
More Evidence Rogue Dems On Torture Were Politically Stupid

(Guest Post by Big Tent Democrat)

To a topic discussed here and here, now, ironically MYDD brings more evidence:

Among registered voters, President Bush's approval rating stands at 40 percent, with 50 percent disapproving. Among likely voters, his approval rating is the same but his disapproval rating is four points higher. But among the most likely voters, the President's approval rating is 47 percent, with 47 percent disapproving.

. . . If we are to glean anything from this poll it is this: If only the voters who go to the polls on November 7 are those who essentially need no prompting from either party, then the Democrats should be able to pull off a narrow victory in overall balloting. If, however, Democrats can turn out the category of voters who are highly interested but will need at least some cajoling, then they have the potential of scoring a profound victory in five and a half weeks.

These numbers just underscore the fact that we need to do everything we can to ensure that our voters get to the polls this year. . . . Because if we do, we could really upend Washington and begin to institute the change so desperately needed in the country today.

This post is ironic to me. On Thursday, the rogue Democrats did as much of a disservice to GOTV efforts as one could. An accountability project would note this. MYDD seems oblivious.

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    Re: More Evidence Rogue Dems On Torture Were Polit (none / 0) (#1)
    by cpinva on Mon Oct 02, 2006 at 08:29:25 AM EST
    we need to do everything we can to ensure that our voters get to the polls this year. . . .
    we also need to insure they're allowed to vote. party reps should be stationed at every polling place, especially those serving lower income and elderly areas, to challenge any challenge to those person's right to vote. don't delude yourself into thinking this won't happen, it will. the dems must be prepared for this. otherwise, getting people to the polls will have been wasted effort.