
Prosecutor Offers His Home to Released Sex Offenders

A prosecutor in Oregon has asked the Court for permission to allow up to 15 newly released sex offenders a year to live in his home for up to 60 days each while they try to find jobs and housing.

It is my hope, if I did this first, we might find others would who would be willing to do it," he told The Associated Press in a telephone interview. "I wasn't able to see any other viable alternatives."

....Fisher said he isn't looking forward to opening his home to offenders, but hopes it could move the county toward a long-term solution. "Some means need to be found to transition these people back to society," Fisher told the Statesman-Journal. "From a gut perspective, I'm probably less afraid than the general public of these people. Rightly or wrongly, they are seen as inhuman monsters but mostly they're pathetic human beings."

His offer will be discussed by county officials at a meeting on Friday.

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    Damn, impressive. A prosecutor who actually walks the walk. Most prosecutors do not really want to actually reduce crime because they enjoy living in a black and white good guy bad guy world. Good to see one doing something construtive with their power.