
MSM and Durbin vs. Rove

Eric Alterman has a new Nation column examining the disparate mainstream media coverage accorded to Senator Dick Durbin's Guantanamo comments and Karl Rove's liberal bashing comments.

And where were the mainstream media in all this? With just a few honorable exceptions they were passing along without prejudice Rove's slander and lies and the deliberate distortions of Durbin's words.

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    Re: MSM and Durbin vs. Rove (none / 0) (#1)
    by Ernesto Del Mundo on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:00:43 PM EST
    The MSM basically repeats Republican Party talking points to the detriment of reality. They have been doing it forever. See the FAIR website for some recent examples.

    Re: MSM and Durbin vs. Rove (none / 0) (#2)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:00:43 PM EST
    Jeeze, you don't think there is a deficit of news value between a republican operative bashing the democrats (or vice versa) and a legislator comparing out troops to Nazi's, Commies, and mass-murderes? Frankly, if Howard The Scream wasn't a former presidential candidate I doubt he'd make 10% the bad press he makes today. But Durban the Turban needs some serious history lessons. Plus a foot/mouth extraction procedure. -C

    Re: MSM and Durbin vs. Rove (none / 0) (#3)
    by soccerdad on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:00:44 PM EST
    Cliff maybe you should go back to 6th grade and start with reading comprehension or actually read the comments themselves

    Re: MSM and Durbin vs. Rove (none / 0) (#4)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:00:44 PM EST
    MSM stands for mainstream media now? is that widely used?--because it's pretty funny. the gay world also uses that for "Men who have Sex with Men." it's currently the most pc term for male homo in some circles, who can't handle labels like gay, bi, whatever. also used widely and wisely by researchers, activists, etc. (e.g., people studying HIV or advocating for funding) to include men who don't self-identify as being gay or bi, but nevertheless are acting the part. it's actually pretty important as a research tool not to ask "are you gay?" but "have you had sex with a man in the last xxx (time)?" you'd be surprised in the difference in answers--with many lying to the latter question as well, but far fewer. equally important in the reporting of those results. anyway, i see it and its variations all the time now -- eg., M4M4sex.com is a HUGE site -- and when i saw your Durbin headline, i was like suprised to see gays mixed up in it. makes me chuckle. especially if it becomes more and more used for both. imagine the mixups down the road!

    Re: MSM and Durbin vs. Rove (none / 0) (#5)
    by ppjakajim on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:00:45 PM EST
    et al - I don't think NBC, ABC and CBS ever covered Durbin's remarks until he apologized. Neither the NYT or the WP covered them on page one. Now. Repeat after me. There is no bias, there is no bias, there is no bias....