
Leopold: Fitz Almost Ready for New Indictments

Investigative journalist Jason Leopold writes that sources at the State Department, the CIA and the National Security Council, as well as lawyers close to the Valerie Plame investigation have told him that Special Counsel Patrick Fitzgerald is getting ready to indict Karl Rove or Stephen Hadley, or both, perhaps in about a month.

Neither Hadley nor Rove disclosed the existence of the email when they were questioned by FBI investigators or when they testified before a grand jury, the sources said, adding that Rove testified he found out about Plame Wilson from reporters and Hadley testified that he recalled learning about Plame Wilson when her name was published in a newspaper column.

Leopold writes that Fitz wasn't persuaded by Rove lawyer Luskin's most recent entreaties to avoid indictment, particularly Rove's explanation about his e-mail with Hadley.

Yesterday, I wrote a long legal analysis of Raw Story's report that Rove was responsible for directing Fitz to the 250 pages of e-mails discussed at the Scooter Libby hearing on February 23.

I don't think anyone has posted a transcript of that Feb. 23 hearing -- so here it is. There are some other juicy tidbits disclosed by Libby's lawyers, for any serious Libbyphiles out there.

Update: Christy at Firedoglake analyzes the transcript.

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    Hmm. An indictment in the midst of primary season.

    Re: Leopold: Fitz Almost Ready for New Indictments (none / 0) (#2)
    by rdandrea on Tue Mar 28, 2006 at 07:01:00 PM EST
    Couldn't happen to a nicer guy. Too bad it's only him and not the staffers he's sent into Colorado to try to sway the legislative elections in order to reclaim the majority before reapportionment. He doesn't trust the State party to walk and chew gum at the same time.

    Re: Leopold: Fitz Almost Ready for New Indictments (none / 0) (#3)
    by orionATL on Tue Mar 28, 2006 at 07:03:49 PM EST
    good source. thanks for persisting.

    Well, Fitz ain't gonna stand for Karl's crap no more No he ain't gonna stand for Karl's crap no more. 'Cause he leaks to all the press corps About Plame and Joe and John Everyone knows he's the brains Behind shrub He slimes them every time They open the door. Well, Fitz ain't gonna stand For Karl's crap no more. Well, Fitz ain't gonna stand for Hadley's jive no more. No he ain't gonna stand for Hadley's jive no more. As he lectures all the people on these neocon nitwit laws. Everyone can see it's just one shrubco nitwit fraud He thinks we can't see it ain't no good in Baghdad Nah, Fitz ain't gonna stand For Hadley's jive no more.

    Well, Fitz ain't gonna stand for Karl's crap no more No he ain't gonna stand for Karl's crap no more. 'Cause he leaks to all the press corps About Plame and Joe and John Everyone knows he's the brains Behind shrub He slimes them every time They open the door. Well, Fitz ain't gonna stand For Karl's crap no more. Well,