
Television Gets Out Iraqi Vote Message

Television is playing a major role in getting information out to the Iraqi public about the various choices for the election.

In Sunday's election, in which few candidates' names are known, few issues have been debated in depth and many voters are too frightened to cast their ballots, television has emerged as the most effective way to communicate. In fact, in the battle for hearts and minds, the medium is more than the message; it's essentially the campaign....virtually entire blocks of commercials have been given over to the advertisements, many of them slick, emotionally charged appeals to get out the vote.

"We don't have the means to do anything else -- not rallies, not even billboards . . . because they were torn down by the other side," said Adnan Janabi, campaign manager for the Iraqiya coalition of interim Prime Minister Ayad Allawi. "So we are using the media. We are using television as the medium of choice."

Who's watching? Most likely the rich, who can afford generators, because power is so intermittent in Iraq.

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  • Re: Television Gets Out Iraqi Vote Message (none / 0) (#1)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sat Jan 29, 2005 at 12:57:06 AM EST
    Ok good, let us all hope not to many will be killed. Oh hell not the old line of hearts and minds?

    Re: Television Gets Out Iraqi Vote Message (none / 0) (#3)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sat Jan 29, 2005 at 05:18:56 PM EST
    Riverbend says the electricity is only on in Baghdad for 2-4 hours a day (and there's been no water for a week), and that no one she knows gives a damn about these elections, since they don't know who the candidates are or what they stand for, to say nothing of the fact that nobody is going to go anywhere near one of these polling places (the locations of which are unknown) for fear of being killed. Yeah, I bet a lot of Iraqis are glued to their TVs eager to learn what the Allawi Torture Party and the Sistani Burkas 'r Us Bunch are lying about. Has there ever been a more farcical "election" than this one? Well, excluding Florida 2000 and Ohio 2004.