
An Addict's Act of Heroism

by TChris

With the possible exception of Rush Limbaugh, drug addicts tend to be excoriated by the right. In the end, addicts aren't demons who deserved to be vilified; they're humans, with human failings. And, as this story demonstrates, with human strengths, as well.

A homeless man who did odd jobs for a local restaurateur was stabbed to death as he defended her against a knife-wielding intruder, authorities said.

Kelcy Ruiz, 32, was mourned as a hero for coming to the aid of Melida Murillo during an attack Monday at her Colombian restaurant, Mama Leonor. Ruiz, described by relatives as a crack cocaine addict who lived mainly on Miami's downtown streets, did occasional work for Murillo in exchange for food.

As a Miami police detective pointed out, Ruiz was "a forgotten member of society" who "acted better than most people who are not homeless." Let this be a lesson to those (including members of Congress) who believe that rehabilitation and redemption are impossible goals, and that individuals lose their value to society once they commit a drug crime.

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    Re: An Addict's Act of Heroism (none / 0) (#1)
    by kdog on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 12:58:59 PM EST
    Sad, yet touching story. Murillo helped out a guy society wants no part of, and it ended up saving her life. Now I know why I believe in karma. Drug addiction isn't a moral failing, and of course it shouldn't be considered criminal... it's a medical problem or an emotional problem, or more likely a combination of the two. Nothing that warrants being placed in chains.

    Re: An Addict's Act of Heroism (none / 0) (#2)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 12:58:59 PM EST
    hats off to the man for his actions. he died a hero. trying to draw larger lessons from his heroism is when you run into problems. apparently, the alleged murderer was also a homeless drug addict. we all make choices.

    Re: An Addict's Act of Heroism (none / 0) (#3)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 12:58:59 PM EST
    Prior to 1914 and the enactment of the Harrison Narcotics Act into law, anyone could go to a drugstore and purchased their desired drug of choice. It is the errant law that is the problem, not drug users. Rush Limbaugh mades choices, too, and he was treated with kid gloves. Along with Noelle Bush, which tells me you have to know somebody important and with a lot ot moolah to escape the clutches of the run-amok broken system of laws that control us all. Good governance is a thing of the past in the erstwhile republic of the US of A.

    Re: An Addict's Act of Heroism (none / 0) (#4)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 12:58:59 PM EST
    sorry. I won't accept this guy's heroism as a general indictment of the nation's drug laws, any more than you would favor making them harsher because the alleged murderer was a drug addict.

    Re: An Addict's Act of Heroism (none / 0) (#5)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 12:58:59 PM EST
    Drronchee- Indeed. We now have two standards. If you support the party (or are related to a highly placed member) your addiction is a medical issue, to be seen as something to be treated. If your just a poor nobody, then it's obviously a criminal issue, and you must help feed the prison-industrial complex. Ed- Stick to your guns for all I care. Just remember how well prohibition worked out. Wrong then, wrong now.