
Boston Plane Diversion: Not Terror Related

I think the flight diversion to Boston of the London plane bound for Washington will turn out to be no big deal, and not related to a terror threat:

Naccara said he did not believe any items she was carrying were the cause of the outburst. An airport spokesman, Phil Orlandella, previously confirmed broadcast reports that the woman was carrying Vaseline, a screw driver, matches and a note referring to al-Qaida, but backed off the statement. Naccara said it wasn't true.

``I don't know what she had on board with her, but we have been told she did not have a screw driver, she did not have any liquids such as Vaseline, and any notebook she may have had, it did not contain an al-Qaida reference,'' Naccara said. ``This is still playing out, of course.'' ``There was speculation in the beginning of all those items, but those have been proven untrue,'' he said. He said he had no information about matches.

A CBS video is here.

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    Oddly enough, CBS is also reporting that in their latest poll bush got a 5 point bounce from this story...

    Re: Boston Plane Diversion: Not Terror Related (none / 0) (#2)
    by jazzcattg1 on Wed Aug 16, 2006 at 01:27:18 PM EST
    The real terrorists are @ 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

    Re: Boston Plane Diversion: Not Terror Related (none / 0) (#4)
    by Lww on Wed Aug 16, 2006 at 02:55:17 PM EST
    Since Israel took a shellackin and Joe Lieberman lost the primary you can see a definite shift in the media coverage of "the war on terror." It just got a little more shrill; we were literally bombarded(literally) with stories that would make us all feel the fear which these warmongers need so badly. "Terror in the sky" headlines were all over the news shows. Even CNN, which by far has the best coverage of the war in Lebanon got into the act. So why the upsurge of fear-mongering in the media? You would think there's dozens of anti-war candidates out there, right? Well, most candidates are basically the same; ready to follow Israel into the abyss. It looks like a case of the bell-sh*ts: a term used to describe firemen who get excited when they hear the bell go off in the firehouse.

    Re: Boston Plane Diversion: Not Terror Related (none / 0) (#5)
    by Lww on Wed Aug 16, 2006 at 07:14:53 PM EST
    Does anyone think it's insulting to hear the term "war on terror", when we all know it's a war that can never end? Like the BS wars on poverty,drugs,homelessness,AIDS and alot more? Tl has a link for the "war on terror." You're going to run out of space. "Homeland" is another one. That's Orwellian as hell. Where's Roger when you need em?

    Re: Boston Plane Diversion: Not Terror Related (none / 0) (#6)
    by Lww on Thu Aug 17, 2006 at 03:27:16 PM EST
    Heres something to chew on. Roger, you should really read it.