Snowball Rummy: The Shrewdest Man in Washington
Sally Quinn inadvertently performs a great public service by demonstrating, in no uncertain terms, how clueless the Beltway Media is:
Don Rumsfeld is the shrewdest person in Washington.
Oh there's more of course but let's consider that one line and think about how clueless and out of touch one would have to be to write that. I would say it gets better but of course, after that start, that is impossible, but this is almost its equal:
It is hard for the American people to turn completely against the president. It seems tantamount to patricide. We're much more comfortable being able to blame someone else for the president's mistakes. Laura Bush will never be the scapegoat. For now, it's [Snowball] Rumsfeld.
Lakoff vindicated one might say - strict father and all that. Except for the fact that the President's rating are in the 30s. Oh and the only for GOP Presidents Sally Quinn rule. See, she led the charge against Clinton trashing "her town."
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