
Group Tracks Degrees of Closeness to Tom DeLay

Say hello to The DeLay Rankings. It's a group that is tracking connections between DeLay and other Congresspersons.

Campaign finance watchdog group Public Campaign Action Fund launched The Delay Rankings at a new Web site today that allows constituents to see how close their representative is to the scandal-plagued House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-Texas). Topping the list are Reps. Tom Feeney of Florida, Bob Beauprez of Colorado, Jim Ryun of Kansas, Dave Weldon of Florida, and Jim Gerlach of Pennsylvania.

The rankings are based on six categories, including how much money members have received from DeLay's Americans for a Republican Majority PAC (ARMPAC), how much they have given to DeLay's legal defense fund, and how frequently they have voted with DeLay.

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