
Unpublished Photos of Civil Rights Movement Discovered

A photo intern at the Birmingham News was looking for a camera lens in an equipment closet and found a box marked "Keep, don't sell." Inside were dozens of previously unpublished photos from the Civil Rights movement era. The paper published them in a Sunday supplement, and you can view many of them online here.

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  • Thanks for the links JM, although the pics are loading very slowly. I was struck by the photos - maybe it's the emotional impact of B&W photography, but the subjects seem strong and resolute, modest but consequential, earnest and sincere. Such a difference, it seems, from most any of our leaders today.

    Thanks so much for posting the link! An amazing cache of history!! suo: The pdf file version (which is quite spectacular) can be downloaded (from righthand menu) and archived for viewing without a browser. (Re: slowness: This is a very large file, and the site is likely getting a lot of additional traffic due to blog entries like this one.)

    Thanks Susan.