
DC Park Police "Catch and Release," 12 Hours Later With Nowhere to Go

by Last Night in Little Rock

The protestors arrested outside the White House, including Cindi Sheehan, were subjected to "catch and release," according to Raw Story.

Rep. John Conyers (D-MI) wrote to the Park Police Chief that the problem was that many were held in handcuffs for 12 hours, many were grandmothers and some were senior citizens, and they were released from a holding facility in Anacostia at 4:30 a.m., after the Metro stopped for the night, there were no taxicabs, and people were unfamiliar with the city to walk anywhere.

In a missive to United States Park Police Dwight Pettiford Tuesday evening, Conyers raised concern that protesters were mistreated by police.

"Some of those were released at 4:30 in the morning after being arrested at 4:00 the previous afternoon," he wrote. "Those released after midnight were unfamiliar with Washington, D.C., and had no means to travel back to their hotels once the metro had closed. Anacostia is not frequented by taxicabs after midnight."

"Many of those held captive the longest were grandmothers and senior citizens," he added.

In the good old days of the Vietnam protests, the peaceful protestors that were arrested were far younger and far more resilient.

They let them go. Big deal. They let them go in a way to inconvenience them as much as possible. The more things change, the more they look the same.

Remember the Gulfport doctor who told off Cheney back on September 8th or as noted here and here? Cheney's "security guards" (Blackwater [Halliburton] mercenaries?) hunted the doctor down at home just to handcuff, detain, and question him. They held him for a while and then released him, just to show the cost of telling a public official to f**k himself. Of course, Sen. Leahy's security forces never got to detain Cheney.

One would think that the Park Police Chief is just another Bush crony hired on to stifle dissent.

And so it goes....

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  • Re: DC Park Police "Catch and Release," 12 Hours L (none / 0) (#1)
    by Johnny on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:04:24 PM EST
    That'll learn those hardened criminals... Maybe now they will see the fallacy of protesting the man-childs war! Why do these protesters hate america?

    And worse, Anacostia's seen as a pretty rough part of town, especially at 4 AM and (I would think) especially for confused-looking out-of-towners. It's miles to the nearest hotel, and you are not going to find a cab there at that hour.

    Re: DC Park Police "Catch and Release," 12 Hours L (none / 0) (#3)
    by kdog on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:04:24 PM EST
    No free speech goes unpunished.

    So, can we expect that freshly indicted Tom Delay will now be arrested by the Texas Rangers, taken to a remote location, left to linger in cuffs for several hours while paperwork is being completed and then released without any guidance into a strange, slightly dangerous neighborhood at 4 AM? Just wondering.

    Arrest and release Bush in Bagdad at ANY hour. He has lots of friends who will 'put him up.'