
Real ID Act: A Bad Bill for Human Rights

Human Rights First has begun a five day campaign to alert people to the dangers of the Rep. Sensenbrenner's Real ID Act which has passed the House and now moves on to the Senate.

This bill puts refugees at risk. It will:

  • Make it much harder for refugees to prove that they qualify for asylum; and
  • Bar a U.S. federal court from prohibiting a refugee’s deportation to the country where she fears harm while her asylum case is pending before that court.

The bill (H.R. 418) was passed with a 261-161 vote margin by the House of Representatives on February 10, 2005. Human Rights First, together with a diverse group of faith-based, human rights, and refugee assistance organizations, opposes this bill because it would harm refugees and undermine this country’s commitment to protecting those who flee from persecution.

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    Re: Real ID Act: A Bad Bill for Human Rights (none / 0) (#1)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Thu Mar 03, 2005 at 04:56:26 PM EST
    Bar a U.S. federal court from prohibiting a refugee’s deportation to the country where she fears harm while her asylum case is pending before that court. That's about like barring a federal appellate court from issuing a stay while it considers a death penalty appeal. Not that I don't think the Right wouldn't do that, if they thought they could get the votes for it.

    Re: Real ID Act: A Bad Bill for Human Rights (none / 0) (#2)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Thu Mar 03, 2005 at 06:06:04 PM EST
    Talkleft would have a lot more credibility of they stopped citing to newspaper articles and started cited to specific provisions of these acts. The devil is in the details, not in vague condemnations.

    Re: Real ID Act: A Bad Bill for Human Rights (none / 0) (#3)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Thu Mar 03, 2005 at 07:43:31 PM EST
    For the facts about this bill, see this.

    Re: Real ID Act: A Bad Bill for Human Rights (none / 0) (#4)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Thu Mar 03, 2005 at 09:10:31 PM EST
    Your website is just like talkleft. Just a bunch of vague platitudes. No wonder you lay people rely on lawyers so much.

    Re: Real ID Act: A Bad Bill for Human Rights (none / 0) (#5)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Fri Mar 04, 2005 at 06:28:44 AM EST
    Funny, the FAIR link provided by Lonewacko provides ABSOLUTELY NO information about the several provisions in REAL ID restricting asylum eligibility and judicial review thereof. I can't imagine why a restrictionist organization would understate the negative aspects of REAL ID. Did Mr. Hale write this summary from his prison cell?