
Shell-shocked pres blows his first press conference

Wow, Bush not only looked like a deer in the headlights, he started spilling some of the truth. He's sure going to regret admitting that he told a blatant lie to the country eight days ago about something as important as the wartime Sec of Defense just to get those pesky reporters to shut up and go on to the next question.

Then he admitted that he really thought the Rs were going to win last night. So he's in deep denial about two countries. Interesting. At least Iraq he has the excuse that he lives 8,000 miles away. But he's apparently not living in this country.

And how annoying for him to trot out that old yarn about how he was bipartisan in Texas, where all the Ds are as conservative as the Rs, so it's just a name-difference and they're all working for the same thing. He had the audacity to pretend that he tried the same in DC. He's the one who decided to put Rove in charge to run a scorched earth White House for six years. For the "values" and "accountability" party, he sure is pathetic at owning up to his own choices.

Nice to see Uncle Rummy fired, though. It was funny, to watch how I bought into some of the DC/media BS on that, though. I was watching CNN at the time and fired off a text msg to several friends, just a quick "Rummy resigns." (I hate texting, so I was too lazy to include the "Uncle.") Thirty seconds later, I was shaking my head at myself. He didn't resign, he was fired. I can't believe I was taken in by that shit, even for a minute, or that the press will likely be taken in indefinitely.

I just checked and the NYT headline right now (about 30 minutes later) is "Rumsfeld Resigns as Defense Secretary After Big Election Gains for Democrats." CNN actually did a lot better: "Rumsfeld stepping down." CNN's lede repeats that wording. They're not quite saying fired, but at least they'r not pretending he resigned.

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    Smoke and Mirrors? (none / 0) (#1)
    by Edger on Thu Nov 09, 2006 at 10:30:08 AM EST
    Rumsfeld was fired. That was pretty obvious, I think. As far as I remember the morning of elction day Bush was still praising him with his "heck of a job" shtick even after the Army Times called for his head.

    I have my own theory, mostly because I'm convinced that Bush & Cheney fully intend to push their Middle East/Iran agenda via Gates regardless of the congressional power shift. I honestly don't think they give a damn what happened on Tuesday, and I think any faked honesty or 'conciliatory' moves from Bush/Cheney are diversions.
    Who do you think really did the firing, or pressured Bush into it?

    note (none / 0) (#2)
    by Edger on Thu Nov 09, 2006 at 10:39:27 AM EST
    btw, I believe now that I misread Muravchik's comments about Rumsfeld, which led me to think he'd be staying.
