
Ezra's New Column: Get a Job

Ezra Klein's got a new part-time gig writing a column for Campus Progress on young writers who have landed jobs with media or activist organizations.

Gather round kids, and let me welcome you to Get a Job, a regular feature here at Campus Progress. We know you’re broke. We know you are staring out over the precipice of graduation scared of free-falling into adult life. And we know you’ll soon want a job solving both afflictions. This feature will try to give you some ideas on that front.....

His latest interview: Matt Yglesias, who we in the blogosphere affectionately call "Big Media Matt." (coined by Atrios.)

If you want faces to go with names, here's a picture with Ezra, Matt, Atrios, me (and Jesse, Zoe, Brian and Tom.)

Other young bloggers to parlay their own blogs into writing or activist careers: Jesse Taylor and Oliver Willis. Next up, my prediction, Eric at Hamster who graduates this semester from George Washington. He's already guest blogged numerous times for Al Franken's show at Air America Radio.

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