
Reports: DeLays Lawyers Are Concerned About Indictment

According to the AP, Tom DeLay's lawyers fear an Indictment charging him with conspiracy could be imminent.

By expanding the charges to include conspiracy, prosecutors made it possible for the Travis County grand jury to bring charges against DeLay. Otherwise, the grand jury would have lacked jurisdiction under state laws.

In my experience, grand juries indict on what the prosecutors ask them to indict on. The prosecutor prepares the charges and presents them to the grand jury. There have been renegade grand juries--the Rocky Flats case comes to mind--but even in that case, there were no Indictments issued. More about that here.

My take: Don't get your hopes up. But, this is one instance where I'd love to be proved wrong. AmericaBlog says it just might happen.

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    Re: Reports: DeLays Lawyers Are Concerned About In (none / 0) (#1)
    by Johnny on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:04:23 PM EST
    The powerful protect the powerful.