
Law Enforcer or Serial Killer?

by TChris

Why is it so often true that those who insist on strict enforcement of petty laws are themselves the worst criminals? Dennis Rader, who has reportedly confessed to being the serial killer known as B.T.K., is the latest example of hypocrisy gone wild.

He was often seen in his white truck, the words "Compliance Officer, Park City" painted on the side, puttering along at 10 miles an hour, searching for overgrown lawns, overflowing trash cans or dogs wandering past their fences.

"He looked for absolutely everything, and he must have enforced every rule there ever was - just because he could, I guess," said Barbara Walters, 69, a retired auditor for the Internal Revenue Service, who challenged a $25 ticket that Mr. Rader had issued in August 1998, saying her dog, Shadow, was running loose.

Rader was uptight about the slightest deviation from the norm.

Rhonda Reno said she watched one day as Mr. Rader wandered on the lawn of a neighbor who was ill and unable to mow the grass. Walking the grass with a yardstick, she said, he measured for infractions.

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    Re: Law Enforcer or Serial Killer? (none / 0) (#1)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sat Mar 05, 2005 at 03:22:19 PM EST