. In 2003, Bush granted a waiver to Uzbekistan when its failure to improve its human rights record should have led to its aid being slashed. And why aren't we talking more about Sudan? The Sudanese air force bombed a town in western Sudan this week killing or wounding 100 people and forcing thousands to flee, a U.N. spokeswoman said on Friday. An African Union (AU) source said earlier that Sudanese officials had prevented AU monitors from investigating the death and damage caused by the aerial bombing. The attack violated a shaky cease-fire with rebels which AU observers are monitoring. We can't solve every problem in the world. And certainly, Sudan is not Bush's fault. We can, however, stop telling countries that engage in such blatantly anti-freedom conduct that they're just peachy-keen! We can step our efforts to stop the genocide that's happening in Darfur. We should be practicing what we preach. All I get from you people is a whole lot of preaching. And careful there, before you make "spreading freedom" another joke phrase, another "Double-Plus Good" that people will invoke when they're trying to describe the heights of hypocrisy.

    Re: Zarqawi Lieutenants Arrested (none / 0) (#16)
    by soccerdad on Fri Jan 28, 2005 at 02:03:51 PM EST
    The reason these arrests won't bolster confidence is simple, they were arrested at least a week maybe 2 weeks ago and there has been no decrease in violence. People's confidence will go up when the violence goes down not before. Its pretty simple. Its always good when people higher up in that organization get arrested, but what affect will it have?

    Re: Zarqawi Lieutenants Arrested (none / 0) (#17)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Fri Jan 28, 2005 at 02:49:14 PM EST
    This seems an opportune time to share a lightbulb joke I just heard. "Q: How many Bush Administration officials does it take to change a light bulb?" A: None. There is nothing wrong with the light bulb; its conditions are improving every day. Any reports of its lack of incandescence are a delusional spin from the liberal media. There is no shortage of filament. That light bulb has served honorably, and anything you say undermines the lighting effect. Why do you hate freedom?"

    Re: Zarqawi Lieutenants Arrested (none / 0) (#19)
    by chupetin on Fri Jan 28, 2005 at 05:07:39 PM EST
    Like I've said before, if this administration really wants to "win" this "war" they will have to kill about 20 percent of the general population before the rest capitulize to the occupation. Why did we start this war anyway? Oh yea, WMD. Well WMD is what it's going to take to win it.

    Re: Zarqawi Lieutenants Arrested (none / 0) (#20)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Fri Jan 28, 2005 at 05:48:23 PM EST
    ...Well WMD is what it's going to take to win it. Let's hope it isn't coming to that. Actually, I happen to agree with something someone mentioned over on Kos a while back that the real reason was the threat of Saddam trading oil for $Euros once sanctions were lifted. A way had to be found to keep petrodollars backed by $US and get rid of Saddam once and for all. Hunting WMDs was what sounded good in the huddle as a rationale. Now the rationale is "spreading democracy". Democracy depends on Rule of Law and the notion that we are all created equally. That may prove difficult to export globally. It may be a fruitless mission. And lets not forget that our Rule of Law was mostly fashioned on rules to protect the property class and keep to labor inexpensive and sweating profusely. It has only been since around the turn of the century and the rise of the Progressive movement where human rights and broad suffrage have given us something to crow about as on the world stage. I know there are Iraqis that desire democracy. I live in Chicago and I have met Iraqis. But within the Mideast, the Muslim faithful are wary of Rule of Law. We have given no demonstration as to how it is more moral, more merciful, or more provident.

    Re: Zarqawi Lieutenants Arrested (none / 0) (#21)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sat Jan 29, 2005 at 09:44:17 AM EST
    webmacher Let me share a lightbulb joke with you. Question: How many Democrats does it take to fix social security. Answer: None. There is no problem. We were lying when Clinton and other Democrats said there was a problem. Why do you want to let people be less dependent on us? Why do you hate old people? obelus - Why, I bet some of your best friends are Iraqis. BTW - WMD's was one of many reasons to get rid of Saddam, but it was a reason that everyone understood. Read the Kay Report for a detailed listing of the weapon programs that Saddam had on going, and the numerous UN sanctions that he had violated in this activity. Do you doubt that he would not have given WMD's to the terrorists when he had them developed? Can you guess what the terrorists would have done with the weapons? The second major reason was that establishing democracy in Iraq would be beneficial to the whole ME, and would stress the existing dictators in Syria, Iran, SA, etc., to start reining in the terrorists in their countries, and improve the state of the common man, thus reducing the recruiting grounds. Two good effects with one stone. Chupetin - "Like I said before...? Does the fact that you said something, and then repeat it make it true? If so, please say and repeat: Poker Player wins the WPC. Poker Player wins the WPC. Thanks. You have a big tip coming. mww - The reasons why the Afghanistan strategy wouldn't work in Iraqi are numerous. Here are some: - Saddam had plenty of places to go and hide from the bombing raids. - The Iraqi Army was not very effective, but it couldn't be defeated by the airborne assualts we used in Afghanistan. - Saddam's opposition in Iraq had been pretty well destroyed by Saddam. There weren't any local leaders we could use.

    Re: Zarqawi Lieutenants Arrested (none / 0) (#18)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Mon Jan 31, 2005 at 07:16:22 PM EST
    Mr Damage --dopes being preferable to dupes. you Reps just don't like facts do you, huh!!!

    Re: Zarqawi Lieutenants Arrested (none / 0) (#14)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Mon Jan 31, 2005 at 07:17:13 PM EST
    In light of the ongoing bloodshed, the announcement of the arrests seems unlikely to achieve its apparent goal: "bolstering public confidence in security forces in advance of Sunday's election." At least let's all hope that the arrests don't bolster confidence. We can't let those neocon bastards have a victory no matter how favorable that would be for the future of Iraq, our country and the world. Imagine the horror of a democratic Iraq. First those *** defeat the workers paradise of the Soviet Union, they pick on our friend and comrad Fidel and now they try to spread democracy. "Mr. President you are under arrest for spreading freedom". Inset Miranda rights here. Keep up the good work! Mark W......still the President Filibuster proof/06