
Cindy Sheehan Camp Moving Closer to Bush Ranch

Through a generous offer from a distant relative of the man who fired his shotgun into the air the other day, Camp Casey will be moving to a ranch closer to Bush's, probably in the morning.

“A neighbor of President Bush’s has offered us his land,” the source said. “It’s got plenty of acreage for us, it’s private land, we would have legal permission to be on it, it’s much closer to the ranch — in fact it’s across the street from his (Bush’s) church.” “We have taken him up on his offer,” the source added.

....According to the source, the land offered to Sheehan is owned by Fred Mattlage, who is a distant cousin of Larry Mattlage, a man who fired a shotgun over the weekend in frustration over the commotion caused by the vigil. ‘I support what you all are doing’
The source said Fred Mattlage made the offer saying “I’m a veteran, I support what you all are doing and I want to offer you my land.”

[Hat tip Democratic Daily.]

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    I take back some of the things I was thinking about the Mattlage family! Thanks Fred, you embody all that it means to be a true American!

    Cool, I'm glad they're finally on private land and not, you know, breaking the law by camping on a road or anything. I guess we'll also see how real the circus is about prayer and respect, now that they're right across the street from a church. -C

    Re: Cindy Sheehan Camp Moving Closer to Bush Ranch (none / 0) (#3)
    by scarshapedstar on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:02:25 PM EST
    Only Cliff can look at a hundred thousand innocent lives lost for a lie and conclude that the real criminal is a middle-aged woman in a sun hat sitting in a ditch in the middle of nowhere. Yessir, he is quite the piece of work.

    Scar - Just pointing out that, once again, the rules for thee and me are suspended when the media are in play. If you or I was parked in front of, say, TL's house with a bunch of crapola the cops would be there to hustle us off public property (and probably to the hoosegow) (what is a hoosegow?) in two shakes of a lamb's tale. And MoveOn, Errrr America, and the rest of that ilk would be nowhere to be found. In any case, anyone want to take even money bets (charity of your choice) on a disruption during church? -C PS - Scar, where'd you get the 100K lives number from, Lancet? Do you count Moore's "Freedom fighters" in that group?

    Re: Cindy Sheehan Camp Moving Closer to Bush Ranch (none / 0) (#6)
    by Kitt on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:02:25 PM EST
    breaking the law by camping on a road or anything. If they were breaking the law by camping on the road, don't you think they would've been 'evicted' by the Sheriff's Dept. Their camp is not in or on the road. It was on the side of the road, the barrow pit, the ditch. It's also in the county not within the city limits therefore, that's one difference in which your analogy and disjointed thinking don't work.
    If you or I was parked in front of, say, TL's house with a bunch of crapola the cops would be there to hustle us off public property
    Thankfully, the Sheriff's Dept of McClennan County understand about the constitution and the law.

    Re: Cindy Sheehan Camp Moving Closer to Bush Ranch (none / 0) (#7)
    by TChris on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:02:25 PM EST
    BAM! A member of the president's heartland, the veteran who lives next door, publicly supports Cindy. Stay the course, Mr. President? There won't be a Republican elected anywhere in the country in 2006 if soldiers are still dying in Iraq. Hey Cliff, good to see you.

    The only people who'd even consider having her moved from the road were the media people hoping for a pulitzer.... Can you just imagine the media? -C

    Re: Cindy Sheehan Camp Moving Closer to Bush Ranch (none / 0) (#9)
    by Al on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:02:25 PM EST
    Circus about prayer, Cliff? Her healthy, young son is dead, for no reason. If you had the slightest capacity for empathy, you would realize that people do not make that kind of feelings up. One of the things that I find particularly disgusting about the thoughts such as Cliff expresses is that they reduce everything to political gamesmanship. There is something very disturbing about someone who cannot feel as ordinary humans do. Because they cannot feel, they don't understand, and therefore conclude that expressions of feeling must be fake. No, Cindy Sheehan's behaviour is no circus act. It's the real thing. Her son is dead. I have a young son like she did, and I could not for one moment bear the thought of anything happening to him. I don't know how she gets through the day.

    Right on, Al. "Cool, I'm glad they're finally on private land..." private land? so what? if BushCo decides the protest has "gone on too long", or the protest is a "security risk" for Chimpy, Camp Casey will be disbanded and shut down within hours by the gestapo.

    Re: Cindy Sheehan Camp Moving Closer to Bush Ranch (none / 0) (#11)
    by DawesFred60 on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:02:25 PM EST
    I hope bush will not order the ss to shot her. after all didn't her son die for us all?..where is bin laden?

    Al - You don't think the media around that poor lady is all about political posturing? I'm sure that all the stories about her that you're reading have quotes from other moms who feel quite the opposite. (Crickets chirping....) Al, both my sons are quite young (4, 9), and I worry about them quite often. And if something happened to them I would be inconsolable. But her son was, what, 24 when he enlisted? During a shooting war? But have we heard much about what he had to say or do? I suspect that if his mom had letters disapproving of the war from her son we'd have seen them by now. It's a horrible situation for that poor woman, and the people around her seem to be feeding her grief for their own purposes rather than helping her. My heart really goes out to her and I hope she eventually finds a way to come through her grief. -C

    Re: Cindy Sheehan Camp Moving Closer to Bush Ranch (none / 0) (#13)
    by Sailor on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:02:26 PM EST
    Casey Sheehan joined the Army in 2000 at 19. Casey didn't believe in the war.
    Sheehan had dreams of working as an Army chaplain's assistant, but wound up working as a mechanic. His division, the First Cavalry Division out of Fort Hood, Texas, was sent to Iraq in March 2004. The last time his parents spoke to him he was on his way to attend Mass before getting ready to convoy into Baghdad.
    After joining in peacetime an Army mechanic dies in iraq. Once again the facts should give pause to the allegations ... but they won't. OT - cliff, nice to see you back in form. We be having a fay do do now, yeah!?

    Re: Cindy Sheehan Camp Moving Closer to Bush Ranch (none / 0) (#14)
    by Repack Rider on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:02:26 PM EST
    Just pointing out that, once again, the rules for thee and me are suspended when the media are in play. Aren't the "rules" enshrined in the Constitution, that citizens have the right to peaceably assemble and petition the government for redress of grievances? The ditch they were camping in was part of the public easement for the road, and as such, public land subject to the constitutional protection of their right to assemble. Now a patriot has stepped up and offered them a more comfortable spot from which to issue their petition for redress of grievances. Looks like patriotism is catching.

    Re: Cindy Sheehan Camp Moving Closer to Bush Ranch (none / 0) (#15)
    by Al on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:02:26 PM EST
    Al - You don't think the media around that poor lady is all about political posturing?
    The media attention is a logical consequence of the power of her question: Bush has said that the soldiers that have died in Iraq died for a worthwhile cause. She wants him to tell her what that cause is. And many, many people are asking themselves exactly the same thing. The problem for Bush is, he doesn't have an answer. Calling it a worthwhile cause and not knowing what it is -- now that's posturing.

    Sailor, good catch, I didn't find that on google. I missed the part where you got that Casey was anti-war? It's certainly not in the article and I couldn't find it on google - though I didn't look very hard. The part where he joined the service without consulting his family seemed to indicate that he held very different views on the military than his parents - but it's always hard to tell with kids, I guess. -C

    Re: Cindy Sheehan Camp Moving Closer to Bush Ranch (none / 0) (#17)
    by roger on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:02:26 PM EST
    Clinton (or any other Prez with good communication skills) would have gone up to her, with the cameras rolling, and charmed the socks off of everyone. FDR would have had the crowd ready to enlist. W cant even speak without looking like an *ss. "I need to get over this" Can you even imagine Reagan saying anything like that?

    Re: Cindy Sheehan Camp Moving Closer to Bush Ranch (none / 0) (#18)
    by ppjakajim on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:02:26 PM EST
    Sailor writes:
    After joining in peacetime an Army mechanic dies in iraq. Once again the facts should give pause to the allegations ... but they won't.
    Sailor, there would be no need for a "peacetime" army if wars didn't happen. If you want to blame someone for the deaths, try the radical Moslems who have been killing Americans for longer than I can remember.

    cliff, PPJ: If it helps, just think of Ms. Sheehan as the logical extension of the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth. You believed them, didn't you?

    Longer than you can remember, PPJ? How long ago is that exactly? The last two decades seem to be as far back as you would like to go. Were the last few military excursions made by the U.S. allagainst Moslems? And I do mean all, at least for the last 30 years. I don't think so, but I am sure you will find a way. And really, how obvious and stupid of you to point out that militaries wouldn't exitst if there wasn't wars. Thanks for the heads up. I thought it was absolutely hilarious that a guy living closer to Shrubs faux ranch, which he purchased during his campaign to be bamboozled into being Preznit in 2000. It made my day.

    Sorry, the last post was a little disjointed due to the fact that I was trying to figure out how to attach a new carrier to our microform scanner. What I meant to say was I thought the fact that a guy living in close vicinity to Shrub and who is able to see Camp Casey every day has seen through all the smears and invective, ranging from calling her a crack-pot to trying to saying that Mrs. Sheehan is so overcome with sorrow that she has been duped by the "far left" into being a puppet for the anti-war movement, to come to the realization that he too can make a contribution to Mrs. Sheehans cause. This doesn't happen alot around here in Oklahoma, but I take my hat off to this Texan and thank him for giving her a safer venue to keep her vigil going.

    Re: Cindy Sheehan Camp Moving Closer to Bush Ranch (none / 0) (#22)
    by ppjakajim on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:02:27 PM EST
    QIB - And what claims have Mrs. Sheehan put forth? I mean besides that if Israel gets out of Palestine and we get out Iraq terrorism will end. ShermBuck - Well, I would go back to the 1979 invasion of our embassy in Tehran as a flashpoint with the US, but others would go back to the Munich Olymnpics, various hijackings, etc. And you are very welcome. I was pleased to point out the obvious that armies are used to fight wars. The point seems to have escaped many.

    Armies fight wars. How convenient! But wars have to be based on factual conflicts, and not on attacking DISARMED countries over LIES. Here are some more tautologies for you, JIm: Criminals fight justice. Falling pretzel-eaters fight coffee tables. Cowards fight enlistment in wars they promote. Racists fight human rights.

    Re: Cindy Sheehan Camp Moving Closer to Bush Ranch (none / 0) (#24)
    by ppjakajim on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:02:27 PM EST
    PIL writes:
    But wars have to be based on factual conflicts, and not on attacking DISARMED countries over LIES.
    Logic continues to be just beyond your grasp.

    This 'logic' you suggest lies beyond my grasp is in the Evil Empire of Racistlandia, where you live, Jim.

    PPJ, you play right into the hands of Muslim extremists with comments like: If you want to blame someone for the deaths, try the radical Moslems who have been killing Americans for longer than I can remember. It is precisely that type of ignorance that Osama, et. al, are counting on to start the clash of civilizations. The war in Iraq was the absolute best thing that could have happened to further their evil cause. Fighting evil with evil just leaves a big giant evil situation. By the way, PPJ, there are an estimated 1.2 million AMERICAN Muslims. Furthermore, WAY MORE innocent Muslims have been killed by American bombs and bullets than innocent Americans (religion irrelevant) having been killed by extremists who erroneously claim to be acting in the name of Islam. Similarly, anyone who uses Christianity to justify killing of anyone is completely out of touch with the teachings of Christ. Until Muslims, Christians, and Jews stop this idiotic and shockingly arrogant God-likes-me-best attitude, there will never be peace. Murder is murder, PPJ, and it doesn't matter who does it, what they're wearing, etc. It violates all spiritual tenets and is the ultimate capitulation to fear and godlessness.

    Re: Cindy Sheehan Camp Moving Closer to Bush Ranch (none / 0) (#27)
    by ppjakajim on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:02:28 PM EST
    TravelerTV - Wonderful words, and I must say they almost leave me all warm and fuzzy. However, they merely state, again, one of the dumber positions taken by the far Left and their useful idoits. Let us discuss. First, if it wasn't radical Moslems who have been attacking us, who has it been? The answer, of course, is that it has been radical Moslems. Ignorance is, dear Traveler, as ignorance does. And since this has been happenng for some 40 years or so, you should catch a clue. The war has started. As for Iraq, etc., try actually reading what OBL said rather than just repeating what the big boys down on the corner are telling you. You do, I hope, have a mind of your own. Start with this March 1997 interview with CNN's Peter Arnett.
    REPORTER: Mr. Bin Ladin, will the end of the United States' presence in Saudi Arabia, their withdrawal, will that end your call for jihad against the United States and against the US ? BIN LADIN: The cause of the reaction must be sought and the act that has triggered this reaction must be eliminated. The reaction came as a result of the US aggressive policy towards the entire Muslim world and not just towards the Arabian peninsula. So if the cause that has called for this act comes to an end, this act, in turn, will come to an end. So, the driving-away jihad against the US does not stop with its withdrawal from the Arabian peninsula, but rather it must desist from aggressive intervention against Muslims in the whole world.

    Re: Cindy Sheehan Camp Moving Closer to Bush Ranch (none / 0) (#28)
    by Dadler on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:02:28 PM EST
    Cliff, You analytical skills are pathetic. If you want to make a hypothetical, try choosing one that actually has the moral heft of the one your are complaining about. You camping out in front of TL's house and Cindy Sheehan's situation are not analogous, unless TL was an accessory to your son's murder and was getting away without suffering any consequences. Seriously, my friend, you cannot expect to be taken seriously when you drop the ball intellectually in such a clear and comical manner.

    Re: Cindy Sheehan Camp Moving Closer to Bush Ranch (none / 0) (#29)
    by Dadler on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:02:28 PM EST
    Jim, If you are so worried about Bin Laden, why are you supporting actions that only make him stronger? If we can't win the rhetorical battle, which we haven't (and can't currently, since we're taking such a hypocritcal position), how can we win any bloodbath? And why aren't you concerned that all reputable sources have concluded we long ago dropped the ball on Bin Laden? And we dropped that ball purposefully so we could go charging into Iraq -- which will gain us what? From all indications, it'll turn Iraq into a 21st century Islamic Republic. Yipee.

    Re: Cindy Sheehan Camp Moving Closer to Bush Ranch (none / 0) (#30)
    by ppjakajim on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:02:28 PM EST
    Dadler - I am astonished that you think that wars are won by words. Wars are won by bombs, bullets and determination to kill your enemy. To think otherwise is, and I must be blunt here, extereme ignorance. It is time for us to all understand the radical Moslems are swiming in a sea of other so-called Moderate Moslems as well as protected by so-called "rights" in western democracies. Perhaps the English have learned something from the latest troubles.
    The Government is facing demands to close down a London-based radio station broadcasting calls for attacks on British troops in Iraq.
    London Evening Standard. As Bush so rightfully put it, "You are either with us, or against us." For many, it is time to figure out the answer to that question.

    Re: Cindy Sheehan Camp Moving Closer to Bush Ranch (none / 0) (#31)
    by soccerdad on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:02:28 PM EST
    so PPJ's answer appears to be to blow up the middle east and do away with ourrights here. Good little fascist you are.

    Jim: "First, if it wasn't radical Moslems who have been attacking us, who has it been? The answer, of course, is that it has been radical Moslems." • Radical Moslems trained by Saudis in madrassas. • Radical Moslems like Saudi OBL. • Radical Moslems like the THREE 9i1 hijackers from the Saudi al-Ghamdi family. • Radical Moslems like the Al-Ghamdi father, Sayyid al-Ghamdi, former head of the Saudi diplomatic mission in Sudan (which harbored Bin Laden). • Radical Moslems like 20-year old Ahmad Sayyid Ahmad al-Ghamdi, who blew up a mess tent in Mosul last December. • Radical Moslems like the foreign fighters in Iraq, which all independent sources say come from Saudi Arabia, and pretty much no where else. Yep, Bush is fighting radical Moslemism, one wrong country at a time. Well, two. Well, actually, the PNAC paper listed: "Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen, Iran, Sudan, and Somalia." No mention of Saudi Arabia. I wonder (Bush friends) why?

    The Ballad Of Camp Casey is dedicated to Cindy Sheehan, her son Casey, and all who have suffered loss in Iraq. I have posted it at Our Media . The link will take you there. Thanks, Hairy Larry The Ballad Of Camp Casey by Larry Heyl