
Sharon Stone Raises $1 Mil in 5 Minutes for Africa

Kudos to actress Sharon Stone who stood up at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland at the World Conference and raised $1 million in 5 minutes for poverty-stricken Africa.

Seizing her chance during a heavyweight debate on how to tackle poverty in Africa, Stone stood up in the middle of the crowded hall to offer an immediate personal pledge of 10,000 dollars -- then challenged others to follow suit. It rather undercut the big-name panelists, who included Britain's finance minister Gordon Brown, Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva and the billionaire Microsoft chairman Bill Gates.

"Could you please stand up, President Mkapa needs help today," she called, referring to Tanzanian leader Benjamin Mkapa who was also on stage, and whose country is among the poorest in the world...."So if you would help children in his country stop dying today, I would appreciate that and I think he would too." The money would be donated to the Global Fund for AIDS, Malaria and Tuberculosis, she added.

Stone also gave $10,000 of her own to the effort. Bill Frist, moderator of the panel, congratulated her efforts at the end, but she had to fight her way there:

U.S. Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, R-Tenn., was moderating a session on anti-poverty efforts when Stone stood to address a panel that included Microsoft founder Bill Gates and the presidents of Brazil and Tanzania.

"Please identify yourself," said Frist, perhaps one of the few men on the planet who couldn't visually identify the sultry star of such hit movies as "Basic Instinct" and "Casino." "Sharon Stone," she said dryly, proceeding to announce that she was giving $10,000 on the spot to help Tanzanian President Benjamin William Mbaka's anti-malaria efforts.

As Frist tried to steer the conversation back to poverty, Stone talked over him, urging people to stand up and give to Mbaka. (emphasis supplied) "People are dying in his country today," she said. The surprised senator yielded to the spike-haired movie star.

Mbaka, a large, round man, grinned widely as roughly three dozen people stood to be counted and have their pledges written down. After a few minutes, Frist announced that more than $1 million had been pledged.

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  • Re: Sharon Stone Raises $1 Mil in 5 Minutes for Af (none / 0) (#1)
    by Ray Radlein on Sat Jan 29, 2005 at 12:17:29 AM EST
    When I read that headline, I briefly wondered what sort of thing Sharon Stone could possibly do to raise $1 million in five minutes — and I must admit that my thoughts turned towards my all-time favorite fund-raising experience, which involved watching a handful of mildly drunk Hollywood actresses getting extremely creative and dedicated in their efforts to raise money for breast cancer research at an Atlanta lesbian bar. And then I thought, "Yeah, I can definitely see Sharon Stone raising a million bucks in five minutes."

    It was very interesting to see the coverage on TV. Bill Frist tries to get her to shut up, and sit down, and to tell people they can pledge money later, and Sharon Stone is trying to get people to pledge money RIGHT THEN, and she ignores Frist's pleas and goes right ahead and does her thing. Bravo to Sharon!

    Re: Sharon Stone Raises $1 Mil in 5 Minutes for Af (none / 0) (#3)
    by Che's Lounge on Sat Jan 29, 2005 at 07:41:34 AM EST
    When I read this and then right below it see a pic of Bupkis Cheney in his snowmobile suit at Auschwitz and I wonder who has done more FOR the world as opposed to who has done more TO the world. Kudos to Stone for standing up to that bunch of idiots.

    I've heard about Sharon Stone doing stuff like this before at AIDS benefits, calling out people by name (rich people) and demanding pledges and/or higher auction bids.

    I don't normally give a s**t about celebraties but I think I'll actually go see her next movie. The last movie I went to was F911 and before that I think it was Jurassic Park. Yeah, I watch DVDs but I rarely bother to go to a movie theater. I'd rather be comfortable in my own home, plus I can smoke my brains out if I so choose. And the food is better.

    I am far more impressed with Sandra Bullock who donated 1 million dollars of her own money to the Tsunami victims. That is 100 times what Sharon Stone did. My silly question: who invited Sharon Stone, and why did anyone think that she had any kind of a good idea? For a dull blonde famous mostly for crossing her legs, she sure got a good seat.

    Re: Sharon Stone Raises $1 Mil in 5 Minutes for Af (none / 0) (#7)
    by brian on Sat Jan 29, 2005 at 03:56:58 PM EST
    Don't know, Don, but I do know that she did more for poverty in that 5 minutes than the administration has done, assuming that the pledgers honor their promises. The White House certainly doesn't once the spotlight is off.

    "Celebrities have a responsibility to know absolutely what they're talking about, and to be in it for the long run," said Jolie, 29, who has has spent four years as goodwill ambassador to the U.N.'s refugee agency UNHCR. Angelina Jolie does not seem to think Sharon is so kind, not sure if I agree with her but its an interesting take from someone who obviously has experience.

    Re: Sharon Stone Raises $1 Mil in 5 Minutes for Af (none / 0) (#9)
    by Peter G on Sat Jan 29, 2005 at 05:32:06 PM EST
    Don Meaker, could you explain further what Sharon Stone's hair color has to do with anything? Whether she's "dull" or not, I have no opinion, since I've only seen her act, and not be herself. Or did "dull" modify your trenchant analysis of her hair?

    Re: Sharon Stone Raises $1 Mil in 5 Minutes for Af (none / 0) (#10)
    by pigwiggle on Sun Jan 30, 2005 at 06:16:24 AM EST
    It’s nice to see someone, while a bunch of bureaucrats and diplomats are arguing how best to give away other peoples earnings, step up and put their own money down. “who invited Sharon Stone, and why did anyone think that she had any kind of a good idea? For a dull blonde famous mostly for crossing her legs, she sure got a good seat.” If you had just typed this into Google you may have found that Sharon and her sister have their own charity; “Stone said Planet Hope 's primary programs-which include teaching computer literacy to the homeless (400 of 1000 students have received jobs), field trips for needy families, and Camp Planet Hope, which provides back-to-school medical care and clothes for children and counseling for parents-may be brought…” Bravo, Sharon.

    hooray for sharon!