
Specter Introduces Misleading NSA Surveillance Bill

Sen. Arlen Specter has introduced a bill supposedly to require judicial oversight of NSA electronic surveillance applications. But, as Marty Lederman of Balkinization and Glenn Greenwald point out, it's anything but.

It is, of course, so disorientingly bizarre to hear about a proposed law requiring FISA warrants for eavesdropping because we already have a law in place which does exactly that. It's called FISA. That's the law the Administration has been deliberately breaking because they think they don't have to comply with it and that Congress has no power to make them. Reading this article about Specter's proposed legislation is somewhat like hearing that a life-long, chronic bank-robber got arrested for robbing a bank over the weekend and, in response, a Senator introduces legislation to make it a crime to rob banks.

Marty has a link (Word document format) to the draft legislation.

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    Re: Specter Introduces Misleading NSA Surveillance (none / 0) (#1)
    by scarshapedstar on Sun Feb 26, 2006 at 03:05:07 PM EST
    I think it's time for a Truth in Legislation act.

    Re: Specter Introduces Misleading NSA Surveillance (none / 0) (#2)
    by jimakaPPJ on Sun Feb 26, 2006 at 04:52:44 PM EST
    Specter is trying to curry favor from the Left without angering the Right. He will do neither. As this is his last term, it doesn't matter. The middle path has become the road less traveled. And given the epic size of the battle unfolding, perhaps it is best.

    This bill needs to be Identified for what it is. "Ending the 4th Amendment". That's an Amendment that everyone opposed to this bill should Fillibuster to get included in the Bill's name. Dem's should also move to insert language that says "this act repeals the 4th Amendment". Then, let's have an "up or down vote" and hold everyone accountable.

    What a joke, bush is bizarre and down right evil. the fact is bush loves this bull and lives to see us all in the third world, like red china. "camps anyone"? that is the next move by bush and business, a camp system for all who don't like what the government is doing. and many in government of both paties would love to see just that big camp system for the enemy within!

    House Judiciary Chair James Sensenbrenner has this statement up on his web site. Was this requirement passed in the law? Was this requirement met by the National Intelligence Director? The National Intelligence Director is required ... "to appoint a Civil Liberties Protection Officer who would be responsible for ensuring that civil liberties and privacy protections are appropriately incorporated in intelligence policies and procedures. Moreover, other government agencies with anti-terrorism roles would have a