
DA Moves to Reinstate Old Charges Against Duke Lacrosse Players

DA Mike Nifong said today he is going to move to revoke diversion deals with several of the Duke lacrosse players who attended the party that was was the site of the alleged rape.

According to court records, 16 players were charged in the past three years with misdemeanor charges in Durham including noise violations, public urination and alcohol violations. The deals placed the men on probation for either six months or a year. They were to complete community service and in some cases were required to abide by the rules and regulations of the university. The deals required the men to pay fees and in some cases remain in school.

Nifong said he will reinstate the charges against players whose deferred prosecution deals are still active, unless they can show they were not at the party.

The first to have charges reinstated: Dave Evans, a team co-captain who lived at the house.

He said he is reinstating a noise violation and an alcohol possession charge against Evans because he was one of the men who threw the party.

"He was one of the people who rented the house that was serving alcohol to underage people and hiring strippers," Nifong said in an interview. "In order to put somebody under deferred prosecution, the DA has to, under requirements of the statute, certify that he does not believe the person is likely to do any further criminal acts. Under the circumstances, it's hard for me to see how we could maintain that."

Meanwhile, in Washington, Colin Finerty was ordered to stand trial in an assault case for which he received a diversionary sentence to probation.

Under the new restrictions, Finnerty, 19, and his two co-defendants in the assault case have a curfew of 9 p.m. to 6 a.m. and are not allowed to be present anywhere, in public or private, where alcohol is sold or consumed. They also must report by telephone to court officials each Friday. A tentative trial date was set for July 10.

One of the provisions of his diversion was that he not be arrested for any other crimes. I hope this is a tentative trial date that the Judge will reconsider if the Duke rape charges are not resolved by then.

The judge also issued this threat to Finnerty:

Bayly said that if he concludes that the rape allegations Finnerty faces in Durham are true, he will revoke Finnerty's release and put him in jail or a halfway house.

Although the grand jury meets again Monday, Nifong says he will not be asking for further indictments since it's the day before the election. Even he says that would look "too political."

I'll be discussing the new developments tonight on Fox News' Hannity and Colmes . In an interesting role reversal, Sean Hannity has been on the defense side of the case, while Alan has leaned more towards the prosecution and accuser's side.

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  • What a ____! He must hope he can pressure someone into making something up. Either way, his case must be weak to need to use this tactic. The good news is that the public can see what some DA's are like.

    Re: DA Moves to Reinstate Old Charges Against Duk (none / 0) (#2)
    by scribe on Tue Apr 25, 2006 at 03:14:01 PM EST
    Mr. Nifong seems, uh, desperate. If it were me and I had the money these kids come from, I'd consider pushing some serious coin into campaign ads, or just buy up ad time to keep Nifong's off the air. I'll speculate N.C. state law has much more lenient spending limits and so on, compared to federal.

    Re: DA Moves to Reinstate Old Charges Against Duk (none / 0) (#3)
    by azbballfan on Tue Apr 25, 2006 at 03:16:48 PM EST

    The problem with your analysis is that the judge and DA in Washington DC for the gay bashing case is not Nifong. These young Dukesters sound darling. I hope they move into my neighborhood. Our crime rate is way too low.

    larry posted:(in the last thread)
    As for why they wouldn't talk to the police, it doesn't sound like the police want to talk to anyone. If they did all they would have to do is subpoena them to appear in front of the grand jury. As far as I have heard, the police have never requested to interview either Seligmann or Finnerty.
    Nifong said today that the 46 members of the No. 2 ranked team are united in silence and refusing to talk with investigators probing the rape case. Duke University Provost Peter Lange said, "The students would be well-advised to come forward. They have chosen not to."

    Playing hardball with people who are on probation or have been granted deferred adjudication, etc., is standard operating procedure for DAs, and to be outraged by it only belies a wish for these players to be treated differently on the basis of their social class. (If you want to argue that prosecutors ought never to be allowed in any case to offer leniency in exchange for cooperation, that's an argument I can respect, but fat chance of any of the Duke partisans arguing for such a sweeping procedural change.) OTOH, if the DA brings out all the big guns, and he still can't get anyone (out of 16) to flip, then his case is really in big trouble.

    These are the players that had either pending court dates or deferred prosecution status when the story first broke: (Flannery's court date has since passed) Daniel P. Flannery, 22, cited Jan. 10 for noise violation. Court date: April 18. David Evans, 22, cited Aug. 25 for possessing a can of beer in passenger area of a car; also cited Jan. 10 for noise ordinance violation. Deferred prosecution; review in August. Erik Steven Henkelman, 22, cited Aug. 24 for noise violation. Deferred prosecution; review in June. Edward James Crotty, 19, cited Aug. 27 for public urination. Deferred prosecution; review July 14. Kevin Michael Mayer, 19, cited Feb. 12, 2005, for obtaining property by false pretenses. Deferred prosecution; review in July. Robert R. Schroeder, 19, cited for obtaining property by false pretenses on Feb. 11, 2005, and April 3 and 8, 2005. Deferred prosecution; review in July. Christopher James Tkac, 19, cited Dec. 2 for underage possession of malt beverage and public urination. Court date: July 28. Edward James Crotty, 19, cited Aug. 27 for public urination. Deferred prosecution; review July 14.

    Jade, of course Nifong is not the DA or the judge in the Duke case. But do you really believe Nifong hasn't spoken with the prosecutor in the Washington case and pushed the revocation?

    Re: DA Moves to Reinstate Old Charges Against Duk (none / 0) (#9)
    by Sailor on Tue Apr 25, 2006 at 03:33:47 PM EST
    (Judge) Bayly said that if he concludes that the rape allegations Finnerty faces in Durham are true
    Uhhh, doesn't that take a trial, and not a conclusion/delusion by the judge!? I really don't think this case is important enough to have so much attention spent on it ... this is nancy (dis)grace territory, not reality. Especially when one of the Lodi terror cases just got a mistrial.

    ProzacNation posted:
    He must hope he can pressure someone into making something up.
    I think he would prefer the truth - even if it was a denial. A denial would be an improvement on their silence since March 16th.

    "These are the players that had either pending court dates or deferred prosecution status when the story first broke: (Flannery's court date has since passed)" Tony Soprano is sending recruiters out to them as we speak.

    What makes me especially suspicious is the RS alibi fiasco and the flawed line-up. It is hard not to wonder if the DA is trying to flush out the alibi babies before his witness makes her final pick.

    "I think he would prefer the truth - even if it was a denial. A denial would be an improvement on their silence since March 16th." That's a fine thought, but there is this little thing called the Constitution, and it states no one can be compelled to speak against themselves. Some number or another, the 5th or something. Not only that, no one is supposed to hold their silence against them. That's the way it works. Maybe they knew petty charges were pending, or would be, so exercised their right to remain silent. That is not a technicality, but is one of the foundations of this country. Let's call this move what it is: extortion meant to subvert the Constitution.

    Yes, it's "this little thing called the Constitution" that gives you the right to state "He must hope he can pressure someone into making something up."

    "(If you want to argue that prosecutors ought never to be allowed in any case to offer leniency in exchange for cooperation, that's an argument I can respect, but fat chance of any of the Duke partisans arguing for such a sweeping procedural change.)" Yes, that is my position. It is too easy for a DA to squeeze what he wants to hear out of someone with the threat of jail time. Aruba got that part right. No deals for snitching over there. Not that I think these guys actually know anything, can't say, but it is too possible someone might make something up just to please the DA. If the DA is hoping someone will crack, how does he know that someone won't be the type to invent some testimony? It happens all the time. Some innocent people confess for only that reason, to please their interrogators. It's something like accepting Christ before getting killed during the Inquisition. They will still get murdered, but their murderers will be happy.

    "Yes, it's "this little thing called the Constitution" that gives you the right to state "He must hope he can pressure someone into making something up."" Yes it is. Due process is a beautiful thing.

    Contrast the protectionist talk in regards to the Duke Hooligans (past behavior is more than enough to justify this title - even if the rape allegation is excluded), to the way Americans talk when an accused criminal of lesser pedigree refuses to talk to the police, refuses to take a lie detector, etc. Contrast the Aruba case in which a person who is very much like the Dukesters refused to cooperate with police. The Duke love was definitely missing.

    azbballfan, Is your ID related to U of A basketball or something else? Posted by azbballfan April 25, 2006 04:16 PM

    Uhhh, doesn't that take a trial, and not a conclusion/delusion by the judge!?
    By entering the diversion program, I imagine, Finnerty had to admit guilt in the DC assault and leave his future, to some degree, to the disgression of the court. Just like the prosecutor did not have to wait for a conviction in the Durham case to revoke his deal, I'm guessing the judge doesn't have to wait for a verdict in Durham to draw his own conclusions about Finnerty's involvement in the rape, kidnapping, sexual assault case and take what action he deems appropriate while awaiting the outcome of whichever trial is resolved first. It's just a guess, anyone know if it is true?

    ProzacNation: as I said, I respect your position (TL probably has similar views), but I doubt they are representative of the people taking the side of the lacrosse players. Still, "fat chance of any of the Duke partisans arguing for such a sweeping procedural change" was too strident. I humbly revise it to "fat chance more than 2% of the Duke partisans";)

    ProzacNation posted:
    Not that I think these guys actually know anything, can't say, but it is too possible someone might make something up just to please the DA. If the DA is hoping someone will crack, how does he know that someone won't be the type to invent some testimony? It happens all the time.
    Other than the fact that some of them are teenagers, these guys don't fit the description of most false confessors - mentally retarded/ mentally ill, undereducated, and not represented by counsel. As far as pointing the finger at someone else, do you really think one of these guys is going to falsely accused their teammates of rape to avoid a public urination conviction? I don't.

    JLvngstn, You wrote:
    Speaking to police without an attorney is STUPID. You are afforded the right to speak to an attorney and every person SHOULD do so. The last thing one needs is to have their words taken out of context, to be lied to "colin just confessed that you raped her" etc (which only causes people to make sh*t up about someone else to cover their own arse).
    It's much more important to have a video camera when talking to police than to have a lawyer. It also has alternate uses that are fun. You wrote:
    One should NOT have a black cloud over their head because they utilized their US given right to speak to the police only with an attorney present.
    I haven't heard anyone complain here about people taking to the police with their attorneys present. I personally don't think black clouds should arise over anyone's head when somebody takes the fifth. If there's a black cloud over these boy's heads today, it's because they are failing to disclose evidence where a crime has been alleged. That's what has put one of the team members on the cover of Newsweek, not whether he is guilty of raping someone or not.

    Re: DA Moves to Reinstate Old Charges Against Duk (none / 0) (#23)
    by azbballfan on Tue Apr 25, 2006 at 04:50:40 PM EST
    GSDfan, No - azbballfan refers to my location - I'm a basketball fan living on the surface of the sun here in the desert. Lute fan? No way. Back in the days of Shawn Elliott and Steve Kerr, you had to respect the program. His players have had their share of run ins - nothing close to this. I very much respect the Duke bakstball program and the way its run. I may question some of the ridiculous attempts of the Coach to intimidate refs, but its a clean program. By the way, my alma mater's football program started to have some run-ins with the law and I'm proud that we fired a very successful coach to clean up the program. In case you're guessing, we also fired our basketball coach for recruiting the wrong element a year after a national championship. After those two hints, I'd be suprised if you couldn't figure it out.

    Look that Nifong still hasn't figured out who's at the party and who hasn't on that night.

    mmyy posted:
    Look that Nifong still hasn't figured out who's at the party and who hasn't on that night.
    What? The only three players that cooperated with the investigators lied to them when they gave them up a list of who was there and who wasn't?

    Re: DA Moves to Reinstate Old Charges Against Duk (none / 0) (#26)
    by chew2 on Tue Apr 25, 2006 at 05:54:50 PM EST

    Re: DA Moves to Reinstate Old Charges Against Duk (none / 0) (#27)
    by Scrutinizer on Tue Apr 25, 2006 at 05:55:13 PM EST
    PB wrote:
    It's much more important to have a video camera when talking to police than to have a lawyer. It also has alternate uses that are fun.
    LOL! How right you are.
    I personally don't think black clouds should arise over anyone's head when somebody takes the fifth. If there's a black cloud over these boy's heads today, it's because they are failing to disclose evidence where a crime has been alleged.
    If they are guilty of the crime, or of participating in a coverup after the crime (a crime in itself), then they shouldn't be compelled to testify. If they don't know anything and start talking to police, they face a major risk of being pulled into a case like this where there is a lot of media attention and the prosecutor seems uncommonly zealous. Either way, they can't and shouldn't be compelled to say anything. kth pontificated
    Playing hardball with people who are on probation or have been granted deferred adjudication, etc., is standard operating procedure for DAs, and to be outraged by it only belies a wish for these players to be treated differently on the basis of their social class.
    If I'm outraged by the high-handed SOP of prosecutors, I'm an elitist who thinks that because these are a bunch of rich pampered kids, they should be given different treatment? That's the stupidest thing I've read on this entire topic. This kind of SOP is unacceptable in any case, and it affects the poor and disadvantaged much more than it does those who can afford to "lawyer up". DAs sholdn't be allowed to do this to anybody. Period. I take exception to you couching your argument in that way.

    Re: DA Moves to Reinstate Old Charges Against Duk (none / 0) (#28)
    by Teresa on Tue Apr 25, 2006 at 05:56:01 PM EST
    az, I was going to guess Colorado until the basketball championship. Ohio State?

    Re: DA Moves to Reinstate Old Charges Against Duk (none / 0) (#29)
    by chew2 on Tue Apr 25, 2006 at 05:59:02 PM EST
    But do you really believe Nifong hasn't spoken with the prosecutor in the Washington case and pushed the revocation?
    TL wouldn't such ex-parte contact be against ethical and court rules? Do you have something to back up that implied assertion?

    azbball fan, I'm guessing Michigan, but it could be lots of schools. Must be my cynicism, which extends to the the Duke bball program. I'm pretty sure it's better than almost all of the other big time programs, but not as good as it's carefully crafted image. At the same time it's interesting that it was also the most hated program in college athletics (until now). There's a similar kind of blind emotion that is behind the fan's perception of the bball team and the general public's view of the rape case (for/against). There seems to be very few people whose mind isn't already made up one way or the other. Impartial jury? Right.

    AZBBallfan, You wrote:
    The fact that all the players are hiding behind lawyers indicates knowledge of a crime.
    I don't believe that hiring a lawyer indicates "knowledge of a crime." People, particularly aristocrats, hire lawyers simply because they want to reduce their risk. Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out to get you, as the saying goes. ProzacNation writes:
    there is this little thing called the Constitution, and it states no one can be compelled to speak against themselves ... [blah blah blah]... Let's call this move what it is: extortion meant to subvert the Constitution.
    I think of compulsion as involving sticks, not carrots. Aren't you making a simple category error here? We can argue about whether its proper to make deals for testimony, but to compare these deals to the brutal techniques that the Founding Fathers were worried about when they designed the Constitution goes beyond hyperbole, doesn't it? Isn't it actually wrong?

    chew2 wrote:
    TL wouldn't such ex-parte contact be against ethical and court rules? Do you have something to back up that implied assertion?
    I thought judges, as referees, weren't allowed to have those types of contacts. But Prosecutors? How weird would that be?

    Re: DA Moves to Reinstate Old Charges Against Duk (none / 0) (#33)
    by azbballfan on Tue Apr 25, 2006 at 06:29:33 PM EST
    Teresa - a few more hints which give me an opportunity to brag: 97 combined team national championships (118 overall) a four letter sport alumn broke the color barrier for baseball 20 years before the first black student walked the Duke campus. alumns hold a combined 11 tennis grand slam championships alumns hold a combined 212 summer olympic medals nine nobel prizes, nine national medals of science Ok - Ok - enough 11 basketball national championships

    Scrutinizer, You wrote:
    If they are guilty of the crime, or of participating in a coverup after the crime (a crime in itself), then they shouldn't be compelled to testify.
    I would frame it differently. If they are at risk of being charged with a crime, then they shouldn't be compelled to testify. They needn't be actually guilty of anything to invoke the fifth.

    Re: DA Moves to Reinstate Old Charges Against Duk (none / 0) (#35)
    by azbballfan on Tue Apr 25, 2006 at 06:38:58 PM EST
    GSDfan I think that the bball team isn't hated, much of the sports viewing public is just tired of ESPN's over-hyping of the progam. It's a good program - one of the elite for the last 10-15 years - but nightly hyperbole from Dickie V gets old. I sure hope he doesn't get on my team's bandwagon anytime soon. I have stated before that I think the Duke lax team did not benefit from this story hitting the news shortly after the bball team's loss in the tournament. I noticed a bit of guilty pleasure in the basketball forums at the time the story hit the news - but now they don't care. True sports fans are focused on the NFL draft and NBA playoffs. College hoops fans are worried about who's leaving for the pros and what commits they can get from superstar high school jr's. Your thoughts? By the way - PB - I later mentioned that the players are refusing to cooperate even in the presence of their lawyers. Hey, if you're innocent of any misdeeds, why not agree to answer questions in the presence of your attorney without having to be subpeona'd to a grand jury?

    AZBBallfan, You wrote:
    Hey, if you're innocent of any misdeeds, why not agree to answer questions in the presence of your attorney without having to be subpeona'd to a grand jury?
    You sound like Ed Meese. Didn't he once say, "if they weren't guilty, they wouldn't be suspects." I think the players should come forward with their attorneys. I think the strategy taken by the defense in this case has caused far vastly more damage to them than was necessary, and I hate to see defense attorneys taking home huge paychecks by taking advantage of people's fears. But I don't regard the strategy as an indication of guilty knowledge. It is quite possible that everyone is just managing risk. There's aren't explicit laws against cowardice in this society, and I don't think they'd work if there were.

    Re: DA Moves to Reinstate Old Charges Against Duk (none / 0) (#37)
    by chew2 on Tue Apr 25, 2006 at 07:19:14 PM EST
    I thought judges, as referees, weren't allowed to have those types of contacts. But Prosecutors? How weird would that be?
    Oops!! I misread her statement. I was referring to Judges. Thanks for catching that.

    Re: DA Moves to Reinstate Old Charges Against Duk (none / 0) (#38)
    by azbballfan on Tue Apr 25, 2006 at 07:19:20 PM EST
    PB - Funny Ed Meese story - I was referencing the 12-20 players who attended the party but clearly weren't involved. "I hate to see defense attorneys taking home huge paychecks by taking advantage of people's fears." Nail, meet head of hammer. There aren't explicit laws against cowardice in any federal or state laws. There are in the court of public opinion.

    Rita Cosby interview with the accuser's father: He said his daughter told him she was raped with a broom.

    Posted by inmyhumbleopinion April 25, 2006 04:36 PM ProzacNation posted: He must hope he can pressure someone into making something up. I think he would prefer the truth - even if it was a denial. A denial would be an improvement on their silence since March 16th. inmyhumbleopinion, Ask Martha Stewart how that "opening your mouth (despite attorney's advice) and issuing repeated denials" strategy worked out for her.

    azbballfan, I have to respectfully disagree. Plus, I'm a UNC allum, so no love for coach K here. Despite UNC's success (+ your Bruins and others) no other NCAA program get's anywhere near the hatred. Vitale has been on the Tar Heel bandwagon forever (the ACC in general) without the same negative effect. I definitely agree with you about sports fan's having short attention spans, but come November, it will start all over again. Just my opinion. And probably off the thread topic too.

    We can argue about whether its proper to make deals for testimony, but to compare these deals to the brutal techniques that the Founding Fathers were worried about when they designed the Constitution goes beyond hyperbole, doesn't it? Isn't it actually wrong?
    The history of plea bargaining is sparse, but there is no evidence it was used during the Constitutional Convention or soon after. I only did on-line research on the subject, however, in an effort to determine if plea bargains are contracts. They are. But they are contracts not subject to the ex post facto limitation like most contract are. That is why someone can be sentenced under California's 3-Strikes law even though the plea bargain for a previous strike was 20 or more years before the current current law and offense. It is the strange unfairness of that law that spiked my interested in the subject. Would the Founding Fathers object to this DA's tactic? There is no way to prove it, but I think they would. There is a good chance they would object to any plea bargaining, and would object to DAs subverting the Constitution in an effort to pressure someone into giving up his/her Constitutional right to remain silent once a plea bargain contract is entered. They might even object to the adversarial system we have in toto.

    Ask Martha Stewart how that "opening your mouth (despite attorney's advice) and issuing repeated denials" strategy worked out for her.
    I meant Nifong would prefer denials if they were the truth.

    re deferred prosecution, I could be wrong, but some of you might be mistaken re the subject of deferred prosecution, or I am. Back in 2003, I was interested in challenging the application of the Washington state indecent exposure law as written to both nudity at the Fremont Solstice parade and to something such as nude sunbathing in certain parks. The legislature had changed the law (in Wash. state) in a way that definitely made the law lots more liberal. Not knowing much, but being the plaintiff pro se arguing in a different case against the state re the constitutionality of some its "c p" law, I sued the chief of police of Seattle. (In fact, people who search for my name on the Net have stories that come up about the suit.) Re the solstice parade, the suit generated a lot of publicity. The suit did not accomplish its purpose by an order, but the publicity put the issue before the public, the police tacitly admitted I was right by their subsequent actions and statements, re the Solstice parade. A month or two later, I went sunbathing nude several times at a local park. After the 7th nude sunbathing visit, someone complained and was actually willing to swear to a complaint and promise to appear as a witness against me. (Yes, it took 7 times before the police arrested me.) Immediately the city attorney offered me deferred prosecution if I stayed out of arrest for the next six months. At first I wasn't going to take it, but I had a good work opportunity in California calling, and I couldn't fight in court and be in California at the same time. So I took the offer. At the time, the court told me or the attorney said that if there were an arrest of myself in the next six months, that would mean that the judge would decide the case based on the police report only. In my case, taking a deferred prosecution did not mean I was admitting guilt. From my point of view, I was not. I was simply getting ready to go to California.

    inmyhumbleopinion posted: "I meant Nifong would prefer denials if they were the truth." Nifong would prefer the truth? Nifong issued over 70 press interviews where he expressly said he believed the alleged "victim" before the DNA analysis had been performed. In the process, he violated the American Bar Association Rules of Conduct more times than the number of basketball fouls in an typical ACC championship tournament. Nifong's a seeker of the truth in your humble opinion?

    Re: DA Moves to Reinstate Old Charges Against Duk (none / 0) (#46)
    by Bob on Tue Apr 25, 2006 at 08:07:19 PM EST
    Why should anyone be surprised that the sheriff is coming out swinging when the defense states in the press that they are going after the complaining witness? The members of the Lacrosse team can still remain silent if they choose. Please recall that deferred prosecutions were unknown at the time the constitution was drafted as were plea bargains. We are at a different time and a different place and we must evaluate things in a different light.

    Jade wrote:
    Contrast the protectionist talk in regards to the Duke Hooligans (past behavior is more than enough to justify this title - even if the rape allegation is excluded), ....
    If peeing in public (tree, bush, side of house, between cars, etc.) makes one a "Hooligan", then the "Duke Hooligans" are joined by probably 95% of men and a lot more women than you realize (especially the younger generations...I saw two girls peeing (and laughing) in a parking lot last weekend as I walked to my car). I am not sure "hooligan" is gender neutral though. IMHO: I saw the Rita Crosby interview as well. that Wendy lady sure jumps to some serious conclusions in a hurry with conviction. I thouhgt the other guy made an interesting point: If a woman is violated by a foreign object (not a "live" penis) then under the law it is sodomy, not rape. The two players were charged with rape, not sodomy. He was clearly suggesting that she is changing her story to match the DNA results. Also of note, was the father's statement that the accuser is thinking of dropping the charges because it is too much of a burden.

    Posted by inmyhumbleopinion April 25, 2006 08:19 PM Rita Cosby interview with the accuser's father: He said his daughter told him she was raped with a broom. Another version???

    Re: DA Moves to Reinstate Old Charges Against Duk (none / 0) (#49)
    by Teresa on Tue Apr 25, 2006 at 08:34:45 PM EST
    11 basketball national championships
    Well duh. I didn't know there were problems before coaches were let go. Was this a long time ago?

    This kind of SOP is unacceptable in any case, and it affects the poor and disadvantaged much more than it does those who can afford to "lawyer up". Again, as I did in my first post on this thread, and subsequently reiterated, I respect and applaud anyone who holds this principle consistently. But I maintain, based both on the punditry and the net commentary surrounding this case, that the overwhelming majority of those taking the side of the Duke players do not in fact wish to see leniency-for-testimony abolished as a general rule. In few: for most of the Duke party, their concern for the rights of the accused begins and ends with the lacrosse team.

    Re: DA Moves to Reinstate Old Charges Against Duk (none / 0) (#51)
    by Teresa on Tue Apr 25, 2006 at 08:39:30 PM EST
    Rita Cosby interview with the accuser's father: He said his daughter told him she was raped with a broom
    The dad has done more to hurt her case in public opinion than the DNA results. There was no broom listed on the search warrant so I don't think so. The Essence reporter said last night that she is staying with friends and won't talk to her family. I think he just likes to be on Rita's show.

    RE Bob's Sheriff Coming Out Swinging Whoa! Defense is a reflective strategy. No Duke Lacrosse players had any attorneys until Nifong declared guilt before a Grand Jury had been convened, before DNA samples had been taken and without having interviewed a single accused individual. I guess no one should be "surprised" when a DA, on the eve of an election, decides to turn a case into a campaign. However, a lot of people should be angry. You seem to forget (and so does Nifong) that Nifong represents the state and is bound by laws regulating the state's prosecutorial behavior. You summarize Nifong's, the District Attorney's, disregard of the law and his decision to try a case in the press rather than court as "the sheriff coming out swinging"? This sounds like the Bush Administration's attitude towards those pesky constitutional constraints.

    Re: DA Moves to Reinstate Old Charges Against Duk (none / 0) (#53)
    by azbballfan on Tue Apr 25, 2006 at 08:41:36 PM EST
    GSD et al, Please note that this isn't the first time "Duke Hooligans" has been used. Part of the public relations problem has been the over-hyping of the original "Duke Hooligans" the basketball fan Cameron Crazies. The original crazies were true fans who knew their basketball. These days, the student section is handed cheat sheets which give them the most obnoxious chants to yell and the the fans: "remember this, it's really important to yell louder when our team scores and not yell when their team scores". GSDfan - I'm a big fan of UNC - a program which has always been classy - part of the Duke bball hatred stems from: 1) ignorant fans who get press from ESPN 2) a coach who just doesn't come off well on camera 3) they are the newest "elite" program subject to scrutiny, and 4) was nothing before ESPN - they do a masterful job of playing to the press and get cakewalk seeding in NCAA tourney brackets. Thus - the school's sports reputation is entirely dependant upon it's ability to feed a media monster and now their living with the "Devil" they created. No disrespect to Coach K or Duke sports - I will add that I'm pissed they let Spurrier get away as football coach - under his tenure there was not better team to bet on to beat the spread.

    Re: DA Moves to Reinstate Old Charges Against Duk (none / 0) (#54)
    by Teresa on Tue Apr 25, 2006 at 08:45:23 PM EST
    If peeing in public (tree, bush, side of house, between cars, etc.) makes one a "Hooligan", then the "Duke Hooligans" are joined by probably 95% of men and a lot more women than you realize (especially the younger generations...I saw two girls peeing (and laughing) in a parking lot last weekend as I walked to my car).
    These guys weren't just peeing in public, they were peeing repeatedly on their neighbor's houses.

    Re: DA Moves to Reinstate Old Charges Against Duk (none / 0) (#55)
    by azbballfan on Tue Apr 25, 2006 at 08:48:47 PM EST
    Teresa - UCLA - where John Wooden won 10 national championships in 12 years at the end of a 30+ year career. The AD didn't listen to his recommendation of a successor because the assistant coach in question had rumors of an extra marital affair. That coach went on to build a new powerhouse. Years later, UCLA won the championship in 1995 and a year later the coach was fired. The public story was because he got caught paying for dinners he had with players (outside of the strict NCAA guidelines). The real story from alumns was that he was pushing to get the school to accept players that didn't meet academic or moral standards. Interestingly, Ricky Manning Jr. just hit the press for some alleged rampant misdeeds as an NFL veteran - he's almost personally repsonsible for his coach getting the axe as alumns didn't want a program built upon hooligans.

    ProzacNation: You wrote:
    Would the Founding Fathers object to this DA's tactic? There is no way to prove it, but I think they would.
    The fifth amendment is not an inalienable right. It's something we can sell on e-bay. A prohibition against "compelling" us to give it up is not a prohibition against "persuading" us to give it up. There may be times when it is difficult to tell the difference between compulsion and persuasion, but Nifongs dealings with the players in this case is not one of them.

    As long we we are getting obsessed with leniency bargains, consider the following. About 18 months ago the alleged victim in this case confessed to stealing a taxicab (ie grand theft auto) and was allowed to plead to a mistermeaner (roughly equivalent to peeing in the bushes) and got probation. Since since she doesn't have the alleged class privileges of the Duke students, did she get special "plea bargain" treatment because she is a member of the strippers union?

    Re: DA Moves to Reinstate Old Charges Against Duk (none / 0) (#59)
    by Teresa on Tue Apr 25, 2006 at 09:29:03 PM EST
    imho, they are charged with first degree rape I believe.

    There may be times when it is difficult to tell the difference between compulsion and persuasion, but Nifongs dealings with the players in this case is not one of them.
    If I put a gun to your head and ask you to give up your rights, is that compulsion or persuasion? Stay with me a minute. What if I just gesture at the gun sitting on the table? What if I mention the gun is in my car? What if I say I can take you at gun point and lock you up for 6 months or so? The DA has the power to make that happen. Sure, some might not be compelled, but most would be persuaded. A whole lot of people would rather get busted in the mouth once rather than spend 6 months in jail. In fact, I'd rather someone point a gun at me for a moment and threaten because it would be over so quickly. Provided, of course, I didn't get shot. Taking someone's freedom is very serious. True, they have previous crimes and accepted the plea deal, but there was no way they could have predicted a DA would try to renege on that and use it in an attempt to "persuade" them to surrender their rights in a subsequent incident. It will be interesting to see how it plays out.

    Abrams Report for April 7, 2006
    FILAN: Here's what she was charged with. She was charged with larceny, speeding to elude, assault on a government official, and driving while impaired and those are actually the four misdemeanors that she pled guilty to and went to jail for, is that right?
    VANN: That's correct. She served six days in jail and then was placed on 24 months probation and was ordered to pay restitution, and she completed the six days in jail, completed the probation without incident, and paid her restitution exactly as she was ordered to do by the court. She fully complied.

    imho, they are charged with first degree rape I believe.
    Yes, they are - First Degree Forcible Rape, First Degree Sexual Offense and First Degree Kidnapping

    As long we we are getting obsessed with leniency bargains, consider the following. About 18 months ago the alleged victim in this case confessed to stealing a taxicab (ie grand theft auto) and was allowed to plead to a mistermeaner (roughly equivalent to peeing in the bushes) and got probation. Since since she doesn't have the alleged class privileges of the Duke students, did she get special "plea bargain" treatment because she is a member of the strippers union?
    Then the Tough on Crime people should be yelling that if the "activist judge" hand't been so liberal, she would be serving her full sentence and this never would have happened.

    Re: DA Moves to Reinstate Old Charges Against Duk (none / 0) (#64)
    by chew2 on Tue Apr 25, 2006 at 09:36:03 PM EST
    Theresa and IMHO, The are both charged with 1) 1st degree rape, 2) 1st degree sexual offense, 3) kidnapping. The sexual offense charge would apply to penetration by a foreign object of the vagina or anus, or penile penetration of the anus. The rape charge only applies to vaginal penetration by a penus.

    Re: DA Moves to Reinstate Old Charges Against Duk (none / 0) (#65)
    by chew2 on Tue Apr 25, 2006 at 09:42:09 PM EST
    First Degree Rape [GS 14-27.2(2), Class B1 felony] (SOR) Vaginal intercourse by force and without consent and (a) with use of a weapon, (b) inflicting serious injury, or (c) aided by others

    Re: DA Moves to Reinstate Old Charges Against Duk (none / 0) (#66)
    by Teresa on Tue Apr 25, 2006 at 09:47:28 PM EST
    Prozac, her offense was in 2003.

    Re: DA Moves to Reinstate Old Charges Against Duk (none / 0) (#67)
    by Teresa on Tue Apr 25, 2006 at 09:49:12 PM EST
    First Degree Rape [GS 14-27.2(2), Class B1 felony] (SOR) Vaginal intercourse by force and without consent and (a) with use of a weapon, (b) inflicting serious injury, or (c) aided by others
    So if Reade is oral and Collin is broomstick, there would be no first degree rape, right? I think that poor man is making up stuff as he goes along. I hope it doesn't run in the family.

    The accuser's offense was in 2002.

    mmyy posted:
    Another version???
    The descriptions of the attack in the search warrants do not preclude her being sexually assaulted with a broom. The first search warrant does not even use the word "rape." From search warrant for 610 Buchanan:
    The victim stated she tried to leave and the three males (Adam, Bret, and Matt) forcefully held her legs and arms and sexually assaulted her anally, vaginally and orally.
    From the McFadyen search warrant:
    The victim stated she tried to leave, but three males (Adam, Bret, and Matt) forcefully held her legs and arms and raped and sexually assaulted her anally, vaginally and orally.

    Re: DA Moves to Reinstate Old Charges Against Duk (none / 0) (#70)
    by Teresa on Tue Apr 25, 2006 at 10:01:08 PM EST
    sorry I knew 2002 and typed 2003.

    Teresa posted:
    So if Reade is oral and Collin is broomstick, there would be no first degree rape, right? I think that poor man is making up stuff as he goes along. I hope it doesn't run in the family.
    abc11.com In the transcript of the photo ID process:
    She identified Reade Seligmann, 20, with 100-percent certainty as the man who forced her to perform oral sex on him. She also identified Collin Finnerty, 19, as the man who raped and sodomized her.
    Have you seen/heard her father's interviews? I don't think he is lying. I'm not sure what to think of what he's been told by his daughter, but he believes her. I don't get the impression he is shilling for her. He says she called him to get directions to the house. I don't know if she was on her way - how close in time it was to when she got there, but he said she was sober. If it was right before she got there, it seems to me he would be a credible witness in that regard.

    Re: DA Moves to Reinstate Old Charges Against Duk (none / 0) (#72)
    by azbballfan on Tue Apr 25, 2006 at 10:43:56 PM EST
    Teresa - please clarify - by your last post I read that you are implying that if Reade was receiving oral and Colllin was using a broomstick that rape did not occur. Am I misinterpreting your post?

    Re: DA Moves to Reinstate Old Charges Against Duk (none / 0) (#73)
    by Teresa on Tue Apr 25, 2006 at 10:49:39 PM EST
    The retired trucker who lives in Durham said he saw his daughter the day after the reported attack, but she didn't say anything was wrong. She even left her car at the house for several days because he said she didn't want to drive it. Her father, a quiet man who tinkers on cars as a hobby, said he saw news reports about the attack. "I didn't know it was my daughter," he said. The Charlotte Observer generally does not name victims of sexual assault, so his name is being withheld to protect the identity of his daughter. ________________________________ imho, I don't know how to link on this site but this is an article with Tonya Jameson of Knight Ridder. If you google it you will find it. That is what confuses me about the father unless he and the reporter misunderstood each other about the timing. In this interview he says he didn't know it was her and that he found out about it on the news. In other interviews he says he went to the hospital. Unless this is a step-father, I don't know how to reconcile these stories. Without a reasonable explanation I don't see how his testimony would be believed.

    Re: DA Moves to Reinstate Old Charges Against Duk (none / 0) (#74)
    by Teresa on Tue Apr 25, 2006 at 10:52:50 PM EST
    Teresa - please clarify - by your last post I read that you are implying that if Reade was receiving oral and Colllin was using a broomstick that rape did not occur. Am I misinterpreting your post?
    I'm just going by what the defense attorney on Rita C. said. He said in N.C. 1st degree rape requires vaginal penetration with a penis. He said the broomstick would be sodomy. I'm not a lawyer so I may be interpreting this wrong but I also read this somewhere else.

    Re: DA Moves to Reinstate Old Charges Against Duk (none / 0) (#75)
    by azbballfan on Tue Apr 25, 2006 at 11:16:41 PM EST
    Teresa - Thank you for the clarification. You are relying upon the media expert. I haven't read the N.C. statutes, but the Arizona statutes would classify insertion of a broomstick in the vagina and/or anus as a sexual assault. It would also classify forcing oral sex as sexual assault.

    bakubonds posted:
    Whoa! Defense is a reflective strategy. No Duke Lacrosse players had any attorneys until Nifong declared guilt before a Grand Jury had been convened, before DNA samples had been taken and without having interviewed a single accused individual.
    Wrong. By the time Nifong made any public statement the players had cancelled a planned interview with investigators on the advice of their lawyers.
    March 14 In the early morning hours, a woman tells police three men raped her during a party inside a Buchanan Blvd. house owned by Duke University. Three Duke lacrosse players lived inside the house. March 16 Police execute a search warrant inside the house and interview the three residents. March 22 Durham police set up a meeting with Duke lacrosse players. Hours before it was supposed to happen, the meeting is called off. March 23 Police obtain a court order requiring 46 members of the lacrosse team to provide DNA samples. March 24-25 The story goes public. Duke calls of its scheduled game against Georgetown. Students begin protesting, but the university and lacrosse players remain silent.
    Lacrosse players' lawyers object
    Police investigators later spoke with the players' coach and asked him to set up a meeting with the players and investigators March 22, at which the players were to voluntarily answer questions and possibly submit to identification procedures, the release said. A few hours before the meeting was to take place, a lawyer called investigators and told them that the players would not attend and that legal counsel would be representing them. The District Attorney's Office then obtained an order from a judge that required 46 members of the team to provide DNA samples. The players did so March 23 at a police lab.
    Even after the story went public I didn't see Nifong's name mentioned, much less a quote by him until, March 27th.

    He said the broomstick would be sodomy.
    Not in North Carolina. The First Degree Sexual Offense - N.C. GEN. STAT. § 14-27.4 - they are both charged with - covers penetration with an object.

    Re: DA Moves to Reinstate Old Charges Against Duk (none / 0) (#78)
    by Teresa on Tue Apr 25, 2006 at 11:39:24 PM EST
    imho if you go to the smoking gun and look at the indictment it says 14-27.2(a)(2). There is also the one you sited. So they are charged with 1st degree rape and also with assault (as well as kidnapping)? Does the first degree rape not require vaginal penetration with a penis? If so, I guess the father's broomstick remark doesn't eliminate there was also 1st degree rape but then we're back to why no DNA? Sorry if I don't know what I'm talking about. What do you think of the father's different stories?

    Teresa posted:
    In this interview he says he didn't know it was her and that he found out about it on the news. In other interviews he says he went to the hospital.
    The news reports are confusing, but I think this article clears it up: Father of woman in Duke controversy speaks out
    The father said Tuesday that early on the morning of March 14, he went to Duke Hospital with his son and waited more than two hours to see his daughter. Doctors wouldn't say why she was there, he said. The father went home and waited for word from his daughter. Later that morning, she came to her parents' house with her boyfriend. "After she came home, that's when I knew she had been beaten up," her father said.
    I don't know if I read it or saw him in an interview, but he said when he asked her what happened she said, "I'll tell you later" and she went to lie down. From there I don't know if she left the house without telling him, or if the reporter called when she was asleep, but he claims he found out from the reporter that she had been assaulted. He sounds very sincere, not the type that wants attention. Humble. Appreciative that Kim Roberts is defending his daughter. If she is lying, he may be the only person able to do it, but he'll forgive her.

    Re: DA Moves to Reinstate Old Charges Against Duk (none / 0) (#80)
    by Teresa on Wed Apr 26, 2006 at 12:08:12 AM EST
    But he says after she came home I knew she was injured. Are you saying that he knew she was injured but thought it was from getting hurt dancing at a party and only found out later from the news that it was rape? When he told the Knight Ridder reporter that she didn't mention anything about it, he meant she didn't mention anything about being raped but did tell him that the injuries he saw were from getting hit while dancing at a party? Some people are interpreting the first article as saying she was fine and didn't mention anything was wrong. They think that means he saw no injuries. I think I see what you are saying and I understand that he wasn't inconsistent if you read both articles. Yes I believe he is very sincere and will forgive her if she made it up. I will also forgive her because I think she has emotional problems because of her hiding under that table in 2002 and last year's hospital visit for her "nerves" (dad said that on Rita Cosby as well). I'll look forward to more interesting conversation tomorrow from all of you. Thank you for helping me understand that; he may be able to testify for her after all (though I think she will give up on this soon).

    So they are charged with 1st degree rape and also with assault (as well as kidnapping)?
    First Degree Forceble Rape, First Degree Sexual Offense, and First Degree Kidnapping
    Does the first degree rape not require vaginal penetration with a penis?
    Yes, it does require penile penetration.
    If so, I guess the father's broomstick remark doesn't eliminate there was also 1st degree rape but then we're back to why no DNA?
    No, it does not preclude the possible presence of DNA, but it does give an explanation to how she could have so much injury without DNA being found. Pundits were saying "Three assailants, a violent assault - vaginal rape, sodomy, c'mom no DNA?" Maybe there was just one vaginal penetration with a penis. That would make the finding of no DNA a lot easier to believe for many people. I hate to bring it up, but that "the shocker" poster taken from McFadyen's room might also be a clue to how she got the injuries without semen being found on her or why she could be mistaken that there had been penetration with a penis. If she actually had a broomstick shoved up her I would think her sensitivity to what they were doing to her afterwards might be impaired.
    Sorry if I don't know what I'm talking about.
    Neither do I. I'm just guessing.

    But he says after she came home I knew she was injured. Are you saying that he knew she was injured but thought it was from getting hurt dancing at a party and only found out later from the news that it was rape? When he told the Knight Ridder reporter that she didn't mention anything about it, he meant she didn't mention anything about being raped but did tell him that the injuries he saw were from getting hit while dancing at a party?
    Dad says he was unaware From that article it sounds like he didn't find out until well over a week after it happened. She didn't tell him she got injured dancing at a party, because he found out she was working as a dancer the same time he found out she was assaulted. Nothing I've read so far makes him out to be a liar.

    Prozac Nation, You wrote:
    Taking someone's freedom is very serious. True, they have previous crimes and accepted the plea deal, but there was no way they could have predicted a DA would try to renege on that and use it in an attempt to "persuade" them to surrender their rights in a subsequent incident.
    I must have gotten it wrong. I thought that the "deal" the players agreed to came with certain terms, and that Nifong's basis for canceling the agreement was that he had reason to believe that they had violated those terms. That's a little different than saying that Nifong is "renegging." He's accusing them of renegging, which they will have an opportunity to debate, no? As for there being "no way they could have predicted this," that's like saying Ricky Williams couldn't have predicted being asked to take a drug test. There are other reasons why everyone may have fled when Kim Roberts threatened to call the cops, but I think its entirely feasible that one of the reasons may have been the players keen ability to predict the impact of another complaint on their records.

    One of the many difference between the real world courtroom and the virtual courtroom of public opinion is that in the virtual courtroom, all the participants are on trial, not just the accused. Nobody's liberty is at stake in the court of public opinion, but people's careers can be. After all, what employer likes to read "was way way wrong" on a person's resume. In the virtual world, reporters have found it prudent to avoid printing stories for which they have no independent confirmation. I would think DAs might think it important to be twice as careful when bringing charges against people in the real world courtroom, where the stakes are in some ways a bit higher. If Nifong went forward with this case solely on the basis of the accuser's claims, the assessment of medical technicians, and her identification of the perpetrators from photographs, that doesn't strike me as a case that could be expected to impress many jurors, even if Seligman and Finnerty did not have alibis of any particular depth. So you have to suspect that Nofing has more on these specific players than the say-so. "More" could come in many flavors. It could be forensic evidence, independent eyewitness correlations, or guilty knowledge statements by the accused players. But there has to be more, no? There has to! My point is that if Nifong has none of the above and it turns out his victim here is fabricating her story, I would think he would have to resign, or be laid off, at that point. I don't think anybody expects a DA to be right 100% of the time in a world of uncertainty, but I think a WORLD CLASS DUPE can't be the person North Carolinians would want protecting their interests. I'm going to avoid the obvious analogy here to presidential politics because a) its obvious and b) it comes from the shallow end of the argument pool, where kids do all their peeing, and very little swimming takes place. Please let's not go there.

    Re: DA Moves to Reinstate Old Charges Against Duk (none / 0) (#85)
    by Teresa on Wed Apr 26, 2006 at 05:07:51 AM EST
    The father of the woman who said she was raped at a party near the Duke University campus says that when he saw her the day after the party, her eyes and face were swollen, her arms were scratched, and she was complaining about her leg. She told him she thought some part of her leg had slipped out of joint, he said. The woman told her father that she had been dancing at a party and that someone had hit her. It wasn't until the next day the woman told her father she had been raped, he said.
    imho, this quote is from the article you just posted.
    The father of the woman who has accused members of the Duke lacrosse team of sexually assaulting her said he didn't find out that his daughter was the reported victim -- and that she is an exotic dancer -- until a reporter visited his house. The retired trucker who lives in Durham said he saw his daughter the day after the reported attack, but she didn't say anything was wrong. She even left her car at the house for several days because he said she didn't want to drive it.
    This is from the Knight Ridder article I directed you to and you linked for me. How are they not inconsistent? Unless he was nervous and got confused during the interviews, I'm not sure I understand how he can be right in both cases.

    Hi Teresa, I hadn't read that dancing at a party paragraph. Hmmmm? Well, she could have told him she was dancing at a party (he would assume as a guest if she did not point out she was the paid entertainment) and the next day admit she was raped, but not that she was a victim of a gang rape. When the story hit the papers she did not tell him that she was that victim because it contained awful details she'd rather spare him and also the exotic dancing part. That way this story is still true:
    he didn't find out that his daughter was the reported victim -- and that she is an exotic dancer -- until a reporter visited his house.
    When he says he saw her and she didn't say anything was wrong, he could have meant that she didn't tell him about the rape when he first saw she had the injuries. She told him about the rape the next day. I know it's pretty tortured, but technically it still works. From following the reporting of this story, I have found instances where the newpaper reporting is just plain wrong. The television programs are even worse.

    Re: DA Moves to Reinstate Old Charges Against Duk (none / 0) (#88)
    by Jlvngstn on Wed Apr 26, 2006 at 07:37:26 AM EST
    "Women don't lie about rape". Some women might lie about being abducted, kidnapped, assaulted, stealing a car, using drugs, but they would never lie about a rape. The "blue wall of silence" etc. I believe darned near every person at the party submitted their dna for testing, enough of the silence BS. I have challenged those of you who support the woman and believe the men are guilty to set up a fund for her recovery. Yet not one of ya has done so. Please please tell me why not one of ya supporting this woman with your keyboard has not stepped up to help her financially. Is is because she is a stripper???????? Enquiring minds want to know.

    Jlvngstn posted:
    The "blue wall of silence" etc. I believe darned near every person at the party submitted their dna for testing, enough of the silence BS.
    Only three players gave DNA samples without being court ordered to do so. Despite public requests from Nifong and a plea from the Duke Administration, not one player has talked to the investigators with or without their attorneys present since the three captains were interviewed on March 16th. To which part of the phrase "The 'blue wall' of silence" do you object? The color blue? The wall as a symbol of solidarity? Certainly not the word "silence?" Jlvngstn posted:
    I have challenged those of you who support the woman and believe the men are guilty to set up a fund for her recovery. Yet not one of ya has done so.
    How could you know that?

    I would like to know whether or not the father was at the hospital. I seem to recall someone claiming a boyfriend being involved, driving her there, but that apparently isn't true. Perhaps a boyfriend, mistaken for her father, came to the hospital. The appearance of the broom story seems to weaken the case. Broom handles tested for her DNA? Does anyone have the link for the search warrant, which I seem to have lost overnight, to see if they searched for a broom initially? If she didn't mention the broom to the cops at the beginning of this and now she's talking about it, perhaps as an excuse why no DNA was found, if I were Nifong I'd start to slowly move away from this case and avoid public statements until after the primary.

    Can someone help me here? I read an early article on this case where the writer suggested that the rape occurred after 12:30, after Roberts had left the house for good and the AV went back inside to retrieve her stuff (shoe, cellphone, makeup bag). It's clear from the search warrant wording that from the beginning that Nifong thought from the start that the rape occurred soon after the two strippers left at 12:03 and came back, so the timeline in that story did not match the prosecution's. I recall the pictures of the AV having fallen down at the back stairs. Did she go back into the house alone after 12:30? Would someone who was raped go back into the house alone to get her stuff? I'm also curious as to how the two strippers got "separated" and what Kim Roberts was doing to not notice why her dance partner wasn't performing. Did Roberts go back to the living room/master bedroom to dance again? And where was the bathroom in relation to the dancing location? I think what Roberts was doing during that time is going to go a long way to figuring out what actually happened that night.

    Found search warrant. They weren't looking for a broom and they didn't take one. They seized a lot of cameras and computer equipment, so maybe Nifong came across something on the those devices. Maybe not.

    Father of woman in Duke controversy speaks out By SAMIHA KHANNA Raleigh News & Observer 05-APR-06 (I'd link you, but I'm only allowed one link per post and I'm saving that for your search warrant link)
    The father said Tuesday that early on the morning of March 14, he went to Duke Hospital with his son and waited more than two hours to see his daughter. Doctors wouldn't say why she was there, he said. The father went home and waited for word from his daughter. Later that morning, she came to her parents' house with her boyfriend. "After she came home, that's when I knew she had been beaten up," her father said.
    thesmokinggun.com search warrant We don't know if she told anyone but her father the broom was used in the attack. There is no mention of the "broom joke/taunt" in the first search warrant. There is in the second search warrant.

    I looked at the first warrant. It's hard to believe that someone who was sexually assaulted missed the detail of being assaulted with a broomstick the first time around in recounting the incident to the police or the hospital personnel, or that no one in the police dept. or DA's office thought about putting it on the search warrant. Or that nobody executing the search warrant thought to seize it under the broad rubric of something that might have had DNA evidence. So far we only officially have the father saying that she said it. Maybe he's lying. Or maybe she lied to him.

    Re: DA Moves to Reinstate Old Charges Against Duk (none / 0) (#95)
    by chew2 on Wed Apr 26, 2006 at 09:30:58 AM EST
    Teresa and IMHO, I think there are inconsistencies in the father's reports about when he learned of the rape and the details thereof - the next day versus from news reports a week later. Whether that was because he mispoke to reporters, mis-remembered, or was mis-interpreted or mischaracterized by the newspaper reporters is an open question. I don't think they are very important standing alone, especially since he probably will not be a witness. This news reported statement:
    The woman told her father that she had been dancing at a party and that someone had hit her. It wasn't until the next day the woman told her father she had been raped, he said.
    Is consistent with the AV who said:
    "My father came to see me in the hospital," she said. "I knew if I didn't report it that he would have that hurt forever, knowing that someone hurt his baby and got away with it."
    And indicates she didn't decide to go forward with the rape charges and provide details until after seeing her father. It took 2 days for the DA to apply for a search warrant, and I recall a spokesman for the DA suggested hypothetically that the delay might have beeen due to waiting on the AV to provide the necessary info. As I've speculated, she thought about it, at least over-night, before going forward. It does sound like the father is blabbing a lot with no personal info of his own in an effort to help his daughter. If he is the AV's public relations answer to Bob Bennet and all the defense attorneys, then the AV is operating at a great public relations disadvantage. But then we all knew that anyway. ------------------ Regarding the father's report of the assailants using a "foreign object" or more specifically a "broomstick". Was this quoted language from him, or Cosby's characterization of what he said? Just curious. -------------------------- BTW if the assailants merely shoved a fist or finger up the AV's private parts, I don't think this would meet the NC statutory definitions of sexual assault or rape. Would it be no more than a misdemeanor assault?

    Re: DA Moves to Reinstate Old Charges Against Duk (none / 0) (#96)
    by Jlvngstn on Wed Apr 26, 2006 at 09:36:25 AM EST
    IMHO - I can only assume because none of ya have acknowledged doing so. Have you helped or sent her any money. simple question. As to the "wall of silence", 46 players submitted DNA. If they wanted to not cooperate they could have filed an injunction to stop the police from testing everyone. If there were 3 alleged rapists adn they were identified, why would anyone submit to a dna test if they were not one of the 3?

    Re: DA Moves to Reinstate Old Charges Against Duk (none / 0) (#97)
    by chew2 on Wed Apr 26, 2006 at 09:36:26 AM EST
    IMHO, ps. I don't think your "tortured reading" is so farfetched.

    Re: DA Moves to Reinstate Old Charges Against Duk (none / 0) (#98)
    by Jlvngstn on Wed Apr 26, 2006 at 09:42:53 AM EST
    IMHO - If you haven't sent her any money, why not?

    Re: DA Moves to Reinstate Old Charges Against Duk (none / 0) (#99)
    by Peaches on Wed Apr 26, 2006 at 09:54:56 AM EST
    IMHO - If you haven't sent her any money, why not?
    I realize that his question was directed at IMHO, but you have been asking this same question of others for over a week. If you wish to point out a hypocrisey, you have succeeded. Put your money where your mouth is, you seem to be saying, or otherwise-STFU. However, if it was required that everytime someone voices an opinion on an injustice in America, he or she, must send money to the recipient of this injustice, than we would live in a much more awful society than we currently live in. Only the ones with money would be allowed to speak to injustice, and we know that these folks would be less apt to do so. I give to charities Jonathon. I hand out money almost everday to the neighborhood beggars on my street corner. When I get my coffee at the local coffee shop, I tip generously. All of this is to say, that money is tight. I will speak to injustice and I will spend my money according to what my conscience dictates, not yours. If this isn't good enough for you and you think that this disqualiies my opinion on the treatment of strippers by college atheletes and others, well, all I can say is, we live in two different societies.

    Re: DA Moves to Reinstate Old Charges Against Duk (none / 0) (#100)
    by Jlvngstn on Wed Apr 26, 2006 at 09:56:26 AM EST
    46 players' DNA and not one match. Hell, I not only would not speak to the DA, I would tell Mr. Nifong to kiss my arse. See Nifong thought for certain he was going to get a match, and I watch enough discovery channel to know that a pubic hair or ten would have shown up. Or had all these guys shaved their pubes just before the assault? Did they find any DNA that did not belong to the woman in the test and why is the Prosecutor withholding that information, is their another blue wall of silence? Release to the media the results of all tests taken including the rape examination so that we can determine if the bruising was consistent with a recent assault, (1-2 hours) an older assault 3+hours or days, and release the DNA results, enquiring minds want to know if there were other sperm samples floating around and to whom did they belong to. Or is there a wall of silence on the other side of the street?

    I wouldn't put too much weight in the broomstick part of the story just yet. Too central an element to the story to have not turned up in the search warrants. That the father misunderstood his daughter's story (which did have a broomstick component) seems more plausible. And I think Bob raises an interesting question about the separation. My (limited) experience with strippers suggests that it is not uncommon for a stripper to finish dancing and adjourn to a more private area to provide private entertainment (oral sex or some other) to individuals for an additional fee. Given what is known about this case, is it possible that that could have played out here? My impression is that this is pretty common practice, so I'm surprised that no one has speculated on it before now.

    Re: DA Moves to Reinstate Old Charges Against Duk (none / 0) (#102)
    by Jlvngstn on Wed Apr 26, 2006 at 10:02:29 AM EST
    Peaches, if you are so moved by this woman and so certain she was the victim of a sexual assault than forego your "tipping" of the homeless for a month and help her out. Why is it so wrong to ask you to put your money where your mouth is? I am sending a check to the boys attorneys because I think they are getting railroaded. It has nothing to do with my income nor does it have anything to do with yours. It seems to me that the best thing we can do for any victim is to help them get back on their feet, and this case in particular is a clear demonstration of someone who is trying to make ends meet and having a difficult time. If there was a legitimate concern for her well being and her kids' well being, I would think there would be no argument as to what the right thing would be to do. My guess is that you are just as guilty of judging her profession and do not want to send money to an escort (although most homeless are drug abusers and you seem ok with that). Seems to me a lot of lip smacking and no real action. Lots of talk about justice and helping our fellow man and it seems to me that is all it is.

    Re: DA Moves to Reinstate Old Charges Against Duk (none / 0) (#103)
    by Jlvngstn on Wed Apr 26, 2006 at 10:05:50 AM EST
    Lastly, Peaches, I am not saying anyone has to STFU on the subject if they are not donating perhaps your conscience is telling you that?

    Re: DA Moves to Reinstate Old Charges Against Duk (none / 0) (#104)
    by Peaches on Wed Apr 26, 2006 at 10:10:38 AM EST
    priorites, jonathon, simple as that. I see a homeless person and look them in the eye every day. I am not sure of anything that has to do with this case, and I, as well as IMHO, and others, have made that clear from the start. Didn't you claim that this was the most overblown case of the last decade. Strippers, prostitutes, women and others suffer injustices and the cruelities of our economic and culture everyday. I don't have enough money to cover all the cases. Likewise, you don't have enough to cover every case of someone being railroaded by our legal system. If you want to send money to the boys attorneys, good for you. But, I don't believe you for a second. You know those boys aren't short of any funds. You have more sense than that. Your priorities can't be that messed up.

    There are numerous non-profit organizations out there which do an excellent job of providing assistance and resources for victims of violent crime. The National Center For Victims Of Violent Crime

    Jlvngstn posted:
    I have challenged those of you who support the woman and believe the men are guilty to set up a fund for her recovery. Yet not one of ya has done so.
    and Jlvngstn posted:
    IMHO - If you haven't sent her any money, why not?
    Not that what I do or don't do with my money is something I feel obligated to discuss with you, but sadly, for your argument, I do not fit the qualifiers in your challenge. Peaches, Nice post.

    Re: DA Moves to Reinstate Old Charges Against Duk (none / 0) (#107)
    by Peaches on Wed Apr 26, 2006 at 10:13:19 AM EST
    I am not saying anyone has to STFU on the subject
    Then why do you keep asking this question of anyone who happens to show empathy toward the stripper? What is your point other than that?

    Re: DA Moves to Reinstate Old Charges Against Duk (none / 0) (#108)
    by chew2 on Wed Apr 26, 2006 at 10:16:11 AM EST
    so I'm surprised that no one has speculated on it before now.
    It has been. You've justed missed it. The guy on the lordsutch blog proposed such theory to explain Roberts absence, except he had her going down the block to a second lacrosse house to provide the services. She also could have just been outside in the car waiting. Not all strippers offer sexual services. I'm beginning to doubt whether any consensual sexual services were provided here. The second dancer is the one who terminated the dancing because of the racial insults. The team members were pissed off at her too and yelled insults as she left. If she was off servicing one of the team members, I think she would have been remembered more fondly, nor would she be motivated to call in the 911 call. But who knows. It will hopefull all come out in the trial.

    DO - the claim by the players, I believe, is that no sex of any kind occured.

    Chew2 wrote:
    Regarding the father's report of the assailants using a "foreign object" or more specifically a "broomstick". Was this quoted language from him, or Cosby's characterization of what he said? Just curious.
    The father said that his daughter told him that she was raped by the broomstick. I am fairly sure he said it in direct response to a question or statement about the lack of DNA evidence.

    Re: DA Moves to Reinstate Old Charges Against Duk (none / 0) (#112)
    by chew2 on Wed Apr 26, 2006 at 10:24:01 AM EST
    Kalidoggie, Thanks, I managed to hear the broadcast on the net. Cosby asked him how to explain the absence of DNA. He then put forward the "broomstick" theory as a possible explanation. When she asked him where he got that from he said from "people", the "news" and "then his daughter told him". Cosby then made him confirm that his daughter told him that too. Sounds like he might have been embellishing. Where is Bob Bennet when you need him.

    Chew2, I also think the father sounds like he's kind of making things up in an effort to "help." He's sincere but his stories simply aren't credible, so it's unfair to put too much weight on what he says, whether to support the complaining witness or to refute her claims. He isn't in the loop and he definitely isn't helping anyone.

    DO - the claim by the players, I believe, is that no sex of any kind occured.
    The claim by the players was also that one of the indicted players was not at the party at all (a point since conceded by the defense). To some extent, the "blue wall of silence" must be a creation of the players's attorneys to avoid future slips, regardless of the issues of innocence or guilt. It simply leaves more wiggle room. The information leaked by the defense is not designed to get at the truth, but to defend their clients (which is clearly their right and for the moment seems to be working well as a strategy). So, despite the early comments of the team captains and of a stray defense attorney here and there (there seem to be a lot), I wouldn't discount the possibility that consensual sex becomes part of the story at some point, even if it seems like a remote possibility now. Watch how definitive the comments are about what didn't happen, but how vague they are as to what did.

    Re: DA Moves to Reinstate Old Charges Against Duk (none / 0) (#116)
    by chew2 on Wed Apr 26, 2006 at 11:08:32 AM EST
    IMHO, The father's statements were troubling in some other respects. One he responded to questions regarding his daughter's past medical history. An attorney would have advised him to not respond to those questions on the grounds of privacy. He has opened the door to a possible waiver argument if he spoke with the implied knowledge and consent of his daughter. Too bad her family couldn't have afforded an attorney to advise them to be quiet. Two he spoke of the death threats against the family, and indicated that the various pressure of this whole situation might cause his daughter to abandon the complaint. I know full well she wouldn't be under these pressures if she had accused 3 homeless guys from some hobo camp. So the possiblity of the under-dog getting justice in this society against the powerful may have suffered another defeat. Not because of the merits of the case, which we still really don't know, but because of the power backlash generated by the politics and interests of class, race, and gender.

    Re: DA Moves to Reinstate Old Charges Against Duk (none / 0) (#117)
    by chew2 on Wed Apr 26, 2006 at 11:11:28 AM EST
    GSDfan The sexual assault felony statute speaks of penetration by an "object". I read that not to include a part of the body like the hand or finger. So it looks like penetration by a finger would just be sexual battery, a misdemeanor.

    Re: DA Moves to Reinstate Old Charges Against Duk (none / 0) (#118)
    by Jlvngstn on Wed Apr 26, 2006 at 11:16:46 AM EST
    peaches, 1) don't care if you believe me or not 2) Who I give my money to falls under the same MYOB category as yours 3) Your correlation of giving money to the homeless as opposed to an alleged victim of a violent crime that you spend an awful lot of time blogging about is disingenuous at best. I don't believe for a second that you and the rest of her defenders give a rats arse about the woman and would not give her money because of her profession. Which of course makes you and the rest a bunch of blowhards. You are right, I cannot support financially every case of wrongful charges or false allegations but I can support this one. It is not about innocence or guilt at this point, it is about the media reaping millions off of these very types of cases while the accused innocent or guilty, have no protection whatsoever. People can blog and gossip relative to how bad these young men are without a microscope attached to their lives, which of course is hiding behind a subnet. Meanwhile, these kids lives and they are still innocent up until this point, are being ruined more and more to what end? We are all making value judgments regarding both parties and it strikes me as complete and utter pandering to speak out on behalf of the alleged victim whilst not doing a darned thing to help her. When one would rather to give to an anonymous homeless person than to an alleged victim of a violent crime with 2 kids while piling on the alleged assailants, it seems to me she is a twice around victim. She gets to be the cause celeb for the issue and gets labeled a low life whore for her service to the issue. Seems to me that there is a hell of a lot more talk than action out of the lot of ya and my spceculation is that there is also a hell of a lot of closet judgment going on. In summation, those of you who believe this woman, what better cause to support? A single mother, in college trying to do the right thing. She is allegedly brutally assaulted and racially attacked and the best you all can do is take pot shots at the alleged assailants. Step up and help her, not so you can continue to take out your frustrations on spoiled rich whtie kids, but because the woman has a long road ahead of her and can really use the help.

    I wouldn't discount the possibility that consensual sex becomes part of the story at some point, even if it seems like a remote possibility now.
    It may indeed, but if it does, I can't imagine there could be a convincing argument for changing from a "no sex happened" defense to a "Ok, yes, I was lying before when I said no sex happened, but now I'm being truthful when I say sex did happen but it was consentual." If the story changed like this, I wouldn't trust another word out of the player's mouths.

    Re: DA Moves to Reinstate Old Charges Against Duk (none / 0) (#120)
    by Peaches on Wed Apr 26, 2006 at 11:23:09 AM EST
    Ok Jonathon, You Win, I'll STFU Now.

    Re: DA Moves to Reinstate Old Charges Against Duk (none / 0) (#121)
    by Jlvngstn on Wed Apr 26, 2006 at 11:25:35 AM EST
    LOL, sorry Peaches, I just cannot help to think that if the woman is telling the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, she is getting railroaded too. I also think that were she not a stripper money would be rolling in for her. Damned if you do, and damned if you don't. I will STFU as I am no longer adding value to the discussion. At least you are discussing the case.

    I haven't seen a complete timeline and the ones I've seen don't completely match up. So let me give a rough timeline and someone else correct me. 11:30. Kim Roberts shows up at the house but the other stripper hasn't arrived, so she waits outside. 11:?. AV shows up. Midnight. The two strippers go inside and dance for three minutes. A clown in the audience makes a remark about a broom handle. Women leave. 12:?. One of the men at the party goes out to the car where the two women are, apologizes and convinces the two women to return. 12:?. The two women return, are immediately "separated." Three men pull the AV into the bathroom and rape her for thirty minutes. Meanwhile, Roberts is somewhere else for thirty minutes. 12:?. The women leave the house. The AV apparently falls down on the stairs.(Does she attempt to go back inside to get her cell phone, missing fingernails, makeup bag?) 12:41. The AV is in Roberts' car. Roberts and the men are arguing with each other. Aside from a couple of snippets that Nifong quotes, I haven't seen any medical report from the rape unit. Does anyone know where the AV was prior to showing up at the party? Did she have an earlier job? How often in the prior week did she do stripping or escort work?

    If the story changed like this, I wouldn't trust another word out of the player's mouths.
    That's one reason why nothing is coming out of the players's mouths now. The story would be that 'I was told not to say anything until trial because the DA was on an obvious witch hunt and look at all the unfair things he did in compiling the evidence,' and then on to a ripping of the prosecution and the victim. Maybe not a clear winner, but remember that the 'no sex at all' story came from the three captains before their lawyers were involved and that the lack of a credible alternative version of events was a key element driving Nifong to believe the accuser from the beginning.

    Re: DA Moves to Reinstate Old Charges Against Duk (none / 0) (#124)
    by Teresa on Wed Apr 26, 2006 at 12:05:06 PM EST
    I know it's pretty tortured, but technically it still works. From following the reporting of this story, I have found instances where the newpaper reporting is just plain wrong. The television programs are even worse.
    Isn't that the truth. A reporter in Durham took Greta whatshername on a walk through of the entire night. They were in Durham and went to each location. He said that Kim had the security guard call 911 at 2:00 and he and Greta were trying to figure out what the women were doing for over an hour before they arrived at Kroger. And this was night before last when that part of the timeline was known to everyone.

    Jlvngstn posted:
    Step up and help her, not so you can continue to take out your frustrations on spoiled rich whtie kids, but because the woman has a long road ahead of her and can really use the help.
    If you haven't already, maybe you should take your own advice. Is there anything stopping you from helping her? If you believe she is lying, that is only going to make that road ahead longer and harder. She could really use your help.

    Re: DA Moves to Reinstate Old Charges Against Duk (none / 0) (#126)
    by Jlvngstn on Wed Apr 26, 2006 at 12:10:41 PM EST
    IMHO - I will let the courts decide who is telling the truth. But that is NOT stopping me from sending money to the defense attorneys as I feel the men have gotten a bum deal in the press.

    This does not sound right, a rape happening within moments of the women reentering the house and the other stripper not noticing. The AV is raped and beaten for a half hour and the other stripper hears no screams or shouts or even misses her. Did you have three men who have decided, "Hmmm, when the two strippers who just walked out come back in, we'll grab one and rape her?" How would they know that the other stripper would become "separated" for a half hour and not notice her missing? If the first stripper was willing to walk out after three minutes, how could they know that she wouldn't walk out again at the next insult and demand to know where the other dancer was? Or say to herself, "I'm tired of dancing alone, where's that other stripper?" Rapes generally aren't too well-planned. Guys who are horny and violent see an opportunity and take it, and there was clearly a lot of drinking so I'm not saying that there was a lot of long-range thought going on with the people at the party. But raping and beating a stranger in your own house strikes me as a particularly stupid idea if I were wont to commit a sex crime. Roberts denies that she was in the bathroom with the AV for a half hour and says there wasn't money being put under the door? Or just that she wasn't in the bathroom and so no one was slipping money under the door to her? I ask because if she were close enough to the bathroom to know that no one was slipping money under the door, wouldn't she have heard something or seen something? The two women leave. By now the AV is intoxicated and can't tell her where she lives. Roberts calls a complaint to the police but lies about why she is there. Roberts drives to Kroger's. The AV won't/can't get out of her car. The security guard comes over. A cop comes. The AV is taken to a drunk tank because she can't tell anyone where she lives. If the AV was so intoxicated that she didn't know where she lived at around one a.m., how is she going to make an identification? I'm not sure a rape didn't happen, and she probably had drugs in her system, either by herself or by someone slipping something to her, but the whole story does not sound believable to me. I would also like to know how the rape ended. Did all the guys zip up and open the door and leave and she followed, not saying anything to anyone else, including Roberts? We can debate whether or not the victim was smiling when she fell down on the steps, but she apparently never told anyone that she was raped. When Roberts calls the police, the AV doesn't say, tell them I've been raped. When the security guard sees her, she doesn't say, I've been raped. She doesn't tell the cop who picks her up at Kroger's. It's only after she gets to the drunk tank. I guess she could have been so wasted she couldn't say, but... Here's an alternate scenario: The AV has been so intoxicated she has a blackout until she comes around at the drunk tank. She is suddenly in pain (she fell down the back stairs, may have been injured at another engagement earlier). Vaguely remembers the hostile party. "I've been raped."

    Re: DA Moves to Reinstate Old Charges Against Duk (none / 0) (#128)
    by Jlvngstn on Wed Apr 26, 2006 at 12:20:41 PM EST
    And of course IMHO - You have spent more than 90% of your postings on this thread committed to information supporting the alleged victim and only one post discussing her criminal past, why is that if you are not taking sides? So which is it, are you just a blowhard who could care less about this woman or not?

    Re: DA Moves to Reinstate Old Charges Against Duk (none / 0) (#129)
    by Teresa on Wed Apr 26, 2006 at 12:21:38 PM EST
    Posted by Jlvngstn April 26, 2006 10:42 AM IMHO - If you haven't sent her any money, why not?
    Jlvngstn, what do you add to this conversation? No one knows the whole story in this case and we're just having a discussion. Sure the evidence so far supports the defense but have you seen all the DA's evidence? I haven't and I will wait until then to make up my mind. At this point I would vote not guilty if I were on a jury but I haven't seen the other side's evidence yet.

    Re: DA Moves to Reinstate Old Charges Against Duk (none / 0) (#130)
    by Jlvngstn on Wed Apr 26, 2006 at 12:26:57 PM EST
    Same could be asked of you Teresa. What I add is that these young men have not been found guilty in a court of law for sexual assault, yet their name in inextricably linked with it forever. I add that the american appetite for gossip and public lynching is sickening. I add that there are a lot of blowhards on this site judging these men and holding this woman up as a victim and doing absolutely nothing for her. That is either disingenuous or apathy. I have already stated that I feel I am no longer adding, yet you have encouraged me to respond. So read the post where I mention it, it might save you a few keystrokes.

    Theresa, ditto about the bad reporting. I found a story a couple days ago that had Nifong placing the rape sometime after Roberts left the party for good and she and some of the men were on the lawn exchanging insults with each other. It had to have been written sometime after the initial statements by Nifong on the case and before the search warrants had been released. I thought, aha! that's why no one noticed the AV being raped, most everyone was out on the lawn yelling at Roberts. Turns out Nifong has always alleged the rape happened between 12 and 12:30. Just bad information. The way the human mind works is that when the facts don't fit your beliefs, you try to bend the facts to fit your beliefs. If the AV said Seligmann was getting oral sex from the victim for a half hour and Seligmann couldn't have been there for a half hour, then maybe he left and the AV didn't notice or never mentioned it. No DNA? Maybe it was a foreign object and not a penis. I always wonder why some crime cases become sensations and others cause barely a blink. Over at Gilliard's THE NEWS BLOG, the discussion is more about the individuals involved in this case being iconic figures in a morality tale, with the rich white boys being evil and the victim undoubtedly being exploited by those who think they can get away with anything. Any deviation from the party line proves you're racist woman-hating scum. Much of the discussion over at Tom Maguire's site presumes another unjustified charge from the peasantry against their class. Well, not all privileged white college boys rape strippers and not all strippers lie. But some do. The discovery process will be interesting.

    There are other sites?

    This is Bob In Pacifica's time line. My comments are in bold font. 11:30. Kim Roberts shows up at the house but the other stripper hasn't arrived, so she waits outside. 11:?. AV shows up. The appt. was for 11:30 and I have read she was about 20 minutes late, 11:50?? Midnight. The two strippers go inside and dance for three minutes. A clown in the audience makes a remark about a broom handle. Women leave. Where do they go? Into the bathroom to paint their nails? Out to the car? Are they in the bathroom briefly,(Kim changes into jeans/sweater?) then out to the car? 12:?. One of the men at the party goes out to the car where the two women are, apologizes and convinces the two women to return. 12:05 - 12:20?? Do they both return? Does the accuser return to get her shoe (as Bissey overheard) while the player is still convincing Kim to come back in? Is this the 10 minutes the defense claims the accuser was alone in the house? Could the attack have taken place when Kim was in the car? 12:?. The two women return, are immediately "separated." Three men pull the AV into the bathroom and rape her for thirty minutes. Meanwhile, Roberts is somewhere else for thirty minutes. 12:05 - 12:20 This is the alternate to Kim remaining in the car. They both go in. Maybe Kim is occupied dancing or whatever while the accuser is being assaulted. 12:?. The women leave the house. The AV apparently falls down on the stairs.(Does she attempt to go back inside to get her cell phone, missing fingernails, makeup bag?)12:30? This is when the defense says the accuser was trying to get back in, but they locked her out. 12:41. The AV is in Roberts' car. Roberts and the men are arguing with each other. Aside from a couple of snippets that Nifong quotes, I haven't seen any medical report from the rape unit. I recall Rita cosby quoting from the report and saying the nurse's own words were "Severe vaginal trauma" Does anyone know where the AV was prior to showing up at the party? Did she have an earlier job? How often in the prior week did she do stripping or escort work? She got the call for this job at 8:30 pm. Her father says they went to the store together sometime after then to get soda for her and candy for her kids. He says she called him on her way to the party for directions and she sounded "normal." I don't know who dropped her off at the party. As far as her work schedule - I don't know. There is this quote: "The accuser had worked for an escort company for two months, doing one-on-one dates about three times a week." Now, you are going to have to convince sarcastic unnamed one that paid sex may have taken place on these dates, if I remember correctly. he was dead set against the notion (just kidding SUO).

    Re: DA Moves to Reinstate Old Charges Against Duk (none / 0) (#134)
    by Teresa on Wed Apr 26, 2006 at 01:24:25 PM EST
    Guys, per the attorneys, Kim arrived at 11 and the accuser around 11:30.

    Re: DA Moves to Reinstate Old Charges Against Duk (none / 0) (#135)
    by Teresa on Wed Apr 26, 2006 at 01:29:13 PM EST
    The Newsweek article says 11:15 and 11:45. I have seen interviews of defense attorneys and read other timelines that say 11 and 11:30. I'll look for them.

    Good one, imho. ;-) Although, somehow I missed a step here somehow -- what's an "AV?" Accusor/victim?

    Re: DA Moves to Reinstate Old Charges Against Duk (none / 0) (#137)
    by Teresa on Wed Apr 26, 2006 at 01:54:48 PM EST
    The April 23 New York Times article also has the 11:30 timeline. I saw James Williams, attorney for the defense also state this but I can't find a transcript. I'll quit now since the arrival time may not be that important. I do wonder what they did for so long if they only started dancing at midnight.

    Although, somehow I missed a step here somehow -- what's an "AV?" Accusor/victim?
    alleged victim? (it was from Bob's time line)

    I recall reading the appt. was for 11:30 .

    Re: DA Moves to Reinstate Old Charges Against Duk (none / 0) (#140)
    by chew2 on Wed Apr 26, 2006 at 02:13:42 PM EST
    The discovery process will be interesting.
    This is not a civil case. I don't think there is any discovery process in a criminal case, except the prosecution is obligated to disclose exculpatory evidence to the defense. Judging by what we've seen, the discovery process in this case will consist of self serving and probably deceptive leaks and statements to the press.

    Re: DA Moves to Reinstate Old Charges Against Duk (none / 0) (#142)
    by chew2 on Wed Apr 26, 2006 at 02:46:39 PM EST
    GSDfan Thanks, I didn't bother to look at cases. A very expansive reading of the word "object". What is the internet site for NC caselaw and statutes?

    Jlvngstn posted:
    And of course IMHO - You have spent more than 90% of your postings on this thread committed to information supporting the alleged victim and only one post discussing her criminal past, why is that if you are not taking sides?
    Yeah, I got a hat tip from TalkLeft for breaking that story here. I was also the first to post about the defense team''s NO DNA FOUND press conference. I post any information I come across that I haven't already seen posted here and try to answer any questions asked. I'm just trying to put out as much information as I can and correct any statements I think are contradicted by what few facts we have. I have no idea who is telling the truth here. I have a lot of criticism for the defense attorneys tactics, and while I am discouraged that the players are following their advice, I don't take that as a sign of their guilt. I'm flattered you dusted off your calculator to quantify my posting habits. I can't say I'm as interested in yours, but I have noticed you've spend a good amount of time posting about inmyhumbleopinion - and with such passion!

    This sounds pretty screwy.... time.com
    The crucial photo was taken, defense sources say, at approximately 12:41 a.m., and shows the accuser calmly being helped into a car to leave the party. Taken together with other time- stamped photos from earlier in the evening, it is crucial to the defense argument that there was not enough time that night for a rape to occur. In fact, prosecutors will argue, that photo actually shows the accuser being dropped off at the party, not leaving it, and that it was taken well before midnight. In that photo, the accuser is shown in a black or dark-colored car, which matches a description of the car defense and prosecution sources say dropped her off at the party. The person in the driver seat of that car is not Kim Roberts, whom prosecutors will argue drove the accuser away from the party after the alleged rape.
    Later in the article they describe the car Kim drove off in as white. In the second 911 call Kim describes her car as "dark blue, it looks black at night."

    The revelation of a possible contradiction of the time-stamped photos has caused dissension within the ranks of the defense attorneys for the players. Leaking the photos was "a grevious strategic error that was not approved by any other member of the defense," an attorney for one of the players not yet charged in the case tells TIME. "The person who released them did not have the authority. The [attorneys] who are in the crosshairs would make that call. The person who released them is going to be looking at the bad end of a bar complaint after this is over," said the attorney.

    In the 911 call made at Krogers at 1:22, Kim Roberts clearly states the color of the car is blue but looks black at night.

    Re: DA Moves to Reinstate Old Charges Against Duk (none / 0) (#147)
    by Teresa on Wed Apr 26, 2006 at 03:48:21 PM EST
    The crucial photo was taken, defense sources say, at approximately 12:41 a.m., and shows the accuser calmly being helped into a car to leave the party.
    The picture we saw shows her leg sticking out of a car and the rest of her body seems to be almost laying on the front seat. That doesn't sound the same as being calmly helped to the car. I don't see how she could be just arriving and getting out of the car in such a backwards position. Why would the prosecution say Kim was in a white car when Kim says it's dark blue? Is the taxi driver actually correct and Kim lied on the 911 call so as not to identify herself in any way like she did about her reasons for being in front of the house? This article makes me even more confused. I wish we knew what pictures, if any, the DA has from the cameras taken on March 16 from the house. Why would an attorney suggest a complaint may be filed about the pictures being released if they only help the defense? Why would you care if you were a defense attorney and they don't hurt your client?

    AV is "alleged victim." It's been used at other sites too. If the dancing didn't start until midnight were Roberts and the AV outside or in the house? One reason I ask is that if they walked through the door at midnight and someone handed her a doctored drink, that would strike me as a fast-acting drug. chew2, discovery might not be the correct term, but at some point the prosecution has to show the defense what they have, not just "exculpatory" evidence. The prosecution can't just spring things on them during the trial. What's exculpatory would be debatable anyway. At some point the prosecution will have to show their hand, and I presume the sharing of information will begin soon. Depending on how it reflects on their clients, we'll be hearing about it, like we heard about the negative DNA tests. I asked at another site what evidence there is that a rape occurred, and I'll repeat it here. Someone brought up the rape testing, but from what I've seen all we know are a couple of phrases from that report that Nifong used: "vaginal tearing" and injuries "consistent with rape." The rest is allegation. One would hope that Nifong has some kind of solid evidence, and perhaps he does. Maybe photographs from picture phones and seized computers. Maybe there will be DNA testing results that will blow the men's version out of the water. But if the case remains they said/she said without any other evidence, and her identifications can't be believed, I don't see much likelihood for a successful prosecution.

    Is the taxi driver actually correct and Kim lied on the 911 call so as not to identify herself in any way like she did about her reasons for being in front of the house?
    The security guard is standing right next to the car when she asks Kim the make, model and color of her car and relays the info to the 911 dispatcher. If the car was white the security guard would have noticed.

    Is everyone else ready to agree that a 30-minute rape seems too long for any timeline?

    Is everyone else ready to agree that a 30-minute rape seems too long for any timeline?
    I am. Time flies when you're havin' fun, when you're not ...

    Re: DA Moves to Reinstate Old Charges Against Duk (none / 0) (#152)
    by Teresa on Wed Apr 26, 2006 at 04:16:29 PM EST
    The security guard is standing right next to the car when she asks Kim the make, model and color of her car and relays the info to the 911 dispatcher. If the car was white the security guard would have noticed.
    I thought the security guard was still inside the store and hadn't gone outside yet? Am I dreaming that?

    Am I dreaming that?
    I can hear the accuser sobbing in the background of the call. The security guard must be standing right by the car.

    Duke lacrosse players cite money dispute
    Several Duke lacrosse players who say they were at a team party the night of the alleged rape of a 27-year-old woman have told ESPN's George Smith that an argument over money and the amount of time two exotic dancers were expected to perform was at the center of a dispute that night. The players, who agreed to speak with ESPN on the condition their names not be used, also admitted that slurs and bad language were used by some players and the dancers during the argument.

    Posted by chew2 April 26, 2006 03:46 PM GSDfan Thanks, I didn't bother to look at cases. A very expansive reading of the word "object". What is the internet site for NC caselaw and statutes? Chew2, Your earlier post brought up what I thought was a very good legal question about the way different states define felonies/misdemanors. I think it's a badly written law and could definitely use clarification. Then I get your response. In which you make a point of how you didn't bother to read my post and then ask me for the web address. I suggest you get off of your lazy "object" and look for it yourself. I know, you're probably sitting already, but at least shift around a little bit.

    Susannah Meadows, a senior writer Newsweek on CBS The Early Show talking about the 'Sex, Lies & Duke' article. Nifong's great white hope:
    "There may be DNA. In this first round of tests, they did find DNA under the woman's fingernails. But the tests, as to whose it was, were inconclusive," she said." There are new tests that are expected back," she adds, and these tests could lead to other conclusions. "

    Re: DA Moves to Reinstate Old Charges Against Duk (none / 0) (#157)
    by Teresa on Wed Apr 26, 2006 at 04:41:55 PM EST
    I can hear the accuser sobbing in the background of the call. The security guard must be standing right by the car.
    On the second call to 911, the one from Kroger, the security guard says that they are at the customer service desk. But I agree, Kim says it's blue and looks black at night so she wouldn't have lied knowing the police were on the way. So I guess the prosecutor's office per Time.com is wrong?

    Hi GSDfan, I guess I should mind my own business, but... I didn't take chew2's post to mean that he/she didn't read the cases you posted, but that he/she had not thought to look up cases like you did and he/she was thanking you for doing so and was interested in reading more on the topic.

    Re: DA Moves to Reinstate Old Charges Against Duk (none / 0) (#159)
    by Teresa on Wed Apr 26, 2006 at 04:51:09 PM EST
    So I guess the prosecutor's office per Time.com is wrong?
    Sorry to quote myself, but I read the article again. The article does not say the prosecutor's office says the car was white. That was the cabbie. The prosecutor's office (per the article) only says the picture stamped at 12:41 is from earlier when she arrived and not from when she is leaving.

    Re: DA Moves to Reinstate Old Charges Against Duk (none / 0) (#160)
    by chew2 on Wed Apr 26, 2006 at 05:09:46 PM EST
    Then I get your response. In which you make a point of how you didn't bother to read my post and then ask me for the web address.
    Relax. I meant I hadn't bothered to look up cases in forming my original opinion. I did read the case language you cited. Perhaps that wasn't clear. I wanted to know whether there was a convenient searchable website for NC caselaw and statutes. I don't have access to Lexis/Nexis which costs money. Way too much white male testosterone on this site.

    I had not read this before: abcnews.com
    The security guard left the scene as police were questioning the alleged victim. According to police affidavits, the woman told police while she was in the Kroger parking lot that she had been sexually assaulted at a party.
    From nbc17.com Radio Tapes Released From Night Of Alleged Duke Rape POSTED: 1:40 pm EDT April 26, 2006 UPDATED: 2:08 pm EDT April 26, 2006
    The audio recording is of a conversation between a Durham police officer and police dispatcher the beginning at 12:58 a.m. March 14.
    The audio recording begins when an officer responds to the scene of the party, a house on Buchanan Street. The officer tells the dispatcher that the alleged victim had apparently already left the scene. The recording resumes when the same officer responds to another 911 call from a Kroger grocery store security guard at about 1:30 a.m. The guard called to report a woman in the parking lot who would not get out of someone else's car.
    If the same officer that knocked on the door of 610 N Buchanan also responded to Krogers, did Kim tell him she picked the accuser up on N Buchanan? If the accuser told him she had been raped at a party did he put the two calls together? Did Kim hear her say she had been raped? If the accuser said she had been raped while still at Krogers why the trip to the substance abuse center?

    Re: DA Moves to Reinstate Old Charges Against Duk (none / 0) (#162)
    by chew2 on Wed Apr 26, 2006 at 05:28:49 PM EST
    IMHO, Re: the team members talking to ESPN.
    Defense attorneys had no comment on the ESPN story.
    Sounds like an attorney approved interview. Selective leaks to the press, but they wouldn't let the team members talk to the police when this prosecution could have been nipped in the bud.

    Re: DA Moves to Reinstate Old Charges Against Duk (none / 0) (#163)
    by chew2 on Wed Apr 26, 2006 at 06:09:51 PM EST
    IMHO and Teresa, I'm confused about the car colors. Could one of the dancers have driven up in a white car, and the other in a dark car. They leave together in the white car. But they later switch to the other one's dark car (why I'm not sure), and wind up at the Kroger lot in the dark car. The father seems to state that his daughter drove herself to the team house. So there might have been two cars there.

    Re: DA Moves to Reinstate Old Charges Against Duk (none / 0) (#164)
    by Teresa on Wed Apr 26, 2006 at 06:16:15 PM EST
    I'm confused about the car colors. Could one of the dancers have driven up in a white car, and the other in a dark car. They leave together in the white car. But they later switch to the other one's dark car (why I'm not sure), and wind up at the Kroger lot in the dark car. The father seems to state that his daughter drove herself to the team house. So there might have been two cars there
    I can't quit laughing. The scenarios we keep coming up with! I'm very confused about this whole situation. Everything I've read says the accuser was dropped off so I can't figure out where the white car comes in.

    I think the cab driver is mistaken about the color of the car. He wasn't asked about this until four weeks later.

    Duke Rape Case Raises Issue of Protecting Identity of Accused" Wednesday, April 26, 2006 By Wendy McElroy The accusation of rape against two Duke University students has set loose the media equivalent of a lynch mob. To the media mobsters, trials seem to be a legal nicety, not a necessity, to ascertain guilt. The names and photos of the accused are smeared across network television in what sometimes seems to be a conscious effort to destroy lives. Meanwhile, so much as hinting at the accuser's initials is strictly forbidden. The imbalance is wrong.

    Re: DA Moves to Reinstate Old Charges Against Duk (none / 0) (#167)
    by Teresa on Wed Apr 26, 2006 at 06:46:30 PM EST
    I hate to admit that I am going to watch Rita Cosby but she said she has a major bombshell tonight at 10 about the photos. She says it may blow Reade Seligmann's alibi. (How???) I think it's about the Time article that imho linked. She's on MSNBC.

    I hate to admit that I am going to watch Rita Cosby
    Me too. Can't wait. Thanks.

    I always found it curious that there was no mention of the substance abuse center for the first couple of weeks. It would be curious that the AV would be saying this at Kroger's and Roberts didn't hear. Maybe Kim was shopping inside, but wouldn't her first concern be getting the other woman out of the car? And, repeating others, why would you take someone who said she was raped to the SAC instead of a hospital. If the cop were concerned about her intoxication AND a possible rape, wouldn't a hospital be the appropriate place to go?

    Selective leaks to the press, but they wouldn't let the team members talk to the police when this prosecution could have been nipped in the bud.
    The behavior of the defense clearly indicates their concern that the facts are not unambiguous here, so they are playing it safe. At this time the strategy of keeping quiet and selectively counter-punching seems to be working out well for them. I'm sure they want to stay flexible. I wouldn't expect any change. As for the timeline, the available evidence points to the accuser and the other stripper leaving the party together and for good somewhere around 12:50am or 12:55pm. Consider the neighbor's testimony (he saw them leave together around that time), the time of the first 911 call (12:53am), and the time of the 911 call from Kroger's (1:22am). I would not consider it unusual for there to be 30 minutes or so between leaving the party and calling the police from Kroger's even if the two locations are relatively close. Remember, when she left the party, the second stripper was planning on taking the accuser home. It would obviously take some time to figure out that this wasn't going to happen, to formulate alternative plans, and to finally decide to contact the police from Kroger's.

    According to the first search warrant, the reason the accuser and the other dancer went back into the house was that one of the players apologized and requested that they return and continue the dancing. According to Bissey:
    "...the young women were back in the car in front, and one of the young men was leaning into the driver's side door, speaking with her. But at that point, the situation seemed to calm down a little bit, and they were able, I guess, to convince one of the girls to go back inside. And that's at the point where I overheard her talking about going back and getting her shoe. So the young ladies went back into the house, and at that point, nobody was out in the alley."
    Comment: Bissey seems unclear as to whether both women returned to the house or just the one. The defense attorneys have only the accuser return to the house. From MSNBC:
    The women go out to the second stripper's car at about 12:20, but the accuser has left her purse behind; she goes back inside to get it, according to Ekstrand.
    Comment: If the dancers hurried away, as Bissey claims, then perhaps the 12:41 time stamped photo may have been snapped closer to 12:52, the time Bissey estimates the car drove off, then perhaps the 12:31 timestamp estimates also need to be inched forward by ten minutes. Between the time he saw the dancer{s) return to the house, and he saw them drive away, Bissey estimated that 20-30 minutes passed. If the accuser went back into the house at 12:20, and came back out at 12:41, at which point she fell on the stairs and had to be helped to the car (12:50?) that timeline would line up extremely well with what Bissey observed. I don't have the slightest incentive to believe the timestamps are accurate. Does anyone else?

    Rita Cosby's bombshell was so lame. Teresa was right, it was about the white car the cab driver saw Kim get into. Pretty much what is covered in the Time article. time.com

    Re: DA Moves to Reinstate Old Charges Against Duk (none / 0) (#173)
    by Teresa on Wed Apr 26, 2006 at 07:28:29 PM EST
    I don't have the slightest incentive to believe the timestamps are accurate. Does anyone else?
    PB, Dan Abrams said he talked to the defense's photo expert and he said he can verify the sequence of the photos but NOT the times.

    Re: DA Moves to Reinstate Old Charges Against Duk (none / 0) (#174)
    by Teresa on Wed Apr 26, 2006 at 07:37:01 PM EST
    Teresa was right, it was about the white car the cab driver saw Kim get into. Pretty much what is covered in the Time article.
    They spent most of their time on the color of the car and very little on the time-stamps mentioned in the article. If they did mess with the time, there was plenty of time for a rape and for the cabbie to return just as they've put the accuser in the car and Kim yells at them and then drives off. I think Mr. Seligmann's alibi is still fine except he lost his eyewitness that he really was dropped off at the dorm and didn't just loan his card out. If there was a rape, I really do think she picked the wrong guy with him. (is TL going to cut us off soon? I really am reading all the other threads and I really like this blog.)

    There are 173 comments, this thread is closed. You can continue the discussion here where there also is new information on the case.

    Posted by chew2 at April 26, 2006 12:11 PM GSDfan The sexual assault felony statute speaks of penetration by an "object". I read that not to include a part of the body like the hand or finger. So it looks like penetration by a finger would just be sexual battery, a misdemeanor.
    Chew 2, If you read the statute again, it clearly states ANY object. Not "an" object or a foriegn object. I agree that the law should be more explicit. However, if you look at NC cases on "digital penetration" and this statute you might have a different opinion of whether it would be considerd a felony. Here are some of the appeal cases where judges upheld prior convictions.

    Posted by chew2 April 26, 2006 10:30 AM BTW if the assailants merely shoved a fist or finger up the AV's private parts, I don't think this would meet the NC statutory definitions of sexual assault or rape. Would it be no more than a misdemeanor assault? Chew2, The law is clear as to the only exceptions (vaginal intercourse and medical purposes. The key difference between the felony and misdemeanor charges (Sexual Battery) is any penetration vs. touching. § 14‑27.1. Definitions. A

    Kalidoggie posted:
    I saw the Rita Crosby interview as well. that Wendy lady sure jumps to some serious conclusions in a hurry with conviction. I thouhgt the other guy made an interesting point: If a woman is violated by a foreign object (not a "live" penis) then under the law it is sodomy, not rape. The two players were charged with rape, not sodomy. He was clearly suggesting that she is changing her story to match the DNA results.
    I think "the other guy" was wrong about the sodomy charge. In N.C. it look like First Degree Sexual Offense (which both Finnerty and Seligmann are charged with) would cover the broom scenario: N.C. GEN. STAT. § 14-27.4 - First Degree Sexual Offense, Class B1 felony