
Poll: Bush's Approval Ratings at All-Time Low

President Bush's ratings are in free-fall. How low will they go?

Bush's rating for handling each of those issues dropped to the lowest of his presidency in a USA TODAY/CNN/Gallup Poll taken Friday through Sunday. (Related: Poll results)

Assessments of his personal qualities also fell: For the first time, a majority say he isn't a strong and decisive leader. Bush's overall approval rating is 40%, equaling a previous low. His overall disapproval rating is 58%, a new high.

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    What I would like to know is, Who the hell are the people who once thought Bush a strong & decisive leader but who now find him vacillating & weak? I mean, Where in the world have they been?

    Re: Poll: Bush's Approval Ratings at All-Time Low (none / 0) (#2)
    by scarshapedstar on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:04:04 PM EST
    Where in the world have they been?
    In a word? Jesusland.

    Re: Poll: Bush's Approval Ratings at All-Time Low (none / 0) (#3)
    by glanton on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:04:04 PM EST
    Scar nails it. Nobody seems to believe me, but just wait until 2006 and we get the next Shiavo/boys kissing/flag burning/Christmas is under assault shtick. Or, perhaps we'll get another Republican War on our hands, maybe with Iran, two or three months before the midterms. Folks, Bush has never been elected in terms of his merit. People on all sides surely see this. This last election was anything but a referendum on the President's record. Red herrings, ad hominem, red herrings, and a little more ad hominem. GOP formula for success, and it seems pretty damned invincible. But then, people fall for it: in a sense you could say we're getting what we deserve. Only if we as a nation demand issue-driven elections will we get them. Sigh.

    Re: Poll: Bush's Approval Ratings at All-Time Low (none / 0) (#4)
    by glanton on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:04:04 PM EST
    And before Paul in LA or anyone else retorts with charges of election fraud and indignation at my "voter villification," let me simply remind everyone of which "issues" got play in the media in the last election. It was homophobia, people, and it was Janet Jackson's nipple, and Whoopie Goldberg, and the SwiftLiars, it was all kinds of discussion about Kerry's personality and whether people could be "comfortable" with him as Pres. Does anyone remember issue-driven discourse in the media or by politicans that I somehow missed? Didn't think so.

    Re: Poll: Bush's Approval Ratings at All-Time Low (none / 0) (#5)
    by Kitt on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:04:04 PM EST
    Where did I see that Gonzalez was latching on the pledge, planning on fighting that battle?

    Re: Poll: Bush's Approval Ratings at All-Time Low (none / 0) (#6)
    by glanton on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:04:04 PM EST
    There you go, Kitt. Now you're onto the game.

    Re: Poll: Bush's Approval Ratings at All-Time Low (none / 0) (#7)
    by Edger on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:04:04 PM EST
    glanton: Red herrings, ad hominem, red herrings, and a little more ad hominem. GOP formula for success, and it seems pretty damned invincible. Selling to the biggest fear, and presenting yourself as "the" saviour or solution works extremely well, for a while... and you can fool enough of the people all of the time, and enough of the people some of the time. Maybe I'm being a little naive here, but I have enough faith in peoples basic smarts though, to believe that you CANNOT fool all of them ALL of the time. This site is a case study. If you cry wolf long enough they will eventually wake up, and tell you to take the BS and "shove it!" One of the problems with the people who voted for these lows-lifes is that they were, for awhile, terrified by 9/11 and, even more so, by the continuous fear-mongering of Bush and the NeoCons, and I think they lost faith in "just people" and the innate, albeit sometimes repressed, wisdom of "just people". Katrina has made it glaringly obvious that "just people" can and will take care of each other. They've heard, I think, the wolf cry once too often. I also see a danger here. During the last election campaign there were some distantly heard, quiet voices saying that the democrats have to begin using the tactics of the Bush campaign to win. I hope this does not happen. There is too much danger in that of becoming what you imitate. Someone must take the high road. I think it is the only real way to go... Perhaps a "true" stateman will emerge in the next 2 or 3 years... before irreversible damage is done. The high road is the only way. The only people who take the low road are the low lifes...

    Re: Poll: Bush's Approval Ratings at All-Time Low (none / 0) (#8)
    by Edger on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:04:04 PM EST
    Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear - not absence of fear. ...Mark Twain

    Bush's poll numbers are not too low by half. Amazing how many people are still utterly bamboozled.

    Re: Poll: Bush's Approval Ratings at All-Time Low (none / 0) (#10)
    by Johnny on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:04:05 PM EST
    just doesn't matter anymore... He already is a two-term president. He could care less about what happens anymore...

    Re: Poll: Bush's Approval Ratings at All-Time Low (none / 0) (#11)
    by jimakaPPJ on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:04:05 PM EST
    et al - Your problem is simple. Bush doesn't care all that much about poll numbers. Never did.
    Be sure your right and go ahead. -----Davy Crockett
    As for your election complaints, you reap what you sow. The Swiftboats would have never became an issue if the Demos hadn't tried to make TANG and issue.
    "Reporting for duty." -----John Kerry
    Whoopie Goldberg would never have been an issue if she had not made such outrageous, vulgar and demeaning statements. She didn't have to. Why did she do it? My guess? It made her feel good, and it played to the Demos in the room. But, it looked terrible to the rest of the country. And who, may I ask, brought up the issue of Cheney's daughter? Why? Why not leave family out of it. When you don't, you make many people very uncomfortable. They see it as a step over the line. And of course the killer:
    "Fake but accurate."
    By, I think, Dan Rather who must be much loved by the Bush Adminsitration for the "kill shot" to Kerry's election. So laugh and enjoy. In the meantime, Bush will put two, perhaps three people on the SC and many, many on the federal bench. If you consider that a victory, God help us all.

    Re: Poll: Bush's Approval Ratings at All-Time Low (none / 0) (#13)
    by jimakaPPJ on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:04:06 PM EST
    DA - Read the comment. I didn't say he didn't take polls, I just said he didn't care much about'em. In Southern speak that means he'll just go ahead and pretty much do what he wants.

    Re: Poll: Bush's Approval Ratings at All-Time Low (none / 0) (#15)
    by peacrevol on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:04:06 PM EST
    A cool million is the tip of the iceburg DA.

    PPJ...you totally miss the point, as usual. Bush may continue to "do what he wants" but with his numbers so low, he probably won't get congressional approval for it like he's been used to since 9/11.

    Re: Poll: Bush's Approval Ratings at All-Time Low (none / 0) (#17)
    by Sailor on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:04:07 PM EST
    bush completely relies on polls, if his handlers tell him about them. 1) 9/11 commision 2) iraq insurgency
    CNN/USA Today Poll: 81% of Americans want an independent panel to investigate Katrina, 18% want Congress to investigate
    My prediction; bushco will have to appoint another 'independent' commission because he is told he has to.

    jackrussell says
    "What I would like to know is, Who the hell are the people who once thought Bush a strong & decisive leader but who now find him vacillating & weak? I mean, Where in the world have they been?
    Well, obviously only terrier-ists;-)

    Forget Davy Crockett and his stupid saying, here's PROOF that Bush, or any 'corporatist,' is NOT a cowboy:
    1. A cowboy never takes unfair advantage. 2. A cowboy never betrays a trust. 3. A cowboy always tells the truth. 4. A cowboy is kind to small children, to old folks, and to animals. 5. A cowboy is free from racial and religious prejudice. 6. A cowboy is helpful and when anyone's in trouble he lends a hand. 7. A cowboy is a good worker. 8. A cowboy is clean about his person and in thought, word, and deed.[3] 9. A cowboy respects womanhood, his parents, and the laws of his country. 10. A cowboy is a patriot. Gene Autry: "The Ten Commandments of the Cowboy," 1939.
    11. A cowboy doesn't give his gay hookers press passes. 12. A cowboy doesn't read children's books while the barn is burning down. 13. A cowboy doesn't sing songs on a gitar while his neighbor's family is being washed away in a gully-washer. 14. A cowboy doesn't kill tens of thousands of innocent people in order to install airbases so he can kill tens of thousands more. 15. A cowboy doesn't have to hide his bottle.

    Btw, Dark, this 'art of war' title is actually more flowery than the literal title: "military strategy." Don't tell the anti-intellectuals like Jim, who think that actually having correct views is just bragging. An intellectual guy like Patton probably read Sunzi's Military Strategy a hundred times.