
Unanswered Questions in Dedge Case

by TChris

TalkLeft has frequently written about Wilton Dedge, the wrongfully convicted Florida man who spent 22 years in prison for a rape he didn't commit. While Florida recently compensated Dedge for his unjust imprisonment, his story shouldn't end there. Florida Today continues to call for an investigation of the official misconduct that caused such a miscarriage of justice.

What should come next is an outside investigation of how Brevard County prosecutors in the state attorney's office used jailhouse snitch, murderer and recently convicted child-rapist Clarence Zacke to help keep Dedge behind bars.

At Dedge's 1984 retrial, Zacke testified that Dedge had confessed crime details during a ride the two inmates shared in a transport van. That helped prosecutors reconvict Dedge. In return, Zacke hoped for quicker parole.

Zacke's super-convenient presence in that van has never passed the smell test, but revelations that surfaced during his recent rape trial have raised questions to new levels.

Florida Today asks the tough questions:

• Did anyone in the state attorney's office withhold critical information about Zacke, including allegations he'd raped his adopted daughter, from the defense before Dedge's 1984 retrial?

If prosecutors knew of the allegations against Zacke, but still allowed him to inform on Dedge -- under the pose of a defender of women's honor -- their actions are not only deceitful but possibly a breach of law.

• What happened to missing sealed grand jury records about Zacke's criminal history -- including information he was possibly molesting his adopted daughter -- that might establish what prosecutors knew and when?

• Was Zacke fed crime details he offered in testimony by prosecutors in what may have been an illegal act?

• Why were Zacke and Dedge alone on the prison transport van? Was the trip a set-up for Zacke to commit perjury and if so, at whose instigation?

Will they be answered?

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    Re: Unanswered Questions in Dedge Case (none / 0) (#1)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Tue Jan 31, 2006 at 02:52:00 PM EST
    someone who believes in an eye-for-an-eye justice, please speak up. how is this one supposed to work?

    Re: Unanswered Questions in Dedge Case (none / 0) (#2)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Wed Feb 01, 2006 at 02:23:55 PM EST
    I'm sure there's plenty of blame to go around here, but are prosecutors required to reveal alleged actions by a witness, particularly if those allegations cast doubt on the character of the witness rather than the facts of the case?